Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meeting

Jan 19-22, 2007 Palm Springs, CA  Pre-Conference Courses Jan 15-18        

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2007 Conference

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2003 Speakers & Exhibitors
Cheryl Alexander Traumatic Brain Injury and EEG Feedback Training: QEEG Outcome Data John Anderson The Bliss protocol and Using and Encouraging Intuition in Neurofeedback Training

WS: Neurofeedback as Self-Awareness / Self-Regulation training; Getting Away from the "Illness Treatment Model"

Naras Bhat, M.D.Reversing Heart Disease: Integrated approach
WS: Preventing andTreating Heart Disease with Biofeedback and Related Modalities
Ken Blum Reward Deficiency Syndrome; Neurogenetic Aspects

WS:Dynamics of Neurotransmitter Manipulation by Nutraceutical Intervention

Valdeane Brown Approaching Neurofeedback As An Applied Non-Duality Practice: Engaged Compassion And Absolute Bodhicitta As The Foundation Of Transformation

panel: Non-Linear, Dynamical and Other Advanced Visualization Techniques in EEG: Gabor and Adaptive Transform

Susan Cheshire Brown  plenary: Energy Healing: Fact, Fantasy or Fantastic?

WSMoving From Technician to Healer: Incorporating Energy Healing Wisdom into a Neurofeedback Practice

Tom and Linda Brownback
plenary Interpreting EEG frequencies to significantly enhance ongoing training evaluation and effectiveness

WS4 Understanding the Functions, Pathologies and EEG Frequencies at each of the International 10-20 System Locations within a fully Integrated Neurotherapy System Approach.

Tom Budzynski

Electrodermal Response More Accurate Than Verbal Report in PSI Hitting?


Ed Castro,M.D. co-author Getting Rid of Ritalin: How Neurofeedback Can Successfully Treat Attention Deficit Disorder Without Drugs  Plenary The Neurotherapy Full Court Press  WS2: Medical Considerations for Neurofeedback providers
Hyla Cass, M.D. A psychiatrist practicing integrative medicine,   Author, Natural Highs
Natural Treatments For Disorders of Mind, Mood, and Behavior how conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADD, and addiction are often related to imbalances in brain chemistry that can be corrected with appropriate use of well-researched supple- ments -- vitamins, minerals, amino acids (tyrosine, GABA, DLPA) and botanicals (e.g. St John's wort, ginkgo, ginseng). Their use can enhance the results of neurofeedback, as well.

Tom Collura Practical alternatives for remote neurotherapy. How do we reach the home,school, office? WS:

Jon Cowan Can Neurofeedback Enhance Authentic Happiness 


Sebern Fisher The fear protocol": The theory of FPO2 and the implications of new clinical data
WS: A Quick Primer on Attachment Disorder
Uwe Gerlach "Light/sound treatment in addition to SMR/Beta neurofeedback training accelerates the normalization of negative ADD/ADHD symptoms"
Jane Guttman, D.C. Cellular Memory Healing


Robert Gurnee -Treatment of Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Auditory Processing Disorders,  -Anorexia & Bulimia - QEEG & treatment Interventions,  -SMR Excess: Symptoms and Treatment",  -Adverse Effects of Alpha-Theta Training: Case Study ,WS2 How to run an ADD Clinic    WS-2 Intro Neurofeedback Protocol Design based on QEEG
WS-2 advanced Neurofeedback protocol design based on QEEG
Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., author
Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis     plenary: Update on  Treating Depression."    WS2 Integrating Neurofeedback and Hypnosis in Treating  Medical/ Psychological Disorders.
Thom Hartmann
Half Day Workshop: Attention Deficit Disorder: One Day to Transformation
Plenary talks: 1) How ADHD Changed the World
   2) Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights
WS2 Touching the Power of Life: Waking up to Personal and Global Transformation
WS2 ADHD Success stories at Work
Jan Hoover President J&J Engineering

WS Operating the C2 for EEG, HRV, RSA and peripheral biofeedback training.

Victoria Ibric, M.D. "Roshi protocols in a case of "Autism" post toxic encephalopathy", Victoria Ibric, M.D.. Bill Hudspeth,  and Steve Krentzman.   
Roshi used as an acute intervention instrument on Bipolar disorder/ a psychiatrist's observations"
 Brian Hersch, Victoria Ibric,    3) "Roshi protocols in a case of CVA". Martha Maldonando,  Victoria Ibric
WS2  "ROSHI as diagnostic tool, a practical approach and application
David Kaiser co-developer of Neuronavigator/ SKIL software
Do I exist? Ontological Insecurity and Mental Illness.
Rob Kall Winter Brain meeting organizer, StoryCon Organizer. Co-editor of Biofeedback Theory and Practice vol.s 2, 3. Biofeedback Director of the Center for Optimal Living. Rob has been listed in Who's Who in America for several years. 

Plenary talk: If you haven't killed your client/patient, you haven't done your job.

Michael Linden plenary: SPECT vs QEEG Map vs QEEG Scan: Which is the most accurate and affordable for ADD?  Panel: Neurofeedback with Autistic Spectrum WS2: QEEG Based Assessment and Treatment of Children-Adults with ADD
Gay Larned Gay Larned has a master’s degree in social work and a doctorate in psychology.  After opening three NF centers in eight years in Connecticut as well as training clinicians to continue the work there, she relocated her practice to Santa Barbara in 2002.  Gay specializes in the treatment of children and is as passionate about sharing her knowledge of successful practice development as she is about working with her young clients and their families.
 WS4 Selling Neurofeedback; Developing A Successful ‘Gorilla Marketing’ Plan For Fun and Profit
Panel: Successful Neurofeedback Practice Building Strategies
Peter Litchfield The Brain-Breath Connection: breathing chemistry and its effects on physiology and behavior


John Lowan Access to Blissful Awareness, Profound Healing and Optimal Functioning

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Judith Lubar

ws:Adjunctive Therapeutic Techniques for Enhancing Neurotherapy Success

Joel Lubar  Plenary: Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) of Cerebral Activity in Chronic Depressive Disorder

WS:Use of Multiple Databases, New EEG Artifacting Techniques and LORETA analysis for Neurofeedback Interventions

Martha Maldonado head and founder of the Instituto de Neuroterapia y Manejo del Estrés in Mexico City. Professor in the School of Psychology of Graduate Studies, at the National University of Mexico.  Roshi Panelist NF Training with the ROSHI/Brain-Link® in a patient with CVA. A case study.
Liana Matulich, M.D.Panel: Training for States of Consciousness    Matulich, Wise

Integrating ancient wisdom with Quantum Physics to Dive Deep into the Energetic Physiology of Optimal States of Awareness; A Buckyball approach to Personal Transformation and how it will lead to Healing clients and The Planet

Samuel Mueller Neurofeedback at Salem-Stadtsteinach

Since 1999, he has been the manager of the Bruderschaft Salem GmbH (Brotherhood Salem, plc) in Stadtsteinach/ Germany, a globally acting relief organisation, together with his father Gottfried Mueller, the founder of SALEM.

 By the longstanding friendship with Thom Hartmann (see The Prophet’s Way), he got to know about ADD and Neurofeedback as an alternative to Ritalin. He decided to include Neurofeedback in the concept of Salem. By different special seminars he learned the application of Neurofeedback from the qualified psychologist Mrs Doerte Klein from Hanover. Since November 2002, there has been the first centre for Neurofeedback in Stadtsteinach/Germany.

Edwin C. May, Ph.D.  is internationally known for his work in parapsychology. Having spent the first part of his research career in his chosen Ph.D.-degreed discipline, Low Energy, Experimental Nuclear Physics, he became interested in serious parapsychology in 1971. At that time, he was peripherally involved in a psychokinesis (i.e. putative mind over matter) experiment that was being conducted informally in the physics department at the University of California at Davis. Starting in August 1974, Dr. May spent nearly a year in India researching so-called psychic phenomena with Yogis and other Masters. In 1976 he joined the on-going, CIA-funded, program at SRI International, and in 1985 became the contractor director is what has become known as the STARGATE program: the US Intelligence community’s use of ESP during the Cold War. The research continues now at the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. Ed and his colleagues have published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journal on the evidence for, applications of, and potential mechanisms for ESP. Dr. May has managed complex, interdisciplinary research projects for the US federal government since 1985. He presided over 70% of the funding ($20M+) and 85% of the data collection for the government’s 22-year involvement in parapsychological research.
Plenary: Skin Conductance as a Predictor of Randomly Chosen Future Startles: An Overview and Invitation; A possible measure of precognition.
Plenary: US Government-Funded Extrasensory Perception Research: Current Status, Techniques, Results, and Models
WS2: Learn About and Test Your Own ESP or Remote Viewing Ability:
Participate in a Research study which test your Precognition ability
Peter Orlando  certified marriage and family counselor and a certified school psychologist working full time as a school psychologist for the Peoria Unified School District in Peoria/Glendale, Arizona.  I am assigned to one elementary (K-8) school and I have the responsibility of doing the Spanish bilingual and monolingual evaluations for the district.  I also have a small private practice.
Controlled study Using  EEG Biofeedback with Elementary Students Who Have Learning Problems
Sig Othmer One day Course on the Othmer Model of Neurofeedback Thurs: 1/23/03 10-12, 1-5  $149
Plenary Dynamic versus static protocols: The continuing search for balance.
WS2 So it's all nonlinear dynamics? Now what?: "Future developments in neurofeedback
Sue Othmer  Update on frontal and pre-frontal training and inter-hemispheric training .

WS2 Interhemispheric EEG Training

Kathleen Powers Gravitons to Gamma Waves: Afferent Modalities in Brain Therapy Karl Pribram, M.D.  Plenary: Forebrain Psychophysiology and Feelings

panel: Non-Linear, Dynamical and Other Advanced Visualization Techniques in EEG: Gabor and Adaptive Transforms

Workshop: Current Directions in the Study of Conscious Experience

Beverly Rubik, biophysicist (Ph.D., 1979, University of California at Berkeley), is a leading scientist internationally renowned for exploring the frontiers of science and medicine.  A former academic at San Francisco State University (1979-1988) and Temple University (1988-1995), in 1996 Dr. Rubik founded a nonprofit corporation, the Institute for Frontier Science, to conduct research on subtle energies and energy medicine.  She is author of over 50 papers and the book, Life at the Edge of Science, and editor of another book, The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter. She serves on the editorial board of several scholarly journals of alternative and complementary medicine, including the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.  She was a member of the Advisory Council at the U.S. National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine (1992-1999), and chaired the NIH panel on bioelectromagnetics.  Presently she is Project Director of one of three projects on biofield therapies funded by the NIH at the Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science at Institute for Frontier Science in a consortium with University of Arizona.  She is also a core faculty member at the Graduate College of Union Institute and University in Cincinnati.  Talk: The Human Aura in Health and Healing                                       Workshop:What Does Your Aura Reveal? Scientific Analysis of the Human Aura
Lobsang Rapgay, Ph.D. Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Director, UCLA Behavioral Medicine Clinic and Program, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute Bill Scott Plenary: Abreaction and other common negative responses to biofeedback: Considerations and interventions

WS: Refining Alpha Theta protocols for OCD, Depression, Addiction, Anxiety: alpha suppression, assisting crossover, differentiating alpha/theta vs. Beta/SMR responders , troubleshooting for non-responders, working with children.

Stephen Sideroff, Ph.D. Are You looped?" Deny it or not, as a clinician you are very much in the Neurofeedback loop. This talk will address the Therapist-Patient context and issues of Transference/ counter- tranference and their impact on treatment.
Workshop: "Clinical Tips and Pitfalls in Neurofeedback" The workshop leaders will share training tips and enhancements that you, as a clinician, can bring to the feedback loop. They will also focus on the pitfalls and landmines that can come from the undervaluing of transference and countertransference in the biofeedback processes.
David Siever Since 1985 Dave Siever has studied audio-visual entrainment (AVE) technology , including the effects of AVE in treating ADD, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, SAD, PMS, hypertension, insomnia, depression and anxiety. He developed and designed the DAVID ParadiseTM line of AVE devices. and wrote ARediscovery of Audio-Visual Entrainment Technology@
Plenary: The Enigma of Sub-delta Entrainment
Plenary: T3 as a Determinate in Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome In Identical Twin
WS2 Audio-visual entrainment - How it works, Studies and Clinical Applications -
WS2 with Tom Budzynski Using Audio-visual Entrainment To Improve Mental Function in Seniors With Age Related Cognitive Decline
Evelyn E. Soehner,  has participated in research into the neurophysiological effects of phototherapy. She works in collaboration with Thomas Fink, Ph.D. in Harrsiburg, PA, specializing in rehabilitation psychology through Acorn Health Association. Their practice integrates traditional psychotherapeutic techniques with EEG neurofeedback in providing biobehavioral healthcare.

Plenary: Neuroelectric Behavior and Biocommunication Processes

Tato Sokhadze Brain-computer interfaces (current state of the art – review + some of my own projects started in Korea
 Dense-array assessment techniques in psychophysiology and psychopharmacology (review with examples from my own research).
Richard Soutar Plenary Talk: Attachment, Habituation, and Mental Disorder: East Meets West, WS: Teaching Meditation Through Neurofeedback Barry Sterman Plenary:  "Past and present considerations for the treatment of epilepsy with neurofeedback" 

WS4:  QEEG and Neurofeedback in the new Millenium

Paul Swingle has one of the largest neurofeedback practices, seeing over 200 client hours a week.
presentations: Mini Q,
Energy and Emotional Release treatment Procedures that Facilitate Neurotherapy,
Panel on Mini-Qs.
Panel: Successful Practices
Mari K. Swingle MA, BCIA (EEG)
Specializes in the neurotherapeutic treatment of learning disorders. An associate with Dr. Swingle and Associates in Vancouver, Canada, Mari uses aggressive treatment procedures that accelerate the remediation of reading deficiencies, written output problems and other learning difficulties in children.

plenary:  Microapmerage Electrical Stimulation as an Adjunct to Neurotherapeutic Treatment of Cognitive Disorders.

Rae Tattenbaum Neurofeedback to Enhance Operatic Performance

 Peak Performer's Edge: Integrated Peak Performance      Program

Lynda & Michael Thompson co-author The A.D.D. Book: New Understandings, New Approaches to Parenting Your Child
Plenary: Ensuring successful outcomes with ADD Clients: using neurofeedback and metacognition, Plenary: A model for providing in-house training for executives.  WS:Using Neurofeedback for Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Hershel Toomim Plenary: Brain oxygenation  proportionally improves Variables of Attention,  Workshop: Clinical Cerebral Blood Flow HEG workshop
Mie Tsuchimoto, M.A. plenary: Research on Neurofeedback with Fibromylgia Peter Van Deusen  plenary: Effective Protocol Selection  without QEEG, workshop: Building  your Dream Private Practice;   Post Conference 2 day workshop with Tom COllura on Brainmaster and MiniQ: Whole Brain Assessment Without QEEG
George Von Hilsheimer, Ph.D. a pioneer in biofeedback, and in Pavlovian therapies such as Trauma Incidence Reduction (TIR); BA 1954, U of Miami (Fl), PhD 1977 , Saybrook Institute; Fellow (Life), Royal Society of Health (1976) etc.Founder of Summerlane School, and of Green Valley Psychiatric School and Hospital.    Plenary: E.T. Go Home!  Biofeedback approach to Essential Tremor (E.T.)    WS A2-Pocket Neurobics EEG tutorial Shannon Warwick NCPro Neurofeedback for AD/HD in an Educational Setting  Shannon will be presenting research that served as partial fulfillment of an independent masters program through Vermont College at Union University with Dr. Joel Lubar serving as her field faculty.  She received technical certification in the NeuroCarePro approach with Drs. Val Brown and Susan Cheshire-Brown, BCIA certification with Dr. Joel and Judith Lubar, and practices in Asheville, North Carolina (picture is a post, self-portrait by one of the kids in the study. )
Anna Wise Plenary: "Sequential Awakened Mind: The Flow of Information from the Subconscious to the Conscious Mind" Time -Sun; 10AM        Workshop: Awakening the Mind: Mastering the Power of Your Brainwaves" Click this link for extensive article. A. Martin Wuttke The Way of Neurofeedback & The Science of Kriya Yoga
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