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Allen L Roland
My whole life has been a quest to rediscover and share a great truth I knew as a child ~ that beneath our deepest fears lies a state of love and soul consciousness that also lies beyond time and space.That quest included 5 years as a Navy carrier pilot flying supersonic jets ~ 10 years as a successful stock broker with a major wall steet firm and 30 years as a psychotherapist facilitating transformation and jump starting hearts in the process. My ultimate dream was to share that truth I knew as a child with the world ~ which I now do through my published books, monthly radio show and daily weblog which now reaches over 60 countries.
Website : www.allenroland.com
Weblog: http://blogs.salon.com/0002255/
Email: allen@allenroland.com |
The Soul contains the event that shall befall it. Jung's theory of synchronicity ( meaningful events and coincidences which later make complete sense ) can be explained as the working out of our individual yet interconnected destinies within a Unified psychic energy field of love, soul consciousness and an evolving loving plan. Thus , all of our key love relationships must be seen as synchronistic ~ in that they have led us closer to our ultimate surrender to love and eventually our part in an evolving loving plan. The two hour workshop will be an experiencial journey into the key love relationships of your life and understanding them as synchronistic stepping stones toward claiming yourself. This is a workshop I've always wanted to do and it should be transformational for the participants.
By fully surrendering to love many years ago and falling through a rabbit hole to another state of consciousness ~ I found and embraced a child within myself who always wanted to love that deeply and who had an intentioned destiny to fulfill as well as a need to share this truth with the world. Every love relationship that has ensued since I opened my heart has tested and led me to the blissful awareness that my heart has now become a fragment of life's heart.
Plenary #310): THE UNIFIED FIELD
The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul cosnciousness ( the Unified Field ) which exists not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears . I'll explain the three tenets of the Unified Field and its principle property THE URGE TO UNITE ~ and why mankind can no longer resist its innate pull toward altruism and social cooperation ~ with many examples. I'll also explain how this urge to unite exists within the world of the atom as well as the world of planets and galaxies and that Gravity is a condition of state within this field.
In our present political scene ~ Truth is seen as Treason and fear is worshiped and celebrated at the alter of fascism. In actuality, FEAR is ( False Exaggerations Appearing Real ) but we don't realize that until we go through it. As such, the only way out of fear is through it and that means repecting it but not being controlled by it .
Love is making friends with fear because fear is the constant companion of intimacy ~ and when you bring fear out of the darkness and into the light, you realize it was an illusion based on our own insecurities.
LOVE & SYNCHRONICITY It was Carl Jung who wrote ; We are in the deepest sense , the victims and the instruments of cosmogonic love. I do not use love in its connotations of desiring, preferring, favoring, wishing and similar feelings, but as something superior to the individual ~ a unified and undivided whole. Jung's theories of the collective unconscious fit within and support my model of a Unified field of Love as a universal psychic energy field that unites and connects all beings. In Religion and the Collective Unconscious , June Singer explains this phenomenon; " The Collective Unconscious , as Jung perceived it, does not merely derive from personal experience but precedes the individual in time . It is not individual, but universal, carrying traces of the entire evolution of the species. Thus, the Collective Unconscious is a principle identical in all men and constitutes a substratum of a suprapersonal nature in all human beings." As such, my Unified field of love and soul consciousness, like Jung's collective unconscious, is a boundless psychic energy field that precedes us in time. You might say it exists within us , yet we are born into it. But the suprapersonal substratum of the Unified Field is Love . Love is a universal urge that carries within itself the traces of the entire evolution of the species in terms of its urge to unite and complete itself. As such, this state of love and soul consciousness ( the Unified Field ) does indeed constitute a substratum of a suprapersonal nature that is present and deepest within all human beings . Which brings me to the subject at hand ~ Synchronicity . Jung's theory of synchronicity ( meaningful events and coincidences which later make complete sense ) can be explained as the working out of our individual yet interconnected destinies within a Unified psychic energy field of love and an evolving loving plan. Thus , all of our key love relationships must be seen as synchronistic ~ in that they have led us closer to our ultimate surrender to love and our part in an evolving loving plan. I am continually amazed at my ongoing heart connections with former mates and lovers ~ whereas we are drawn together and celebrate our next step on the journey of the heart ~ even though we are physically separated by distance. In other words, those who we love deeply become part of us forever . Think of it as a Universe of Heartstrings and when we do not deny love but instead celebrate it ~ our heartstring vibrates to a chord that is felt by all we love and have loved. Thus Love is the ultimate energy which we must surrender to , both individually and collectively , inorder to fulfill our destiny . That path of the heart is inner guided and synchronicity is the vague awareness that each event or relationship is a step on that journey ~ which indeed it is . Jung was convinced that deep within the unconscious ~ in the hidden regions of the human psyche that profoundly influence the conscious mind ~ lay all the answers for the unfolding and perfection of each human being. He was also convinced that a source of energy , a psychic equivalent to that released by the splitting of the atom, could be released form the psyche's hidden depths. And he was correct ! The primal force of love is that energy and the threshold to another universe of consciousness ~ and to a new way of being ! We are being continually led on that path through synchronistic events but few listen and fewer still respond to this inner call . Responding to this inner call is the ultimate YES to yourself and affirmation of your life. Allen L Roland, Ph.D
The mind is always looking for answers that the soul already knows thus synchronistic events are the vague awareness that our lives are divinely guided from the heart ~ As such my life has been a quest to eventually find, embrace and fully share a state of love, joy and soul consciousness I once profoundly experienced as a young child : Allen L Roland , Ph.D
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that my life is divinely guided by my heart and when I fully surrender to love I enter a Unified Field of soul consciousness where there are no accidents.
By fully surrendering to love many years ago and falling through a rabbit hole to another state of consciousness ~ I found and embraced a child within myself who always wanted to love that deeply and who had an intentioned destiny to fulfill as well as a need to share this truth with the world .
Every love relationship that has ensued since I opened my heart has led me to where I am now and the blissful awareness that I am part of something far greater than myself and, as such, my heart has become a fragment of life's heart.
Thus, by listening and responding to my inner heart call ~ I have not only found direction in my life but have become in sync with my destiny.
R. Adam Crane BCIA Senior Fellow, BCIAEEG, NRNP Diplomate writes in Science of The Heart: The Role of the Heart in Human Performance of the same phenomenon;
" There is now a scientific basis to explain how and why the heart affects mental clarity, creativity, emotional balance and personal effectiveness. Research indicates that the heart is far more than a simple pump. The heart is, in fact, a highly complex, self-organized information processing center with its own functional "brain" that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body's major organs, and ultimately determine the quality of life. "
It is now known that the signals the heart sends the brain can influence perception, emotional processing, and higher cognitive functions.
So now let's tie this together with the Hero's Journey ~ which I feel is really the path of the heart because this is the path which demands the greatest courage and confronts us with our deepest fears.
1.Ordinary World - The hero's normal world before the story begins. We are all emissaries of love born on a planet in a state of ego consciousness . Our innate hero's journey is to fully open our hearts, emerge from our cocoon of ego consciousness and eventually play our part in a universal loivng plan. I was definitely in a state of soul consciousness as a young child but the psychic pain of being seemingly separated from love at six years old caused me to close my heart and enter the world of ego consciousness ~ inorder to avoid psychic pain and stay in control. As such, I emotionally stopped growing.
2.Call to Adventure - The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure. My call to adventure was becoming a Navy carrier fighter pilot. This had always been my dream and it confronted me with many physical challenges but eventually I lived that dream and knew I had the courage to live all of my dreams. But that was just a prelude to living my deepest dream ~ which was fully opening my heart and finding that emotionally lost child within myself.
3.Refusal of the Call - The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually because he's scared. To me this was the fear of completely surrendering to love and accepting less than love inorder to stay in control and avoid psychic pain. In other words, staying in the grey world of ego consciousness and safe love relationships.
4. Meeting with the Mentor - The hero meets a mentor to gain advice or training for the adventure. In my case, it was my Masters degree mentor Stanley Krippner whose advice and suggestions accelerated the journey of the heart. For it was then that I found my voice and began to share my deep calling regardless of the risks or the need to be understood.
5. Crossing the First Threshold - The hero crosses, leaves the ordinary world and goes into the special world . The first threshold is always falling in love for only then did I become aware of a state of consciousness that lay beneath my state of ego consciousness. In other words, the journey does not start until we fully open our hearts~ regardless of the consequences. It was then that I heard an internal voice which said ~ Let go of all of your possessions ~ which I did.
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - The hero faces tests, meets allies, confronts enemies & learn the rules of the Special World. My work as a therapist brought me face to face with my own issues but the ultimate enemy was my own ego and the need to control versus completely surrendering to my deepest feelings and inner guidance.
7. Approach - The hero has hit setbacks during tests & may need to try a new idea . In my case it was twofold ~ the painful realization that my life as a stockbroker was false and that my life was filled with possessions and largely devoid of love. It was also my surrender to the inner journey versus the outer journey.
8. Ordeal - The biggest life or death crisis . By finally completely surrendering to love, in relationship, and fully opening my heart ~ I entered the promised land but I had externalized those deep inner feelings. By letting go of the relationship, not as a victim and accepting and connecting the pain, I found an emotionally lost child within myself who not only always wanted to feel this deeply but had a song to sing and share with the world.
9. Reward - The hero has survived death, overcomes his fear and now earns the reward . The reward for myself was now knowing that my life was being divinely guided and trusting the unknown. I was at Lake Tahoe at this time and wrote Journey to The Mountain ~ which contained the first seeds of my Unified Field . There is no use journeying to the mountain when the mountain is within you ~ which refers to looking outside for something that can only be experienced within.
It was then that I heard another internal voice which said ~ In the very near future events will happen which will propel you to a position where you will have to take full responsibility for what you know and feel ~ which is precisely what I am doing now in my private practice but also on my website allenroland.com and daily weblog .
10. The Road Back - The hero must return to the Ordinary World. When I left Lake Tahoe and returned to the Bay Area ~ I was firmly connected to the inner path of the heart and ready to face the unknown.
11. Resurrection Hero - another test where the hero faces death – he has to use everything he's learned. Every love relationship has brought me face to face with my deepest fears but by going through them and eventually letting go of the relationship but not the love ~ not only have I embraced more of myself but more of my part in a loving plan.
It was then that I wrote my PhD dissertation The Unified Field which eventually became a book RADICAL THERAPY / SURRENDER TO LOVE AND HEAL YOURSELF IN SEVEN SESSIONS ( NOT SEVEN YEARS .
The basic underlying and uniting force of the Universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness ( the Unified Field ) which exists lies not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears.
12. Return with Elixir - The hero returns from the journey with the “elixir”, and uses it to help everyone in the Ordinary World . The Elixir, the Holy Grail or the supreme gift is MYSELF and the deep delight of knowing that the full expression of my deepest heartfelt feelings and thoughts, regardless of the risks, is always the greatest gift I can share with the world ~ and the realizatiion that this was once a gift I innately experienced as a young child.
As such, The mind is always looking for answers that the soul already knows thus synchronistic events are the vague awareness that our lives are divinely guided from the heart ~ As such my life has been a quest to eventually find, embrace and fully share a state of love, joy and soul consciousness I once profoundly experienced as a young child.
T.S Eliot said it beautifully,
" We shall not cease from exploration and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started ~ and know the place for the first time."
Allen L Roland
Plenary #310): THE UNIFIED FIELD
The Unified Field
The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness ( the Unified Field ) which lies not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears. It's principle property is the urge to unite which underlies not only the quantum world of the atom but also the physical world of planets, galaxies and gravity ~ which is a condition of state within this field : Allen L Roland, Ph.D
Finding the Unified Field was an act of surrender to what was deepest within myself ~ which was love, joy and a state of soul consciousness. Owning and proving it has been an act of courage .
Initially , it was surrendering to and embracing an alone little boy within myself who always knew this truth. Then it was a slow process of finding the courage to stand alone, own my truth and speak it ~ regardless of the risks.
Let me make this very clear ~ every tenet of my Unified Field is based on my own personal experience and my experience with my clients . Which is why it took eight years for me to fully prove it and which is why I no longer call it a theory .
What follows are the three basic tenets of the Unified Field
TENET ONE The basic underlying force of the universe is a psychic energy field of universal love , within which gravitational and electromagnetic fields, the strong and weak forces of the atom, and all other forces of nature, including time and space, are merely conditions of state.
Within this psychic realm of love, paranormal events such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and the near-death experience are also conditions of state. The principal property of this field of love is its propensity to unite, complete and fulfill all living beings within a constantly evolving loving plan. This field of love is the absolute constant of the universe in that within it , time and space do not exist. Thus, we are instantly joined with the past, present and future of a universe which is in the process of uniting, completing and fulfilling itself.
TENET TWO The consciousness of the observer is the determining factor in being able to perceive the Unified field. In that regard, our most profound sensory experience is the total surrender to what is deepest within ourselves, that is, the surrender to love and a joyful state of soul consciousness ~ which is the awareness of an evolving loving plan and the taking of responsibility for one's function within that plan. The Unified Field is therefore a state of soul consciousness and that state which limits or denies our perception of the Unified Field is ego consciousness.
TENET THREE It would appear that the pain of not feeling loved for oneself and being seemingly separated from our original state of soul consciousness and the Unified Field ~ is of such deep psychic proportions that processes are triggered in the hypothalamus which result in a left brain imbalance and dominance as well as the denial, mistrust and forgetting of our connection to the Unified Field and the love, joy and a state of soul consciousness deepest within us. It is from this dark tunnel of pain, aloneness, despair and apparent death that the ego and ego consciousness is born ~ for survival and protection purposes only.
Think of the ego as a protective cocoon that is eventually meant to be shed .
Thus, the Unified Field can be visualized as a grid of great luminosity joining all living beings within its energy field of love.
The words of longfellow would seem to be appropriate in describing this all-encompassing field or grid; " The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite."
Allen L Roland, Ph.D
In our present political scene ~ Truth is seen as Treason and fear is worshiped and celebrated at the alter of fascism. In actuality, FEAR is ( False Exaggerations Appearing Real ) but we don't realize that until we go through it. As such, the only way out of fear is through it and that means repecting it but not being controlled by it.
Love is making friends with fear because fear is the constant companion of intimacy ~ and when you bring fear out of the darkness and into the light, you realize it was an illusion based on our own insecurities.
As such, our greatest fear, in relationship, is that being myself is not enough ~ and most of us go through our lives proving that self defeating fear. However, America, as a nation, is going through the same process by giving away its power to the executive branch because of fear ( terrorism and the mob at the gates ) while losing its soul and its bearings in the process.
Individually, perhaps our greatest fear is of death but I would argue that it is the fear of the unknown and the incompleteness of our lives for once we surrender to love and assume our part in a universal loving plan ~ there is no more fear of death.
Contact Info:
Allen L Roland Ph.D.
P.O.Box 1221 / 660 Vischer Ct. Sonoma., California 95476.
phone: (707) 933-8636 cell: (707) 935-1908 fax: (707) 933-8668
allen@allenroland.com |