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Nancy E. White
Dr. Nancy White, a licensed psychologist, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Sex Therapist, stands as one of the original clinical practitioners of Neurotherapy. She is founder and Clinical Director of The Enhancement Institute in Houston, Texas. Dr. White is a Diplomate in Neurotherapy, a Quantitative EEG Diplomate, a Fellow of the International Society for Neuronal Regulation, a Fellow of the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America – EEG specialty, and a consulting editor for the Journal of Neurotherapy. She is author of a number of groundbreaking articles in the field, has contributed a chapter to the Academic Press book, Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, edited by Evans and Abarbanel, and has presented at conferences and symposia both nationally and internationally. Dr. White is listed in Who’s Who In Medicine and Healthcare and in Who’s Who In America.
Nancy E. White, Ph.D. The Enhancement Institute 1900 St. James Place, Suite 800 Houston, TX 77056 713-961-5243 www.enhancementinstitute.com nancy@enhancementinstitute.com |
Plenary #54): The Alarming Rise in Mental Illness Linked to Increased Drug Use: Causes and Prospective Solutions
The literature shows that psychotropic drugs worsen the conditions they are prescribed to correct by incapacitating the brain’s own neurochemical facilities. A number of acceptable non-drug treatments exist which we intuitively assume have a balancing effect on neurochemistry without being able to demonstrate how that may occur. Now, some exciting new avenues are being explored that hold promise, but the mechanisms by which they work also are unclear. Thus, a future direction of research is clear: in order to expand the potential of non-pharmocologic approaches we might better demonstrate how brainwave patterns and neurotransmitters affect each other.
EEG Foundations Course #88): Transpersonal and Energy Considerations in Biofeedback
The Quantum view of reality sees a person as a matrix of energy and information. In this paradigm, we can attain states of consciousness that allow us to exchange information with non-local fields in ways that change our perception of reality. Under specific conditions that the therapist can induce, Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback therapy provides a gateway to non-local reality and the transpersonal realm of individual transformation.
Workshop #57): Trauma Resolution: A Multi-Modality Approach
Although emotional trauma is increasingly seen as a single condition that expresses itself in many ways, there currently exists no overall diagnosis for it. The DSM IV simply lists specific symptoms (Anxiety, PTSD, Depression, etc.) without addressing the possibility of a larger dynamic. As a result, emotional trauma may not be treated for what it is; a syndrome of which the individual symptoms are just component expressions. Once the practioner can see and identify the underlying dynamic of emotional trauma, he or she can achieve better outcomes.
Chronic Trauma Syndrome is best resolved, from this presenters experience, with a multi-modality approach that addresses at least three levels: Neurochemical balance Perceptual renormalization Healing the unconscious In this workshop, we describe Chronic Trauma Syndrome, introduce a number of modalities and how they may work in appropriate combination for various patients, and offer case histories demonstrating the potential of a multi-modality approach.
Plenary #54): The Alarming Rise in Mental Illness Linked to Increased Drug Use: Causes and Prospective Solutions
The presentation begins with an overview of what will be covered along with information on the sources of data to be cited. The main body of the presentation begins with a survey of the rise in mental illness over the past century and one-half, citing statistics and showing the correlation of this rise with the progressive introduction of psychotropic drugs. The presentation cites the literature demonstrating that the rise of mental illness began to accelerate with the introduction of Thorazine and accelerated further with the introduction of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s).
We look at the mechanisms which support correlation of mental illness with psychotropics - neurochemically, functionally and emotionally - and illustrate that there is a point of no return related to the overuse of psychotropics. This part of the talk focuses on the relationship of neurotransmitter balance to mental and emotional states.
The presentation concludes with a brief description of research shortly to be done on the relationship of brainwave patterns to neurochemical states and the use of amino acid precursors to balance those states.
EEG Foundations Course #88): Transpersonal and Energy Considerations in Biofeedback
Workshop #57): Trauma Resolution: A Multi-Modality Approach
Our diagnostic system for trauma generally assumes that traumatic events are relatively rare, tend to be fairly catastrophic and yet actually traumatize relatively few persons, who usually will exhibit symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD). Few mental health practitioners see much connection of other psychiatric disorders with trauma. Thus, conditions such as anxiety, depression, panic disorder, the eating disorders and dissociative disorders continue to be diagnosed and treated as discrete conditions without possible roots in trauma, which roots may connect to other, seemingly unrelated symptoms, such as shyness, sense of isolation, phobias or an inability to make commitments.
In fact, traumatic events have proved to be quite frequent and do not have to be particularly traumatic in themselves to traumatize a considerable number of individuals. Significantly, only 20% to 30% of trauma victims actually display the classic symptoms of PTSD; most persons tend to display other psychiatric symptoms not usually perceived to be connected with trauma. In many cases denial or dissociation drive the condition underground where it is stored as fragmented bits of sensation, muscular impulse or feeling walled off from consciousness until a trigger event brings them full-blown to the surface. Meantime, they may surface indirectly as less-than-functional behavioral or attitudinal traits.
Ultimately, trauma is shown to be more a function of a person’s susceptibility than the nature of the trigger event. Certain aspects of a person’s experience tend either to predispose that person to trauma or provide resilience to it. Further, trauma tends to be a multi-level matrix of symptomology: there are early symptoms such as hyperarousal, anxiety, phobia, depression, and later symptoms such as addiction, chronic pain and fibromyalgia or asthma. In addition, trauma symptoms run along a continuum of severity from relatively mild (e.g., depression) to severe (multiple personality disorder), further designated as childhood or adult onset. Lastly, trauma affects the person at all levels of being: biochemical, neurophysiological and psychological, manifesting in cognitive function, emotional problems and behavioral disorders.
Once we see trauma as an umbrella syndrome with multiple levels of expression along a continuum of severity with several layers of symptomatic expression, we realize that a truly effective remediation must involve many levels as well. The Enhancement Institute has developed a multi-modality approach offered in an intensive outpatient format that easily can be adapted to many forms of clinical practice. This approach uses specific combinations of, bioenergetics, cognitive-behavioral therapy, cranial electrical stimulation, EFT, neurotherapy, ocular light therapy and tai chi to restore good functionality cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally. Putting them together effectively requires proper evaluation and assessment, but once done, fairly rapid results can occur.
Contact Info:
Nancy E. White Ph.D.
1900 St. James Place, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77056
phone: 713-962-5243 cell: 713-875-3750 fax: 713-552-0752
nancy@enhancementinstitute.com |