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Pamela Jaye Smith
PAMELA JAYE SMITH is a mythologist, writer, consultant, speaker and award-winning producer-director with twenty-five years in media. She is the author of "INNER DRIVES: How to Write and Create Characters Through the Eight Classic Centers of Motivation" [the chakras]. Her company MYTHWORKS™ offers ‘Applied Mythology for more Powerful Reality’. Clients and credits include Microsoft, Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal, RAI-TV Rome, Marseille France, GM, Boeing, Pepperdine, Screenwriting EXPO, film festivals, and the US Army (during the Clinton administration).
www.mythworks.net information@mythworks.net 323-874-6042 |
Plenary #12): ArchePaths: Self-Initiation Through Story
Warrior, Monk, Scientist, Magician, and Lover…?
What Path are you on? How about your story characters? Your clients? Your colleagues?
Discover the three levels and three aspects of each Path. Explore the Ageless Wisdom of the ArchePaths for story character creation, personal growth, counseling, group dynamics, leadership, and team building.
Workshop #208): Archetypal Ailments: Physiological, Psychological & Philosophical aspects of the chakra system for story character development and personal healing.
Based on Smith’s new book INNER DRIVES, this workshop will explore the typical imbalances of each of the eight major Centers of Motivation (chakras) as they express in foibles, phobias, and physical illness.
Suggestions for balance and optimal health will include tapping in to myths and archetypes, physical exercises and diet changes, meditations, mantras, and behavioural changes.
Plenary #229): Creating Our Next Mythologies
Visionary story-tellers can both reflect and help shape the zeitgeist of an era. This talk presents Seven Thematic Approaches to insightful stories, plus a new look at Character Transformation, all from the Ageless Wisdom of our most powerful and timeless myths.
Many mythic systems envision the ideal pattern for the evolution of people, cultures, and the species as a progression from Tribal Consciousness to Individual Consciousness to Group Consciousness. We will explore in depth aspects and manifestations of each level, methods of growth and transformation, and ways to express same in language both verbal and visual.
Plenary #12): ArchePaths: Self-Initiation Through Story
This talk will explain the background of the ArchePaths in the Ageless Wisdom.
Each of the five Paths will be described via a character profile to include its Goals, Methods, Strengths, Weaknesses, and examples from myth, history, and current events.
The use of the ArchePaths for personal growth will be illustrated by delineation of the three stages of manifestation from apprentice to journeyman to master.
As well, the three different methods of the mystic/emotional, the occult/mental and the synthesized approaches will be compared with each other.
Suggestions for balance and integration will be offered.
Workshop #208): Archetypal Ailments: Physiological, Psychological & Philosophical aspects of the chakra system for story character development and personal healing.
The workshop will first introduce the interpenetrating and inter-affective physiological, psychological, and philosophical aspects of the Centers of Motivation [chakras].
Each Center will then be explained via the related endocrine gland(s), hormones, and their effects. Psychological manifestations of imbalances will be explained and explored. Examples of philosophical outpicturings of imbalances will come from myth, media, and art.
The Centers of Motivation and their expressions are: ·Root Center - Sheer Survival, connection to physical form ·Sacral Center - Sex, Fear, Money Solar Plexus: (a dual Center with diverse expressions) · Lower — Personal Power, Greed, Individuality, Exclusivity ·Higher — Aspiration, Brotherhood, Inclusivity ·Heart Center - Unconditional Love for all humanity ·Throat Center - Conscious Creativity, Communication ·Ajna Center - Balance and Integration of all the Centers ·Crown Center - Connection with higher realms of Energy
Suggestions for healing and balance will include multiple approaches, since much of the inner disciplines of the Mystery Schools and the Ageless Wisdom utilize inside-out as well as outside-in approaches to integration, growth, and health.
Approaches will include changes in diet and physical exercises, archetypal and mythic familiarization and identification, visualizations, mantras, meditations, readings, activities, etc.
Plenary #229): Creating Our Next Mythologies
Contact Info:
Pamela Jaye Smith
7231 Franklin Ave. Hollywood, California 90046
phone: 323-874-6042