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Post Conference two day workshop on Using Brainmaster and Mini Q with Tom Collura and Peter Van Deusen Jan 28-29
For clinicians who are seeking an extension of manual assessment methods, as a complementary alternative to manual methods , as a means for assessing clients, determining protocols, and monitoring the ongoing progress of EEG training between QEEG's.

This workshop is limited in size due to its hands-on nature and will provide:

1. A theoretical approach to a broad range of problems based on brain systems
2. Tools (require Microsoft Excel) to implement this approach quickly and easily
3. Orientation to inexpensive hardware which automates the data gathering process on a BrainMaster
4. An opportunity to use the process and equipment HANDS-ON for each participant.

The EEG is increasingly used as a method for looking at a potential client's brain activation patterns, often in comparison with one of a number of normative databases.  The need exists for a simple, fast assessment method intended to provide a general picture of the client's EEG condition as an ongoing evaluation tool, that can be achieved without resorting to full QEEG equipment and procedures.  In other words, regardless of whether or not a QEEG is used in any particular case, the need exists for an
alternative or complementary assessment method, that can be used as an extension to the regular progress of EEG training.

Over the past few years, Paul Swingle, Peter Van Deusen and others have developed practical operational extensions of manual assessments.  The results of these tests can be interpreted by themselves, or can be compared against a normative database to determine variations from a "standard" brain.  Van Deusen (The Learning Curve), who prefers to call his procedure "the objective assessment", simply provides
rough comparators which can be used to identify specific areas where a brain's internal activation patterns might help to explain why a client is having difficulty with particular tasks.  These methods are uniquely
efficient and cost-effective, while providing reliable and useful results, for the intended purpose.

There is a growing number of neurofeedback practitioners who find that a simple assessment which looks at subjective (behavioral) and objective (EEG) data is an efficient and effective way of selecting training protocols for a wide variety of clients.  This can be performed easily in the professional's office--and can be repeated at regular intervals as desired.  In addition, consulting services provided by other entities (Neuro Performance Institute, etc) can supplement the in-office analysis, to provide an additional level of comparison and interpretation.

The first 4-hour segment of this workshop will be a presentation by Peter Van Deusen of key brain systems which can be impacted by NF training, the symptom constellations which relate to performance issues in each, and the EEG correlates which are indicators of each. This system is based on five
categories of training issues, Tone, Balance, Filtering, Processing and Switching.  This segment of the workshop will also demonstrate computerized tools, using Microsoft Excel, for translating behavioral checklist and EEG data gathered on a 2-channel BrainMaster into indicators of the
above-mentioned categories.

The evening segment of the first day will be an extensive demonstration reviewing the new BrainMaster 2.0 software in preparation for its use on the following day.  Tom Collura of BrainMaster will demonstrate the capabilities of the hardware and software and there will be an opportunity for participants to work with it hands on.  In particular, new session control methods, and the ability to program trial length and automatic software functions, greatly facilitate EEG training and the use of automated assessments such as the MINI-Q.

The second day of the workshop will begin with a presentation of BrainMaster's MINI-Q hardware, which enables gathering of data from 6 double-channel site-sets (e.g. 3 minutes from each site) in 18-20 minutes, using an EEG cap.  This system gathers data from Fz and Cz (frontal midline), F3 and F4, C3 and C4, P3 and P4, T3 and T4 and O1 and O2 very efficiently.  These data are then automatically output into an Excel file which is processed into the Assessment file, providing numerical, statistical and plain English findings to guide the clinician.

Thus Van Deusen and others' approaches to manual assessment can be used with increased efficiency and speed, leading to more reliable results.  By accurately capturing EEG data during a shorter time using an EEG cap, the confounding effects of boredom, fatigue, and other changes in overall mental state
are minimized, in the context of a mini-assessment.  In addition, the operator work load is simplified, and the opportunity for electrode placement errors, etc. is significantly reduced.

The balance of the day will involve each participant performing an assessment using the MINI-Q and the assessment software, using equipment provided.  Tom Collura and Peter Van Deusen will be present to supervise, explain, and answer questions.

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