Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meeting

Jan 19-22, 2007 Palm Springs, CA  Pre-Conference Courses Jan 15-18        

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About the Futurehealth Winter Brain,
Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meetings

A little history and then a walk-through on how to understand the way the meetings are run and how to make the most of them.

Winter Brain (Neurofeedback) Meeting

Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story

Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting


Three meetings come together, like three rivers, and at first glance, they may not seem compatible. Yet, over and over we've seen how the presenters and attendees enjoy this cross-fertilization of information.

The winter Brain meeting was founded in 1993 by Rob Kall. At the time, there was no advanced meeting for people interested in Brain training and stimulation (neurofeedback, sound and light, mind body approaches.) There were introductory workshops and no place for the instructors or experienced practitioners to go to share advanced ideas, techniques, technologies, models and approaches. The goal of the meeting was and still is, to create an environment where advanced ideas, new findings and approaches could be shared by leaders in the field.

It’s a place where top experts in the field come to bounce off new ideas and theories, and to share their new findings and techniques for helping different populations.

One goal was to make sure the meeting was in a fun, tropical location.

Another goal was to support the vision of biofeedback and self regulation training as an approach which goes beyond the medical model of illness treatment, to support biofeedback as an approach which helps move people towards optimal levels of functioning. This approach, over several years, led to inclusion of more and more meeting content on Peak performance, optimal Functioning and new, cutting edge approaches to enhancing human functioning.


Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting

The aspect of Optimal functioning has always been a major theme of the winter brain meeting. But by 1996, meeting Organizer Rob Kall decided to break out a separate track that would focus on different dimensions of Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology-- peak performance in executives, athletes, sports psychology, transpersonal psychological approaches to consciousness, spirituality, altered states, positive emotions, parapsychology, holistic healing and of course, positive psychology. Conference founder was one of the early pioneers of the field, presenting at national meetings on emotional self regulation, positive experience training, happiness response training, the anatomy of positive experience, heartwarming, positive affect regulation since 1985. The meeting weaves together research data, clinical approaches, experiential exercises,  training and coaching approaches and strategies and much more.


Over the years our presenters have included a wonderful range of world class leading innovators. This year is no exception.

We want you to have an incredible meeting experience. It’s more than just a collection of lectures and workshops. It’s a temporary community you’ll become a part of, where sharing, networking, connecting is very easy and natural, where you’ll make new friends and colleagues who will make a major difference in your life. We’ve had couples meet and end up getting married, babies conceived and new partnerships and projects developed. It’s what we love to do-- bring people and ideas and passions together.

The Palm Springs Hilton is a wonderful place to make it happen, with gorgeous grounds and the warm, tropical beauty of Palm Springs in January, a delightful oasis, away from the cold north or the busy, regular world of work. Not that you won’t work hard here, if you like. For people who take every lecture and workshop they can we call it "boot Camp." Be sure to plan some time to enjoy hiking in the unbelievably beautiful Indian Canyons Oases, or take a ride up the tram from lunch or dinner at the top of the mountain. Be careful you don’t over-do the next door, and take out an afternoon for the natural hot-spring spa across the street

Another good way to get a feel for what the meeting is about is to read what others have said about the meeting.

Understanding How the Meeting Works

There are different parts to the meeting which can be registered for separately or in a combination.

-Plenary Sessions. These run from Friday through Tuesday and total about 30-33 hours of lectures and panel discussions.  These run from very early in the morning-- as early as 7:00 AM until 10:30 PM on some days. Treat these lectures and panels like items on a restaurant menu. Don't try to attend them all.  Do feel free to jump into any of the many panel discussions. It's not uncommon to have 20+ people participate in a panel. We start with a few speakers at the front of the room and then encourage anyone in the audience to join in.

Afternoon workshops. These are two or four hours and are optional, available at an additional registration fee. These are a great source of more indepth information and training. If you walk into one, you will be charged for it. It is usually possible to change from one workshop to another. Most people sign up ahead of time, before the actual list of workshops is available, to take advantage of discount prices for pre-paying for 10 hours of workshops. You can use those ten hours in any combination you like. And there is no cancellation fee for workshop prepayments.

-Pre and Post Conference Courses: We offer a nice selection of one or two day courses taught by extraordinary teachers before or after the conference.

-First Timer Intro To Neurofeedback One Day Mega-Course If you are relatively new to neurofeedback, just getting started, or even if you've been practicing for a year or two, but you've only had training from one person, then this is a great sampler course that will give you an understanding of both the basics of neurofeedback and of the wide range of approaches and perspectives taken by the leaders in the field. We keep the cost very low when it is combined with any other meeting registration.

-Between, before and after Some of the best information, connections, tips and ideas come from times spent at the bar, in the hot tubs, at the meal table. That's why it's so important to stay at the hotel and linger. People are very friendly and glad to share, so reach out.

Over the years, two other conferences have been overlapped, and to some extent woven into the Brain meeting-- The Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting and the StoryCon Summit Meeting on the art, science and application of science. When you register for the Brain meeting you get free admission to both of these meetings.

StoryCon Meeting


call for papers
We love to include new presenters. If you are a first timer without a track record, we'll welcome you for an early morning presentation. Contact meeting organizer, Rob Kall to explore the possibilities.

Speaker rules:

1) present at an advanced level
2) the topic is hot, exciting, something you are excited about and looking forward to presenting to your colleagues on, for feedback and dialogue.
3) You are stretching yourself in this presentation-- covering new turf, using a new model, coming out of the closet on some dimension of your work that you have long had a hidden interest or passion for.
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