Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meeting

Jan 19-22, 2007 Palm Springs, CA  Pre-Conference Courses Jan 15-18        

Registration   Speakers & Talks  


2007 Conference

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2007 StoryCon Meeting
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First Timer     Orientation     Speakers     2004 Registration    Abstracts  Endorsements

2004 Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning, Positive Psychology, StoryCon Meeting Schedule

The Conference Will Be Covered by Live Broadcast on nationally Syndicated
 IE AMERICA RADIO Network noon-3:00 PM Fri, Mon, and Tuesday

Register Early for the 2005 Meeting and Get the BEST deal

Saturday, Feb 6 Special Dinner with Entertainer, Swami Beyondananda.
$35 before the day of the dinner $39 on Saturday.
Sign up using this DINNER REGISTRATION FORM and fax it in or bring it with you to the meeting.

Pre-conference Courses Wednesday Feb 4 and Thursday Feb 5

Joel and Judith Lubar       Wed, Thurs 9-12 1:30- 5:30
Sue and Sig Othmer         Wed, Thurs 9-12 1:30- 5:30
Rae Tattenbaum               Wed, Thurs 9-12 1:30- 5:30
Anna Wise                       Wed, Thurs 9-12 1:30- 5:30
Intro to QEEG               Wed, Thurs 9-12 1:30- 5:30
One Day Multi Speaker Neurofeedback Foundations Course Thurs. 8-12, 2-5, 7-9 or 10

Within the Conference you'll find some special themes in addition to Brain, Neuofeedback, Biofeedback and QEEG.

StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story

Optimal Functioning, Positive Psychology Sports Psychology and Consciousness

Post Conference Workshops

Dave Siever

D H Wong

Tom Collura


Friday Can AAPB's Neurofeedback Div. and the Int. Soc. Neuronal Regulation Get It Together as a Profession and as a Field?

Friday Eve Tapping the Depths of the Unconscious

Friday Evening Tech Panels at 9:00

Saturday The Frontal Lobes, Attachment and Affect Regulation Allan Schore, Sebern Fisher, Carol Schneider

Sunday Evening Panel "To Q or not to Q"

Sunday Evening Panel The biological bases of neurofeedback,"Why does Neurofeedback Work? Underlying physiology.  Gunkelman, Othmer

Monday Neurotechnologies of the Spirit; Emergent Properties as Spirituality Evolves on the Wheel of Science

Monday Panel on Migraine Headache

Tues Panel on Successful Practices Swingle, Bright

Schedule   Abstracts    Registration   Endorsements

Plenary Talks Schedule

Feb 6 Friday

Feb 7 Saturday
Track A Track B Track A Track B

Friday Morning A

7:00 Kamran Fallahpour, An Invitation for Evidenced Based Neurofeedback Research

7:15  Dr. Wolfdieter Diersch Neurofeedback – Quo Vadis? Controversies In The Field Of Neurofeedback

7:30 Linda & Tom Brownback Pathways Through the Brain

8:10 Les Fehmi, Ph.D. Synchrony Versus Asynchrony, There Lies The Rub

8:50 Break

9:05 Rob Kall Welcome to the Meeting,

9:15 Sig Othmer Seeking a unitary perspective on biofeedback and neurofeedback.

9:55 Joel Lubar Current Status of Neurofeedback: Where We Have Been, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

10:45 Exhibit Break

11:00 Joe Kamiya The Future of the Profession and the Field of BF

11:30 Panel The Future of the Profession and the Field of BFJoe Kamiya BF

12:30 tech show three minute presentations by exhibitors TT, brainmaster, Biocomp, J&J,

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Friday Evening A

7:00 Victoria Ibric, M.D Neurofeedback training in chronic pain syndromes

7:30 Keith Sedlacek Biofeedback Treatment of Vascular Disorders; Raynauds, Hypertension and Migraine Headaches.

7:45 Liana Mattulich Human Potential: Engaging Brain Plasticity and Immune Response through Neurofeedback. Convergence of the New String Theory Physics

8:15 Beverly Steffert "A colourful look at the Brain"….

8:35 Michael O'Bannon EEG-Driven Music Composition for Neurotherapy

9:00 Break

9:05 Craig Webb The Science and Applications of Dreams & Lucid Awareness

9:45 Panel: Tapping the Depths of the Unconscious Craig Webb

Friday Morning B

7:00 James Bonnet The New Story-Mind Connection: Story Patterns Reveal a New Model of the Psyche

8:00 David Trudeau, M.D. You can be an Author

8:10 Ray Bergen How to Embrace the Feminine World, Save the Planet and Live to Tell the Story

8:50 Exhibit Break

9:05 Rob Kall welcome to the meeting in Room B

9:20 Rob Kall Mythic aspects of healing and growth processes.

9:45 Steve Barnes Chakras and the levels of personality; Connecting the Inner writer and the Outer Work

10:45 Exhibit break

11:05 Gary Schwartz Science of story; Eight Realities: Expanding the Stories We Conceive The World With

12:05 Thom Hartmann How Stories, Legends and Myths have Caused Global Problems

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Friday Evening B

7:00 Valdeane Brown The 7 Hz Resonances of NF Training: A Central Role For the Thalamic Pacemaker

7:30 Corwin Bell Intro to Wild Divine

7:40 Rosemary MacGregor Breath Training Toward Peak Performance in the Himalayas

7:55  Judith Lubar Combining Neurofeedback with Meditation, Energy Medicine, and Hypnotherapy Techniques

8:35 Bill Hudspeth Changes in coherence During neurofeedback;

9:15 BREAK

9:20 User technology groups: TT, Roshi, Neurocare, Brainmaster Check for meeting location.

Saturday A

7:00 Hyla Cass Natural Treatments For Disorders of Mind, Mood, and Behavior

7:30 Michael Linden QEEG Subtypes of Autism Spectrum Disorders & ADD

8:05 Lynda & Michael Thompson Asperger’s & ADD; Differences and Similarities- Preliminary Observations 40 sat

8:45 Exhibit Break

9:00 Vietta Sue Wilson Pain and Bleeding control by a Yogic Master While Piercing: Psychophysiological Correlates

9:20 Robert Thatcher eyes open and eyes closed EEG Difference norms; Sensitivity and Clinical Correlations

9:50Richard Soutar A qEEG Analysis of Single Channel Bipolar Montage Temporal Lobe Training For Cortical Instabilities


10:30 exhibit break

10:45 Craig Webb The Science and Applications of Dreams & Lucid Awareness

11:45 tech show three minute presentations by exhibitors Photosonics, Roshi,

12:15 David Sonnenschein The Sound Mind

1:00 lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

7:30 Optional Conference Dinner, with Comedian Swami Beyondananda after dinner entertainment

Saturday B

7:00 Dan Decker Storymaking as a System of Belief

7:50 Gary Schwartz Recent Advances in Biofield Science and Energy Medicine

8:45 Exhibit Break

9:00 Thom Hartmann The Edison Gene
9:50 Rob Kall The Politicoeconomics of Mind Body Health, Drugs, Education and Consciousness

10:20 Swami Beyondananda

10:30 exhibit Break

10:45 Allan Schore Attachment, the right brain, and the origin of self-regulation

11:45 Sebern Fisher The FPO2 Baby: A case presentation of the neurofeedback training of a 32 year-old multi-parous woman with PTSD and the apparent effects of FPO2 on the affect regulation of mother and the child, in utero and postnatally 20 S

12:05 Panel on Right Frontal Brain Sebern Fisher chair, Allan Schore...
1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops


7:30 Optional Conference Dinner, Entertainment
Excellent full course dinner with meat and vegetarian options. The exciting, funny and always intelligent Comedian Swami Beyondananda after dinner entertainment $35 if paid before Saturday, $39 on Saturday, includes all tax and tips.
Friday Optional Afternoon Workshops

Sat Optional Afternoon Workshops

WD1A4 Joel Lubar Use of Multiple Databases, New EEG Artifacting Techniques and LORETA analysis for Neurofeedback Interventions

WD2A4 Tom and Linda Mason Brownback Functions, Pathologies and Frequencies at Each of the International 10-20 System Placements Within a Fully Integrated Neurofeedback System (BMANS)

WD11A4 Peter Van Deusen Getting the Most from BioExplorer

WD3A2 James Bonnet Archetype and Metaphor: The Secret Language of Great Stories & the Human Mind

WD4B2 WB:Thom Hartmann NLP writing Tools for Success

WD5A2 Hudspeth & Ibric real time QEEG imaging during the actual training session; What the brain does during neurofeedback

WD6B2 K. H. Wong, PhD, BCIAC, BCIA-EEG, ECNS-QEEG Tools, Gears, and Paraphernalia in QEEG

WD7A2 Sue Othmer EEG Training for Pain Syndromes: Theory and Practice

WD8B2 Thompson Asperger’s & ADD; Differences and Similarities- Preliminary Observations

WD9A2 Jan Hoover Operating the C2 for EEG, HRV, RSA and peripheral biofeedback training.

WD10B2 Ray Bergen Healing the Gender Conflict in Three Not So Easy Steps.

WD21A4 Allan Schore: The enduring impact of attachment trauma on the developing right brain: Disorders of self-regulation."
WD22A4 Les Fehmi and and Susan Shor Fehmi, M.S.W. The Potential of the Synchronous Brain; Synchrony Training for Individuals & Adults
WD23A2 Karl Pribram: Brain and Mathematics" which takes David Bohm's ideas on the quantum potential and active information a step forward.
WD24A2 Wendy Maltz Smile Exercises for Physical and Emotional Well-Being
WD25B2 Naras Bhat Authentic Happiness: Seligman Model Made Easy
WD26A2 Steve Barnes Life Writing
WD27B2 Dan Decker The Search for Story is the Search for God
WD28A2 Thom Hartmann ADHD: 2 Hours to Transformation
WD29B2 Jay Gunkelman The Anatomy and Pathophysiology of ADD/ADHD, Tourette's, OCD/ODD", with qEEG patterns shown for all these disorder groupings with their co-morbidities explained.
WD221A2 Liana Mattulich Awakening the Inner Revolution through the synergy of multimodal feedback.
WD222A2 David Sonnenschein Psychoacoustics in Education, Therapy and Entertainment..
WD223B2 Craig Webb Working with Dreams as Powerful Biofeedback for Life
WDBCIA3  6-9:00 PM Lynda and Michael Thompson:  BCIA Review Workshop

Feb 8 Sunday BCIA exam 9:00

Feb 9 Monday
Track A TrackB Track A Track B


7:00Naras Bhat, M.D. Meditation Prescribed by the Doctor

8:00Naras Bhat, M.D. Laughter Yoga: Therapeutic laughter for no other reason 

8:40 Exhibit Break

BCIA exam 9:00

9:00 Thom Hartmann A Return to Democracy: Reviving Jefferson’s Dream

10:00 Sue Othmer EEG Training for the Back Half of Your Head

10:40 Ben Strack The effect of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback on Batting Performance in Baseball

11:00 Exhibit Break

11:15 Rae Tattenbaum "Send In The Clowns" Helping Performers in their continual struggle to stay at their best.

11:55 Wendy Maltz, MSW, The Therapeutic Power of Smiling

 12:25 Vietta Sue Wilson Edutainment

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Sunday Evening

7:30 Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D. Plenary What is Behavioral Optometry and How Can it Help You Or Your Clients?

7:50 Wes Sime

8:20 Hershel Toomim Brain oxygenation proportionally improves Variables of Attention

8:50 stretch break

9:00 Panel the biological bases of neurofeedback,"Why does Neurofeedback Work? Underlying physiology. Gunkelman, Othmer, Hershel Toomim

Sunday B

7:00 Frank Gordon & Tom Collura EEG Changes and Conscious States Associated with Energy Healing

7:15 David Kaiser An EEG Correlate of Consciousness that Makes Sense: Introduction to Rogue Site Analysis (RSA)

7:30 Frank and Mary Deits Our Exciting Stroke: Five Years Later

7:50 Kyle Gabler, David Jimison, Allison Styer Biofeedback in a Wireless Blackhawk-Down-Type Combat Virtual Reality Environment

8:00 Lewis Mehl-Madrona, The brain as mediator between spirit and matter.

8:40 Exhibit Break

BCIA exam 9:00

9:00 Karl Pribram Reassessing Consciousness"

9:40 Anna Wise The Field of Awakened Mind Training – Defining an Emergent Specialty: Using Dynamic EEG, Meditation, and the Interrelationship of the State and the Content of Consciousness to Train Personal Mastery.

10:20 Beverly Rubik The Biofield Model of Life and Healing

11:00 Exhibit Break

11:15 Tom Collura EEG Patterns Associated With Success in a Psi Task; results of a study involving 5620 trials with a well known Psychic

11:30 Carol Schneider Spiritual experiences of a paranormal sort in mystics ,saints and traumatic brain injury. Do these experiences involve an amygdala-hippocampus-temporal lobe connection?

12:00 Gary Schwartz The Afterlife Experiments; New Research on Survival of Consciousness After Death

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Sunday Evening

7:00 Sebern Fisher Which is the Adjunctive Treatment? Psychotherapy and Neurofeedback: Ten important reasons to provide neurofeedback within the therapeutic relationship.

7:20 Peter Van Deusen Brain-Based Training Plan without QEEG

7:50 Paul Swingle Mini Q,

8:20 Discussion on MiniQs

8:40 Robert Gurnee Subtypes of Alcoholism and CNS Depressant Abuse"

9:10 stretch Break

9:15 Panel "To Q or not to Q" Tom Brownback


Monday A

7:00 Martha Lappin EEG Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
7:15 Debra Ann Stokes, Ph.D., Outcome of Fifteen Cases of Migraine Using Neurofeedback With or Without Peripheral measures
7:30 Panel on Migraine Headache Sig Othmer

8:40 Break

9:00  KH Wong QEEG Standards of Practice for EEG Biofeedback Practitioners

9:30 Grant Bright The Value of (Joint Time Frequency Analysis )JTFA in Analyzing EEG

9:50 Valdeane Brown Cutting Edge Visualization Techniques As An Assist in NF Training: Cross Correlation of the AutoCorrelation of Joint Time-Frequency Analysis

10:10 JTFA Discussion Brown and Bright

10:20 Jay Gunkelman "The EEG and the mind/brain problem"

11:00 Break

11:10 Phillip Warren and Janet Nestor Radiant Energies Balance: A flexible, Comprehensive Transformational Tool

11:50 David Siever Helping the Heart With Audio-Visual Entrainment

12:10 Peter Litchfield Breathing Chemistry & Neurofeedback

12:40 Uwe Gerlach Further studies according to our „period 2" model (SMR/Beta and light-sound training): chaos-theoretical guidelines to explain the healing process

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Evening: Free Time

Monday B

 7:00 Len Ochs The Emergent EEG

7:30 Beverly Rubik Changes in Heart Rate Variability Following Inner Yoga, color therapy, acupuncture, qigong, and massage.

8:10 Z’eva Singer The weaving of neurofeedback, family therapy, and psychotherapy

8:40 Break

9:00 Wes Sime and Optimal Athletic Performance Panel

10:00 Don Morgan, Psy.D. Neurofeedback as Technologically Assisted Meditation

10:20 Richard W. Glade Emotions and Meditation: 'Four Great Catalysts of Being'

11:00 Break

11:10 Tom Collura The Neurophysiology of Free Will

11:30 Alfred Collins Enlightenment and Individuation: Integrating Eastern and Western Technologies

12:10 Panel Neurotechnologies of the Spirit; Emergent Properties as Spirituality Evolves on the Wheel of Science Al Collins

1:00 Lunch

Optional Afternoon Workshops

2:00-3:55 workshops
4:05- 6:00 workshops

Evening: Free Time

Sunday Optional Afternoon Workshops Monday Optional Afternoon Workshops
WD30A4 Vietta Sue Wilson & Michael Thompson Introduction to Infiniti, using it for ADHD and Peak Performance
WD31A2 Gary Schwartz The Afterlife Connection; from Theory to Technology Contemporary psychological, physiological and biophysical . Brain mechanisms, mediumship, electronic technologies.
WD32B2 Anna Wise Neurofeedback, Spiritual Crisis and Conscious Awakening: Working with the State and Content of Consciousness
WD33A2 Rae Tatenbaum "Just behind Your Eyes" Creating Mental Imagery and Rehearsal

WD34B2 Carol Schneider Integrating Energy Therapies,EMDR and Neurofeedback in the treatment of closed head injuries with PTSD

WD35A2 Paul Swingle Mini-Q

WD36B2 Robert Thatcher Neuroguide: Clinicial Applications of QEEG

WD37A2 Keith Sedlacek Biofeedback Treatment of Vascular Disorders; Raynauds, Hypertension and Migraine Headaches.

WD38B2 Al Collins The Big Bang: Enlightenment and the Brain” Many have experienced moments of blinding light, when mind and body dissolved and a flood of joy welled up and erupted in laughter.

WD39a2 Sebern Fisher Attachment Disorder and the Neurofeedback and therapeutic approaches to its treatment, in adults and children.

WD331B2 Hershel Toomim Clinical Cerebral Blood Flow HEG workshop

WD332A2 Mike Linden Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

WD333B2 Victoria Ibric Working With Pain

WD40A2 Lewis Mehl Madrona States of brain-mind; states of healing: speaking the language of shamans

WD41B2 Rob Kall Tools for Happiness and Positive Experience

WD42A2 Valdeane Brown The CARE Approach to NF Training: Comprehensive, Adaptive Renormalization of EEG

WD43B2 Beverly Rubik Heart Rate Variability Workshop: How does your HRV Measure Up, and How Do Yoga and Qigong Exercises Affect Your Subtle Physiology?

WD44A22 Peter Van Deusen Beyond Amplitude Training: A practical guide to new options

WD45B2 Don Morgan Yogic breathing and meditative practices; integration with clinical practice

WD46A2 Tom Collura Distance Neurofeedback Training.

WD47B2 Peter Li tchfield THE BRAIN-BREATH CONNECTION: Breathing chemistry and its effects on neurophysiology, emotion, cognition, personality, performance and health

WD48A2 Ben Strack Performance Enhancement for Athletes

WD49B2 Sue Wilson Nothing Succeeds Like Success; How to Use  Psychological Skill Training with  or without Neurofeedback

WD441A2 Frank and Mary Deits Dealing with Stroke: A Look at Alternative Approaches

WD442B2 Richard Soutar Cycles, Spirals, and Resonances: The Reflection of Human Behavior in Neocortical Dynamics.

WD443A2 Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D. Tension, Attention and Intention-- Stress Point Attention and memory Training

WD443B2 Robert Gurnee "QEEG Patterns of Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing and Dyslexia and Treatment Interventions." The multiple subtypes of each of the four above disorders will be presented and relevant EEG Neurofeedback interventions. Research from SPECT, PET and FMRI will also be utilized.


First Timer   Orientation  Speakers    2004 Registration    Abstracts

Feb 10 Tuesday

7:45 Lesley Parkinson Neurofeedback and HEG  for Incontinence

8:00 Edward B. O'Malley, Ph.D. Sleep and Cognitive Performance; neurofeedback implications

8:40 Lobsang Rapgay Mindfulness/CBT based Positive Emotion Enhancement Intervention and EEG Biofeedback

8:55 Tom Boone Building a Busy practice with Effective Simultaneous Training of Multiple Clients

9: 15 Paul Swingle Energy and Emotional Release treatment Procedures that Facilitate Neurotherapy

9:45 stretch break

9:55 Bill Scott The Evolution of Alpha-Theta protocols

10:35 " Nancy White How Old is Too Old for Neurofeedback?

11:00Grant Bright A Viable Business Model for Professional NeuroFeedback

11:30 Paul Swingle Panel on Successful Practices

1:00 Lunch

2:00-3:55 workshops

4:05- 6:00 workshops

Tuesday Optional Afternoon Workshops

WD50A4 David Siever The Physiology of Audio-visual Entrainment (Workshop 1)

WD51A4 Bill Scott and Lobsang Rapgay Integration of Various Biofeedback Modalities Within a Psychotherapeutic Model

WD52A2 Phillip Warren Introductory training in the Radiant Energy Balance (REB) Protocol:.A FLEXIBLE, COMPREHENSIVE, THERAPEUTIC and TRANSFORMATIVE PROTOCOL

WD53B4 Richard Glade Discovering and Dissolving Mind Loops in Meditation Practice

WD54A2 Tom Boone and Tom Collura A novel walk-in timesharing approach to supervised clinical neurofeedback (With Tom Collura)

WD55B2 Grant Bright Viable Business Model for NeuroFeedback


WD57B2 Z'eva Singer Building the Bridge for Emotional Intelligence in the Young Child's Life. 


WD57-C3 David Siever: Treatment Protocols and Operation of the DAVIDAudio-Visual Entrainment Systems. (Workshop 2) contact meeting staff to register.

Tuesday All Day Workshop

Tuesday All Day QEEG Hands-On Workshop       
9-12, 1-5:30
This workshop focuses on practical skills training, especially (Part I)  for practitioners just beginning to or planning to conduct quantitative EEG independently and/or  (Part II) for those who would like first-hand experience using a database, from setting up the hardware, running the software, hooking up electrodes, collecting data, to making sense of the data with or without a reference/normative database.


David Siever Audiovisual entrainment Afternoon and Evening Workshop

2-6 The Physiology of Audio-visual Entrainment

7-10 Treatment Protocols and Operation of the DAVIDAudio-Visual Entrainment Systems.

The options to take the whole course or just the first four hours are both available.

Wednesday, Feb 11

Tom Collura Technical Foundations of Neurofeedback

Wednesday, Feb 11

8-12, 1-5

This workshop will describe the technical foundations of the practice of neurofeedback, including the neurophysiological, electronic, and computer aspects. A signal is traced from its origin in the brain, through the instrumentation, until a visual or auditory feedback signal is presented to the trainee. Principles to be covered include amplifier characteristics, digitization, filtering, graphics and sound, and feedback algorithms. Technical data in the form of digital traces, timing measurements, and statistical summaries, will be presented and discussed. Material covered will not be specific to any particular instrument, and will pertain to all types of equipment.

Each participant will have the opportunity to articulate the technical foundations of EEG neurofeedback, including neurophysiology, electronics, signal processing, and user-interfacing. Understand specifications such as bandwidth, accuracy, and response time, in scientific and engineering terms.

One page Workshop Schedule. Printouts will be available at the meeting, or go here to a printable version in MS Word

Friday workshops
WD1A4 Joel Lubar Use of Multiple Databases, New EEG Artifacting Techniques and LORETA analysis for Neurofeedback Interventions
WD2A4 Tom and Linda Mason Brownback Functions, Pathologies and Frequencies at Each of the International 10-20 System Placements Within a Fully Integrated Neurofeedback System (BMANS)
WD11A4 Peter Van Deusen Getting the Most from BioExplorer WD3A2 James Bonnet Archetype and Metaphor: The Secret Language of Great Stories & the Human Mind
WD4B2 WB:Thom Hartmann NLP writing Tools for Success
WD5A2 Hudspeth & Ibric real time QEEG imaging during the actual training session; What the brain does during neurofeedback
WD6B2 K. H. Wong, PhD, BCIAC, BCIA-EEG, ECNS-QEEG Tools, Gears, and Paraphernalia in QEEG
WD7A2 Sue Othmer EEG Training for Pain Syndromes: Theory and Practice
WD8B2 Thompson Asperger’s & ADD; Differences and Similarities- Preliminary Observations
WD9A2 Jan Hoover Operating the C2 for EEG, HRV, RSA and peripheral biofeedback training.
WD10B2 Ray Bergen Healing the Gender Conflict in Three Not So Easy Steps.
Saturday Workshops
WD21A4 Allan Schore: The enduring impact of attachment trauma on the developing right brain: Disorders of self-regulation."
WD22A4 Les Fehmi and and Susan Shor Fehmi, M.S.W. The Potential of the Synchronous Brain; Synchrony Training for Individuals & Adults
WD23A2 Karl Pribram: Brain and Mathematics" which takes David Bohm's ideas on the quantum potential and active information a step forward.
WD24A2 Wendy Maltz Smile Exercises for Physical and Emotional Well-Being
WD25B2 Naras Bhat Authentic Happiness: Seligman Model Made Easy
WD26A2 Steve Barnes Life Writing
WD27B2 Dan Decker The Search for Story is the Search for God
WD28A2 Thom Hartmann ADHD: 2 Hours to Transformation
WD29B2 Jay Gunkelman The Anatomy and Pathophysiology of ADD/ADHD, Tourette's, OCD/ODD", with qEEG patterns shown for all these disorder groupings with their co-morbidities explained.
WD221A2 Liana Mattulich Awakening the Inner Revolution through the synergy of multimodal feedback.
WD222A2 David Sonnenschein Psychoacoustics in Education, Therapy and Entertainment..
WD223B2 Craig Webb Working with Dreams as Powerful Biofeedback for Life
WDBCIA3  6-9:00 PM Lynda and Michael Thompson:  BCIA Review Workshop
Sunday Workshops
WD30A4 Vietta Sue Wilson & Michael Thompson Introduction to Infiniti, using it for ADHD and Peak Performance
WD31A2 Gary Schwartz The Afterlife Connection; from Theory to Technology Contemporary psychological, physiological and biophysical . Brain mechanisms, mediumship, electronic technologies.
WD32B2 Anna Wise Neurofeedback, Spiritual Crisis and Conscious Awakening: Working with the State and Content of Consciousness
WD33A2 Rae Tatenbaum "Just behind Your Eyes" Creating Mental Imagery and Rehearsal
WD34B2 Carol Schneider Integrating Energy Therapies,EMDR and Neurofeedback in the treatment of closed head injuries with PTSD
WD35A2 Paul Swingle Mini-Q
WD36B2 Robert Thatcher Neuroguide: Clinicial Applications of QEEG
WD37A2 Keith Sedlacek Biofeedback Treatment of Vascular Disorders; Raynauds, Hypertension and Migraine Headaches.
WD38B2 Al Collins The Big Bang: Enlightenment and the Brain” Many have experienced moments of blinding light, when mind and body dissolved and a flood of joy welled up and erupted in laughter.
WD39a2 Sebern Fisher Attachment Disorder and the Neurofeedback and therapeutic approaches to its treatment, in adults and children.
WD331B2 Hershel Toomim Clinical Cerebral Blood Flow HEG workshop
WD332A2 Mike Linden Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
WD333B2 Victoria Ibric Working With Pain
Monday Workshops
WD40A2 Lewis Mehl Madrona States of brain-mind; states of healing: speaking the language of shamans
WD41B2 Rob Kall Tools for Happiness and Positive Experience
WD42A2 Valdeane Brown The CARE Approach to NF Training: Comprehensive, Adaptive Renormalization of EEG
WD43B2 Beverly Rubik Heart Rate Variability Workshop: How does your HRV Measure Up, and How Do Yoga and Qigong Exercises Affect Your Subtle Physiology?
WD44A22 Peter Van Deusen Beyond Amplitude Training: A practical guide to new options
WD45B2 Don Morgan Yogic breathing and meditative practices; integration with clinical practice
WD46A2 Tom Collura Distance Neurofeedback Training.
WD47B2 Peter Li tchfield THE BRAIN-BREATH CONNECTION: Breathing chemistry and its effects on neurophysiology, emotion, cognition, personality, performance and health
WD48A2 Ben Strack Performance Enhancement for Athletes
WD49B2 Sue Wilson Nothing Succeeds Like Success; How to Use  Psychological Skill Training with  or without Neurofeedback
WD441A2 Frank and Mary Deits Dealing with Stroke: A Look at Alternative Approaches
WD442B2 Richard Soutar Cycles, Spirals, and Resonances: The Reflection of Human Behavior in Neocortical Dynamics.
WD443A2 Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D. Tension, Attention and Intention-- Stress Point Attention and memory Training
WD443B2 Robert Gurnee "QEEG Patterns of Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing and Dyslexia and Treatment Interventions." The multiple subtypes of each of the four above disorders will be presented and relevant EEG Neurofeedback interventions. Research from SPECT, PET and FMRI will also be utilized.
Tuesday Workshops
Tuesday All Day QEEG Hands-On Workshop K. H. Wong, PhD, BCIAC, BCIA-EEG, ECNS-QEEG 9-12, 1-5:30
Tuesday Afternoon workshops
WD50A4 David Siever The Physiology of audio-visual Entrainment WS1
WD51A4 Bill Scott and Lobsang Rapgay Integration of Various Biofeedback Modalities Within a Psycho- therapeutic Model
WD52A2 Phillip Warren Introductory training in the Radiant Energy Balance (REB) Protocol:.A flexible,comprehensive, therapeutic, and transformative protocol.
WD53B4 Richard Glade Discovering and Dissolving Mind Loops in Meditation Practice
WD54A2 Tom Boone and Tom Collura A novel walk-in timesharing approach to supervised clinical neuroFB
WD55B2 Grant Bright Viable Business Model for NeuroFeedback
WD56A2  Rosemary MacGregor How to teach Breath Self Regulation, with an Understanding of HRV, RSA, CO2 and the connection to brain Training.
WD57B2 Z'eva Singer Building the Bridge for Emotional Intelligence in the Young Child's Life. 
Tuesday Evening: WD57-C3 David Siever: Treatment Protocols and Operation of the DAVIDAudio-Visual Entrainment Systems. (Workshop 2) contact meeting staff to register.
Wednesday All Day Workshop
Tom Collura Technical Foundations of Neurofeedback     8-12, 1-5  ($50, and BCIA  CE available)



Futurehealth.org 40,000 hits/ week "Most         Informative Biofeedback Site On The Web."  Jim Robbins, Symphony in the Brain 
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