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Diane Roberts Stoler
Author: Coping with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury International Speaker and Trainer Neuropsychologist Survivor of 2 TBI and an ABI Caregiver of 2 TBI family members Licensed Psychologist and Health Service Provider
Diane Roberts Stoler, Ed.D. P.O. Box 148 Georgetown, MA 01833 1-800-500-9971 info@drdiane.com www.drdiane.com |
Workshop #164): Marketing: Neurofeedback: A New Frontier
Marketing Neurofeedback: Think outside the box: Cooperation leads to better Competition
Plenary #182): Neuroband
Demonstration of unique headband for the following applications: Neurofeedback, TLC, Mini Q and QEEG.Unlike other types of headbands that do not allow for the precise placement of the electrode, Neuroband is precise.
Plenary #183): Setting up a Neurofeedback Practice.
Ten types of Practice:
1) Psychotherapy and the use of neurotherapy 2) Psychotherapy, use of neurotherapy and research 3) Psychotherapy, QEEG, use of neurotherapy and/or research 4) Neurotherapy 5) Neurotherapy and research 6) Neurotherapy, QEEG, and/or research 7) QEEG and/or Research 8) Neuro Center 9) Mind Fitness 10) Mind Fitness Center
Workshop #164): Marketing: Neurofeedback: A New Frontier
Manufactures Unite Education: Inside: Basic Course: Neuroanatomy Understanding Brainwaves Understanding Protocols Overview of different types of equipment: __Possibly able to rent to buy, rather than buying and discovering not what needed for specific use.
Education: Outside
Neuropsychologist, Psychologist, Special Educators; Medical; Law Enforcement Community.
Markets for Neurofeedback: Rehabilitation Hospital; Residential Facilities–Chronic Illness-TBI, Stroke; Penial Facilities-Rehab of incarcerated individual
Markets for Mind Fitness Training: Gyms & health clubs ( train the mind, while you train the body); Home Gyms; Retirement Communities; Assisted Living; Educational Facilities: Schools; Colleges; Home Use- Meditative–QVC & Home Shopping Network.
Scientific Study/Research
PR– Magazine Articles; Radio; Infomercial
Major Organization put $ portion in joint pool for Marketing and PR.
Plenary #182): Neuroband
Dr. Diane has developed the Neuroband, a neurofeedback headband that can be used to achieve optimum Neurofeedback and various Assessments: QEEG, Mini-Q and Q Assessment.
Clinical trials using the Neuroband EEG version are currently being done at the EEG and Seizure Unit of Brigham Women's Hospital, Boston MA.
Demonstation Key features of the Neuroband are: o Ease of use: no parting the hair, no neuroprep needed, no need for alcohol clean up o Comfortable to those with skin or head sensitivities o One size fits all (fully adjustable) o Lightweight strapping with Velcro and chamy/felt lead pockets o Clean - fully re-usable: Easy to wash. No sticky paste to clean out of electrodes. o Applied with a saline solution rather than Neuro-paste o Can be applied in one minute or less and removed in seconds
A 20 minute demonstration of the various uses for neurofeedback, TLC assessment, Mini Q and QEEG will be presented. In each the ease of use and low impedence will be demonstrated. Also, special snap electrode pockets have been designed to be used with equipment that utilizies snap electrodes.
The neuroband was specifically designed for patient dealing with stroke, traumatic brain injury, Fibromyalgia, and Post Trauamtic Stress Disorder, because of their sensitivity to touch. It's design allows a person to comfortably fall asleep for sleep studies, and for Alpha/theta training. It has been used successfull by various clinicans and have found it to be extremely effective in their practice.
Plenary #183): Setting up a Neurofeedback Practice.
Presentation will provide information and various business models for setting up a neurofeedback practice. Dr. Diane, a board certified Sport Psychologist, has worked with amateur, professional and Olympic athletes to help them achieve Peak Performance and be in “The Zone”. Prior to her work as a psychologist, Dr. Diane worked in two diverse fields. Special Education and Business. As a educator of special needs, Dr. Diane was an instructor at Tufts University and work as a Special Needs Auditor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the field of business, Dr. Diane was trained as a cost accountant and taught cost accounting at Stonehill College, Fisher College and Chamberlain College. Through her experience as a cost accounting and business woman, Dr. Diane has worked with CEO’s, CFO’s and many others to help them develop the Resilient Mind needed to achieve excellence in their careers.” Precise information of how to set up a neurofeeback practice. You will learn the various types of practices currently known, as well as the various types of legal business structures. How to do decide why type of neurofeedback pratice is best for you. Detailed methods of setting up a business plan, how to do cost analysis and accounting. How to select business software programs, and type of neurofeedback equipment appropriate for your type of practice. Current methods and technique of marketing, public relations, working with newspaper and other media, and networking with professional and local businesses will be presented. In addition, the various codes that are being accepted by health insurance companies.
Contact Info:
Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler Ed.D.
P.O. Box 148 Georgetown, Massachusetts 01855
phone: 978-352-8269 cell: 800-500-9971 fax: 978-352-2835
diane@drdiane.com |