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Leslie Sherlin
Leslie Sherlin received his undergraduate degree and first years of graduate school from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville while working in the Brain Research and Neuropsychology laboratory of Dr. Joel Lubar, a pioneer in neurofeedback with attention disorders. To further the integration of advanced EEG imaging he went to the Key Institute for Mind Brain Research in Zurich, Switzerland to learn Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) directly from the developer Dr. Roberto Pascual-Marqui. Following this training he co-founded Nova Tech EEG, Inc. to facilitate the development and widespread distribution of powerful, flexible and accessible tools for the Brain Electromagnetic Research. He remains the president of Nova Tech EEG, Inc.
He holds the degree of Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and is currently a doctoral candidate (Ph.D.) in Psychology. Following his first 5 years of intensive research in QEEG and LORETA, he was employed in Scottsdale, AZ practicing QEEG analysis and neurotherapy clinically for 3 years. In addition to being president of Nova Tech EEG, Inc, he currently is adjunct faculty at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Tempe, AZ teaching QEEG and neurofeedback; is a neurofeedback practitioner at Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center; and is employed by Q-Metrx, Inc. in Burbank, CA, a QEEG analysis service. He is certified at the Diplomate level in QEEG and Neurotherapy, is a Board Certified Neurotherapy Instructor and a Certified Biofeedback Practitioner.
Plenary #221): Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
CFS is an illness characterized by profound fatigue lasting at least 6 months accompanied by disturbances of sleep, mood, musculoskeletal pain, and other symptoms. A study using EEG has demonstrated brain activity differences between CFS and healthy control subjects. LORETA has been used to show differences between normal subjects and those diagnosed with depression. This study addresses the potential utility of LORETA as a clinical tool for CFS. Because many EEG features appear to be heritable, the co-twin methodology provides a powerful control for non genetic characteristics.
Methods: A comprehensive research project by Budzynski et al., (2004), provided the raw data for this study. Seventeen pairs of monozygotic twins discordant for CFS were selected for comparative analysis. Brain electrical activity had been digitally recorded in various awake states. For this study, the eyes closed data was visually edited for artifacts, and the cross-spectral analysis for each subject was computed in 9 bands. Each group’s cross spectra was computed and the two groups compared using a within subject T-sum multiple comparison procedure based on a combination of Test-Statistics.
Results: When compared to their matched twins, individuals diagnosed with CFS have significant differences in current source density. The twin group diagnosed with CFS has higher Delta in the left Uncus and Parahippocampal Gyrus and higher Theta in the Cingulate Gyrus and right Superior Frontal Gyrus. Discussion: These results demonstrate that underlying neurophysiological activity in certain areas of the brain differentiates normal individuals from those with CFS. Because the EEG is trainable and LORETA is a derivative of the EEG, we might hypothesize that neurofeedback treatment could be beneficial. Further study should address the specificity of these findings when comparing CFS to a more heterogeneous population sample.
Workshop #223): sLORETA- what is it and what does it mean to me?
This 2 hour workshop is intended to teach the basic principles and practices for understanding and interpreting QEEG and sLORETA. The workshop will involve theory, literature review, and integration of knowledge into an actual case study. The workshop is experiential and attendees will be participating in the practical demonstration.
Plenary #221): Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Workshop #223): sLORETA- what is it and what does it mean to me?
Contact Info:
Leslie Sherlin
8503 E. Keats Ave Mesa, Arizona 85209
phone: 480-797-9304