Futurehealth Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meeting

Jan 19-22, 2007 Palm Springs, CA  Pre-Conference Courses Jan 15-18        

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2004 Winter Brain Abstracts


Ray Bergen
WORKSHOP (2 hrs):
 Ray Bergen
The stalemate created by the differences between how men and women approach interpersonal issues lies at the heart of every relationship breakdown.  This same difference is played out in issues facing humankind, like terrorism or global warming.              
This workshop demonstrates the archetypal roles that men and women can step into in order to bridge the gap between them. Participants will learn the three steps for moving from breakdown to connection which apply equally to the micro world of our relationship as well as the macro world of politics.
1ST HR: Understanding the nature of these archetypal roles and how they apply to us.
2nd HR: Learning the three steps
Participants will:
1)      Understand interpersonal conflict in a whole new way
2)      Understand global conflict in a whole new way
3)      Gain tools to resolve issues


Meditation Prescribed by the Doctor

Presented by   Naras Bhat, MD, FACP. Cybernetix Medical Institute, 2182 East St., Concord, California, 94520. Phone: 925-685-4224. Fax: 925-685-6997. Web address: heartsaver.com

  Course Description

Learn to prescribe meditation in a single office visit by specific concepts: what is meditation, why meditate, how to meditate and when to meditate. Demonstrate  meditation using brain wave technology. The course is based on years of teaching meditation to UC Berkeley students and heart disease support groups at a community hospital.

Attendee description

All biofeedback practitioners and clinicians can attend this program. Of special interest for people involved in teaching stress control, and cardiovascular work.


Statement of Objectives

1. Learn the concepts of secular meditation and clinical applications.

2. Learn how to meditate in one moment, one minute, and five minute segments, any time and anywhere.

3. Learn the common state dependent psychophysiological denominator of all meditative systems.


 Naras Bhat, MD, FACP.  is a professor of behavioral medicine, and teaches meditation and integrative medicine at UC Berkeley. He is a board certified internist, certified in stress management education by AAPB, and member of AAPB. Author of widely acclaimed book, How to Reverse Heart Disease and Cancer. He is director of a heart disease reversing program at Concord, California. The program consists of weekly educational and support group, individual sessions of biofeedback to reduce reactivity of mind-body in general and heart in particular. Dr Bhat is originally from India, and has studied the mind-body healing from the standpoint of biological reactivity. He has conducted more than 500 seminars and workshops all over the world on doable stress control for 21st century.




Claim of the course

1. The altered state of meditation can be accomplished by anybody by following the user friendly steps.

2. Meditation and imagery is a useful modality in mind-body clinical practice. The secular meditation can be taught to the client in a single office visit.

Examination Questions



Course outline

1. What is meditation: How the meditation is a state dependent phenomenon regardless of what system you follow.

2. Why people fail in meditative practices? Problems and solutions.

3. How to meditate: The three P's of meditation: Place, Posture, and Passive state. The three R's of meditation: Relax the muscles, Respiration watch, and Repeat the sound (mantra).

4. Meditation dynamics: what to do with your body and mind during meditation. How to use creative imageries for stress control, healing, and personal growth.

Hand outs



Laughter Yoga: Therapeutic laughter for no other reason
 Naras Bhat, M.D.

The unique idea of Laugher Club was discovered in March 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria, Physician from Mumbai (India). Anyone can laugh in a group for 15-20 min without depending upon the Sense of Humour, Jokes or comedy. It combines laughter exercises based on Yoga breathing, which turns into real laughter when practiced in a group. Now there are more than 2500 laughter clubs around the world such as India, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Dubai.

Based on the experience with thousands people, we systematically present the phenomenology and neurobiology of laughter, qualitative and quantitative data from these clubs, and share the proven protocols of laughter sessions. Statement of the claim of the course: Laughter yoga is a new group therapy tool in the era of positive psychology. The therapeutic benefits of laughter are easily reachable to everyone using this model, regardless of ones sense of humor or level of otherwise life satisfaction. Once initiated, the phenomenon of stimulated laughter and its aftermath of release feeling are similar to spontaneous laughter.





Naras Bhat, MD, FACP is a board certified specialist in Internal Medicine and Metabolic Cardiology. He has an active heart disease reversal clinic at Concord, California focused on the tripod model of heart disease: plumbing blockage, cholesterol chemistry, and emotional factors. He was a professor of Behavioral Medicine at Rosebridge College of Integrative Psychology, and teaches at University of California, Berkeley. He is immediate past president of Biofeedback Society of California and serves as board member of AAPB. He is the author of two popular books: How to Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease; Reversing Stress and Burnout. He prescribes meditation as well as medications for his patients.

PLENARY: The New Story-Mind Connection: Story Patterns Reveal a New Model of the Psyche

James Bonnet


In this talk, James Bonnet will describe a new story model called The Golden Paradigm which is also a model of the human psyche and was brought to light by intriguing new patterns discovered hidden in great stories. These new patterns reveal all of the psychic dimensions, their structure, their hierarchy, their conflicts and their goals. This psychological model becomes a story model when it is used to create new stories. Once you understand these new patterns and models, you will not only be able to create better stories, you will understand why the struggle between good and evil is the dominant pattern in great stories and why it is playing such a significant role in our lives.


Bonnet will also explore the source of  creativity and how the conscious and creative unconscious minds can interact to form a creative partnership which is applicable, not only to storymaking, but to many different art forms, and can bring powerful inner resources to light.




WORKSHOP: Archetype and Metaphor: The Secret Language of Great Stories and the Human Mind

James Bonnet

Metaphor is the symbolic language of story. In this workshop, James Bonnet will decipher the metaphors found in great stories and the psychological archetypes they reveal. These archetypes, patterns of action and cycles of transformation are the same archetypes, patterns and cycles which run through every individual and every group, and are being played out in all of life's important stages. The secrets of great stories, it turns out, are the secrets of the human mind and the study of story is the study of this remarkable phenomenon. Every great story reveals some small piece of that magnificent mystery. With this new deeper understanding of story, there will be no limit to the power and art that can be created through your work.

Bonnet will also demonstrate why a knowledge of story and the act of storymaking are essential links in a creative process that can reconnect us to our lost or forgotten inner selves and why a vast, unrealized potential exists within us which a  knowledge of story and storymaking can help to make real.

BIO:  James Bonnet http://www.storymaking.com began his career as an actor and writer. He created the role of James Roosevelt in the Tony Award winning hit Broadway play Sunrise at Campobello, and at twenty-three he wrote for the television series It’s A Man’s World. He was elected twice to the Board of Directors of the Writers Guild of America and has written or acted in more than forty television shows and features. For the last twenty years he has been the director of Astoria Filmwrights, a research project studying all the significant story models and theories about story from around the world and their connection to the creative process, storymaking, psychology, myth and film. The culmination of this work is the breakthrough “unified” theory of the origin and nature of story, and a revolutionary new story model that can teach writers and filmmakers how to create contemporary novels and films that are significantly more powerful, successful and real than stories currently are. These radical new ideas are revealed in his book Stealing Fire From The Gods: A Dynamic New Story Model For Writers And Filmmakers and his weekend seminar, Storymaking: The Master Class, and are having a major impact on writers in all media.

“What Good, if any, is Joint Time Frequency Analysis?”
Grant Bright 
The goal of early computerized EEG recording systems was to make recordings as reliable and faithful as those seen with the traditional pen and paper chart recorders.
 As scientists began to explore the digital recordings, it was found that computerized eeg recordings actually contained more information than was seen in the pen and paper chart recorders.
 Advanced mathematics is a tough subject for many of us. While, computers do the mathematics for us, it is important to understand that advanced methods of mathematics offer us views of EEG not seen in traditional measures.
“A Viable Business Model for Professional NeuroFeedback”
 Grant Bright
 Many NeuroFeedback clinicians are effective computer program operators. They make substantial invests of time, money, and other resources. Some have thriving practices with waiting lists, while others check for dial tone to see if their phone working.
 The difference in success and lack of success lies in an understanding of effective business methods, clinical strategy, professional salesmanship, demonstrated energy, personal qualities including telling effective story telling, office environment, and personal ethics and integrity.

Workshop (2 Hr)

The CARE Approach to NF Training: Comprehensive, Adaptive Renormalization of EEG
Valdeane Brown 

Many approaches to NF training are based localized theories and/or collections of discrete protocols.  The CARE approach is fundamentally different and is based on the idea that – regardless of the specific manifesttion – all disorder involves limitations in the resilience and flexibility of the CNS.  From this perspective NF Training is done so as to facilitate the return or restoration of resilience and flexibility – with disorders “dropping away” on their own as that process unfolds.  This greatly simplifies training as it means that specialized training approaches, particular sensor sites, and/or unique training sequences are not needed.  An overarching targeting procedure can be useful across context.  This workshop will explore the details of using this kind of approach regardless of NF training system used.  

plenary: The 7 Hz Resonances of NF Training: A Central Role For the Thalamic Pacemaker
Valdeane Brown 

Traditionally most NF training uses a single “augment” in combination with 1-2 “inhibits”.  This traditional approach necessitates the use of various assessment procedures in order to ascertain which particular “augment” and/or “inhibits to use at a particular time.  Recent research has validated the presence of a roughly 7 Hz “central rhythm” that can be traced to the Thalamus.  This research also indicates that there may well be a bi-modal distribution to Thalamic activity involving both 7 and 14 Hz.  Interestingly, 14 Hz has been clearly identified as the central signature of SMR, when accessed over the sensory-motor strip.  We have been exploring the integration of these two streams, in particular the role of 7 Hz and its “resonant” patterns in NF training and how the use of multiple, concurrent targets can yield a single comprehensive approach to NF training.  This presentation will outline how the various 7 Hz multiples of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 can all be used concurrently to yield a powerful, yet ultimately simple, adaptive training approach.


plenary (short) Cutting Edge Visualization Techniques As An Assist in NF Training: Cross Correlation of the AutoCorrelation of Joint Time-Frequency Analysis
Valdeane Brown

Historically a number of Gausssian statistics have been used to assist in understanding the potential usefulness of NF training.  However useful these may have been in the past, the reality is that EEG is neither linear nor Gaussian – and the data from NF training supports the idea that traditional linear measures are insufficient to capture both the dynamics of the NF training itself as well as the relevant outcomes in a large number of cases.  Clearly, additional means are needed in order to truly understand how NF training occurs and how well it has been implemented in particular instances.  There is a robust literature concerning the use of Cross Correlations of the AutoCorrelations of Joint Time-Frequency Analyses.  These tools have been applied to NF training and reveal a possible use of this kind of tools for understanding how well training is progressing, esp in re: to how the resilience of the CNS has increased as a result of training.  Data from a series of clients diagnosed with seizure disorders will be used, along with several others, to illustrate the possible value of this technique. 


NCP User Group (as before 1 or 2 times)
Valdeane Brown
Plenary Topic:
“Pathways Through the Brain”
Tom Brownback
How do sensory input, emotion and thought travel through the brain.
From an international 10-20 System point-of-view, where does primary sensory processing take place; sensory perception; sensory comprehension. How does emotional memory get triggered by sensory input, etc., etc., etc. What are the implications for neurodiagnostics and neurotherapy.
Panel “To Q or not to Q”
Tom Brownback
Panel – Case Study – Comparing QEEG verses non-QEEG approaches to determine training placements, band widths, whether to train to increase or decrease amplitude and other neurotherapy recommendations.


ws4  Functions, Pathologies and Frequencies at Each of the International 10-20 System Placements within a Fully Integrated Neurofeedback System (BMANS)

Thomas S. Brownback, M.Ed,    Linda Mason Brownback, M.A.

 This workshop will cover perspectives (views) of the brain; brain neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and descriptions of the functions associated with different EEG frequencies. Based in this knowledge, participants will then learn the pathways through which information travels through the brain, including how this information is colored by emotion. The culmination of this portion is an understanding of how executive decision-making takes place. All of the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology will be constantly referenced to the International 10-20 System placements.



Neurotechnologies of the Spirit; Emergent Properties as Spirituality Evolves on the Wheel of Science Alfred Collins Chair

Enlightenment and Individuation: Integrating Eastern and Western Technologies

 Alfred Collins www.braindance.us

Neurofeedback is a spiritual, or psychological, discipline very similar to yoga, mindfulness meditation, zazen, the medieval “art of memory,” and even the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola.  To put it as neutrally as possible, it is mind culture.  (Most of us accept now, as Indian philosophy has always known, that the brain and the mind are one, so it makes no difference whether we call it “brain culture” or “mind culture.”)  History teaches us, however, that there are two kinds of mind culture, which are related to what Friedrich Nietzsche called the “Apollonian” and “Dionysian” modes of life.  The latter seeks moments of ecstasy, when the structures of  selfhood and perception come tumbling down and we are plunged into our essential nature.  I call these Dionysian practices “ways of essence” because they aim to cut through the base metal that hides the essential gold at the heart of the psyche.  The other approach seeks to strengthen and clarify the self and mind.  These Apollonian practices I call “ways of totality” because they seek the wholeness of the person rather than ego transcendence.  The Dionysian perspective seeks the deeper self or soul, whereas the Apollonian view aims to refine and strengthen the ego, or “executive” parts of the brain and mind.  While most neurofeedback primarily serves the ego, alpha-theta work and some other approaches are “ways of essence” that can lead to spiritual breakthroughs.  In the last analysis, though, both aims are present in all forms of neurofeedback, in different proportions.


Workshop (2 hours?) 

“The Big Bang: Enlightenment and the Brain”

 Alfred Collins  www.braindance.us

Many have experienced moments of blinding light, when mind and body dissolved and a flood of joy welled up and erupted in laughter.  Yamada Roshi, a great Japanese Zen teacher with whom I studied in 1973, saw the image of the sky opening a mouth that hooted with world-annihilating laughter as he achieved kensho on the commuter train back home to Kamakura .  What is happening in the brain during such experiences?  We will review the neurophysiological theories that have tried to explain these great moments.  Some claim global field synchrony, others see sudden shifts in the orientation centers of the parietal lobe, and some like James Austin find a process of etching away ego structures until the whole house of cards collapses.  My own view is that none of these explanations is adequate and that quantum phenomena, or the quasi-quantum field structures posited by Roy John, must be involved.  Enlightenment is an event prepared for in ways that have been suggested by the authors mentioned above, but when it happens something entirely new takes place, something that comes from the depths of the mind where quantum processes act in the service of consciousness.  To make this idea plausible I will discuss some recent ideas of Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff

The Neurophysiology of Free Will  

Thomas F. Collura, Ph.D., P.E., BCN

BrainMaster Technologies, Inc. Oakwood Village, Ohio
This talk will review the technical and philosophical aspects of the human attribute of free will, and will also discuss the impact of neurofeedback on the expression of free will.  This will include a review of current thought on how the human brain and mind give rise to free will in the ability to forsee and understand alternative possible futures, in the ability to choose between them, and in the ability to act upon those choices. 
Essential physiological and information-processing mechanisms and attributes of a freely acting being will be identified, and impediments to free decision making will also be discussed.  It will be shown that, although we can begin to structure a systematic theory of free will, there remain profound mysteries that are still unsolved, and may be fundamentally unsolvable.  
In addition, consideration will be given to the possibility or impossibility of creating artificial devices that have free will, and how this consideration sheds light on natural beings that have free will.  Ultimately, it is believed that this line of thought will help us to fully appreciate the role  of humans in the universe, as well as the role of neurofeedback and related techniques in the development of free will, and its fullest expression in the form of individual freedom of thought, choice, and action.     
A novel timesharing approach to supervised clinical neurofeedback
Tom Collura and Tom Boone
This workshop will describe a novel approach to supervised clinical neurofeedback, in a clinical setting. This approach provides the ability for a single clinical director and technician to oversee 8 or more clients at once, and provide services centered around neurofeedback, but including other counseling, motivational, and instructional elements. All clients are accompanied by family members or coaches who are taught the basics of neurofeedback, and oversee the details of the training.

Clients purchase "time sharing" allottments of training time, which includes the rental of the equipment and clinic space, and can be used at any time. Clients schedule themselves to use the equipment, and are in fact leasing the instruments, as well as the time of the clinical director and technician.
The equipment is situated in a large shared environment separated into training areas, allowing the clinical staff to see the overall progress of training. Computer-networked EEG systems provide the ability to monitor all training areas from a central computer.

The clinical director oversees all training, and manages clients using a variety of motivational and instructional techniques, which augment and extend neurofeedback. These techniques include the use of audio tapes, EEG- controlled photic stimulation, EEG-controlled games and devices, one-on-one counseling, and the awarding of prizes, based on neurofeedback performance.

Overall, the quality of the neurofeedback training is maintained, while costs and clinical professional time are reduced. In addition, the involvement of the family members and coaches provides an opportunity for interaction that is beneficial at many levels. This provides a reinforcement to the neurofeedback training, as well as a positive experience for the family, and an opportunity for clinicians to observe and work with family or coach interpersonal dynamics.

Based on this approach, a small office is now able to serve a considerably greater number of clients, in an atmosphere that is characterized by support
and cooperation.

Neurofeedback Practicum - Remote Training

 Tom Collura

This workshop will be a hands-on demonstration, and participants are invited to bring equipment for in-class work. The emphasis will be on working up and managing remote clients, using home, school, or office-based equipment. Methods will be shown to handle simple assessments, set up protocols and controls, administer them to clients, and maintain ongoing control and supervision.

Each participant will have the opportunity to understand how to manage remote clients for neurofeedback training, as well as how to set up and monitor training from a central location, with clients in diverse locations.

Plenary: Our Exciting Stroke: Five Years Later

Frank & Mary Deits

On Feb 6, 1999 near the end of the Winter Brain Conference, Mary experienced a major hemorrhagic stroke.  This was the beginning of a journey of discovery and healing for each of us. The process has tested and refined our model of bio/neurofeedback. We have learned a lot and are excited to share the experience!

In this short presentation we will track Mary’s progress over the 5 years to date, discuss our approach, and share a few experiences that have happened along the way.


Dealing with Stroke: A Look at Alternative Approaches.

Frank & Mary Deits

The Experience of Stroke and Other Brain Injuries

Following Mary’s major hemorrhagic stroke while attending the 1999 Winter Brain Mind Conference we embarked on a journey of healing. Our emphasis has been on encouraging her organism to move toward wellness. We were determined to take advantage of Mary’s background and motivation. Biofeedback/neurofeedback played a large part in the process with most every modality being involved at some time. We have kept our eye on the journey rather than the destination. After 5 years major changes are still happening.

This workshop is an opportunity to understand the stroke experience from a unique perspective.   Some of the topics to be covered are:

  • The medical decisions made during the acute phase of the recovery.
  • Mary's experience of the stroke.

·        The use of biofeedback, neurofeedback, and HEG including the choice of placements, filters, and modalities.

·        The rehab hospital experience and our decision to take over the process ourselves.

·        Our approach to the risk/benefit issue.

·        Application of our experience to the rehab setting.

Expect a lively, informal, challenging workshop with ample time for questions

Suggested reading: My Exciting Stroke by Mary Deits

Neurofeedback – Quo Vadis?
Controversies In The Field Of Neurofeedback
Dr. Wolfdieter Diersch, LL.M.
Rützhaubstr. 13
D 67346 Speyer
                             Phone        +49 (0) 6232  29 15 99
                             Fax             +49 (0) 6232 29 15 99
Email                   diersch@corestar.de
            Dr. Diersch offers Neurofeedback in his own practice in Speyer (Germany).
From his own experience of researching the field in 2002 he shares his knowledge and provides valuable background information, which will help others to decide whether they should enter the field of Neurofeedback. 
Dr. Diersch has entered the field, because he is convinced that Neurofeedback is a very powerful tool to help clients to help themselves with many problems on the physical, the emotional and the mental level, and after the problem solving phase, the client can continue Neurofeedback for peak performance training or training of optimal flow and functioning.
For those who have entered the field or have decided to enter it, Dr. Diersch
will touch some controversial topics of the field:
-           Neurofeedback:                       Training vs. medical treatment
-           Effectiveness of Approach:     Protocol vs. Comprehensive
-           Quality of the Equipment
-           Training of the Neurofeedback Practitioner
            -           Supervision and Intervision



Les Fehmi

Coherence applies to brain waves of a given frequence which maintain a consistent relationship with each other, extremes of which are often thought of in neurofeedback circles as undesirable.  The optimizing effects of training phase synchrony, a particular kind of coherence, one in which brain waves of specific frequency peak and trough at the same time, will be described.




Les Fehmi 

In recent years the subject of coherence and synchrony has come to the forefront in neurofeedback circles, leaving many confused about the difference between the two and wondering whether it is good or bad to have coherent or synchronous brain waves. Coherence applies to brain waves that maintain a consistent relationship with each other.  Phase synchrony describes a particular kind of coherence, one in which brain waves of a specific frequency peak and trough at the same time.  When they peak and trough perfectly in time they are said to be phase synchronous.  Brain synchrony can be trained at two sites, or globally over the whole head, at many sites.  It also can be trained between individuals, which will be discussed and demonstrated in our workshop this weekend.

Synchrony training, especially in the peak alpha range of frequencies, helps the brain to return to non-biased and flexible functioning, relaxed and yet ready to attend and direct itself as may be appropriate or ideal to the situation.  Sometimes during this zero bias and ready way of functioning, and especially after periods of practice, people report feelings of oneness, unselfconsciousness, intimacy, a reduction in stress symptoms and an increase in peak performance skills.  Since the brain is biased towards creating islands of asynchronous activity, which the brain does in order to make objective reality known to us, the training of synchrony is a significant normalizing tool.

However, as important as synchrony training is, the training of individuals in what I call AOn/Off@ training, specifically asking the brain to alternately produce whole head phase synchrony (AOn@) and whole head phase asynchrony (AOff@), yields the attentional flexibility which is respopnsible for general normalization of physiology. The value of including AOff@ training is to promote brain wave flexibility.  The brain learns to shift easily into both synchrony and then asynchrony, both dissolving objective reality and recreating it, avoiding rigidity and stimulating fluidity.    Thus, there is no rub: both synchrony and asynchrony training are important, just as bidirectional training is important to thermal, EMG, or GSR biofeedback training.

Les Fehmi and Susan Shor Fehmi
In recent years the subject of coherence and synchrony has come to the forefront in neurofeedback circles, leaving many confused about the difference between the two and wondering whether it is good or bad to have coherent or synchronous brain waves. As many of you know, Les Fehmi has been talking about the value of "on/off phase synchrony training coupled with Open Focus training for over thirty years, myself for over twenty. This training protocol is practiced in our Princeton Biofeedback Centre along with other more familiar neurofeedback protocols.
Coherence applies to brain waves that maintain a consistent relationship with each other. Phase synchrony describes a particular kind of coherence, one in which brain waves of a specific frequency peak and trough at the same time. When they peak and trough perfectly in time they are said to be phase synchronous. Brain synchrony can be trained at two sites, or globally over the whole head, at many sites. It also can be trained between people, which is a very exciting option.
In one of our synchrony protocols we train people in what we call "on/off training, specifically asking the brain to alternately produce whole head phase synchronous alpha ("on") and whole head phase asynchronous alpha ("off), using a neurofeedback instrument of Les' design. Along with Open Focus training, an attention technique that also encourages the brain to move toward whole head phase synchrony, neurofeedback synchrony training has proven to be valuable as a neurological normalizing tool.
Synchrony training, especially in the peak alpha range of frequencies, helps the brain to return to non-biased and flexible functioning, relaxed and yet ready to attend and direct itself as may be appropriate or ideal to the situation. Sometimes during this zero bias way of functioning, and especially after periods of practice, people report feelings of oneness, unselfconsciousness, intimacy, a reduction in stress symptoms and an increase in peak performance skills. The value of including "off training is to promote brain wave flexibility, the brain learns to shift easily into both synchrony and then asynchrony, avoiding rigidity.
One of the more interesting applications of synchrony training is with couples to foster connectedness. The couple may consist of a pair of any kind, a parent and child, two friends, business partners, two siblings, employer and employee, teacher and student, coach and player, romantic partners or any other combination in which connectedness is desired. The protocol employs the use of linked neurofeedback that requires both partners to produce whole head phase synchronous brain waves, in phase in their own brain, and in phase with each other, in order to get feedback. Neither partner will get feedback if they are out of synchrony with the other. The resultant experience can be a sense of harmony and unity between people, dubbed "the honeymoon response" by one of our married clients.
Until now, individual and couples' synchrony training required the use of a stand-alone, multi­channel, phase sensitive EEG of Les' design. Recently, Les designed a less expensive Synchrony Converter that will turn any neurofeedback instrument into a five channel, phase sensitive, EEG which can train synchrony all over the head in the way that the more expensive stand-alone synchrony trainer does. With two Converters, any existing dual channel EEG feedback instrument can be turned in to a couples synchrony trainer as well. It was Les' desire to help people to convert whatever neurofeedback instruments they already own into one that does synchrony training.
As the neurofeedback community becomes more sophisticated, we understand the value of many different kinds of brain wave training. There is a place for whole head phase synchrony training at one end of the continuum, as well as a place, at the other end of the continuum, for more localized synchrony and asynchrony training, as in the ADD protocols. We use many of them, for they all yield specifically different treatment outcomes.
At this workshop we will discuss the relationship of attention to the various brain wave training approaches commonly in use. We will discuss how to perform synchrony training individually and as a couple. We will also demonstrate the use of the Synchrony Converter for individuals and couples. A limited opportunity for personal experience is available for a few workshop participants.
Susan Shor Fehmi
317 Mt. Lucas Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540
email: lesfehmi@ix.netcom.com


Neurofeedback for The Attachment Disordered Patient: Protocols, Practice and Patience
 Sebern Fisher

 Attachment Disorder is a vastly under-recognized clinical and societal problem. Early attachment breaks disrupt optimal brain development, particularly in the right hemisphere, which in turn significantly impairs regulation of affect.  Schore argues convincingly that without “good enough” affect regulation there can be no development of self or other.

  Neurofeedback training offers the single most efficacious approach to affect regulation for the profoundly disregulated population.  Hence it is vital that neurofeedback practitioners understand this increasingly widespread clinical problem, know what protocols best address it and know what, along neurofeedback, is required for a successful outcome.

Topics to be covered: Etiology of Attachment Disorder, assessment, signs and symptoms, present approaches to treatment and the integration of neurofeedback.

 3.  AGENDA: 

 First 45 minutes Etiology, assessment, signs and symptoms of attachment disorder  

last 1.25 hour Treatment approaches, neurofeedback protocols; integration        

WS If one type of treatment leads to stagnation, try another one”. Adaption of different neuro-techniques to the individual needs of the client
Uwe Gerlach
Skilled neurotech-healers have a differentiate toolbox at their disposal. The tools in our practice are:
-         classical neurofeedback
-         light and sound
-         acoustic techniques like binaural beats
-         healing and relaxation music
-         guided imagery
-         for kinesthetic needs of the body we newly introduce magnetic field therapy
-         breating techniques like our breat-walk
As we have a sort of sixth sense to actually diagnose our clients we may e. g. choose only SMR training for a child this time. In the next session with our child we use healing music combined with light-sound. If a client actually suffers from a certain pain we add a specific magnet field near the pain area to an Beta reward, Theta suppress feedback training to enable the client to control and diminish the pain.
In the workshop we give detailed and practical guidelines when and how to use which metod for a special diagnosis.
Brief bio - Dr. Uwe Gerlach, Germany:
Today I'm 52 years old, my profession is physicist. My normal career was in the field of materials science. I did a lot of scientific research and worked many years as a materials engineer. My second career began in the early 80's with a severe sickness consisting of a deep depression and phobias. I cured them with the aid of bodily centered psychotherapy (holotropic breathwork) and two years of daily deep relaxation training. The relaxation methods were breathwork, floatation tank and sauna. In addition to psychotherapy I experienced transpersonal phenomena and spiritual transformation similar to descriptions of Stanislav Grof.
Since 1990 I am part of the Megabrain movement in Germany. I wrote two books around these topics and became an expert of brain technology. From 1991 til today, I offer mental training workshops assisted by light and sound technology. Many workshops take place in great holiday clubs. In the past three years I became interested in neurofeedback and studied its main structure and its actual state-of-the-art. Two years ago I founded my own company "info-brain" in collaboration with medical doctors and trainers experienced in light and sound technology.
Uwe Gerlach
Curriculum vitae:
24.6.44                        Born in Romania
1950 - 70                     primary and high school, university study
                                    til the degree of physicist in Germany
1975                            doctorat in physics, materials science
76 - 84                         research in materials science
85 - 92                         materials engineer in a company producing heavy machinery
92 - 95                         leading position in a business software company
90 - today                    expert in light and sound technology, publishing
                                    three books about this topic,
                                    head of the company "info-brain"
93 - 97                         second marriage with the teacher and therapist Gordana Gerlach
97 – today                    partnership with Mrs. Elke Sparkuhle



Emotions and Meditation:

'Four Great Catalysts of Being'

 Richard W. Glade M.A.,L.C.S.W.

This plenary session presents a buddhist view of emotion and describes the differences between "Destructive" and " Catalytic" emotions and sentiments. A process is described which can be used both as an immediate antidote to destructive emotion "on the spot" as well as an ongoing training or practice for releasing and eventually eliminating 'emotional reactivity'. HRV biofeedback has been used in this training and its use will be described. 

Worshop: Discovering and Dissolving Mind Loops in Meditation Practice
Richard Glade 
Within the Tibetan Tradition the practice of meditation is said to unfold along Five Paths which have both a sequential relationship and an interdependent one. Each path unfolds as the student cultivates the appropriate View, Meditation, and Conduct or Activity. While particular schools and individual lineages vary in their specific application of this system, the basic pattern is shared by most Tibetan Buddhist lineages:
    -The Path of Preparation on which the student develops a life style and a commitment/intention which is
    non-harming, calms the mind, and provides the basis for "discerning the real;
    -The Path of Accumulation on which the student clears away interference and entanglement
    and 'accumulates' the causes and conditions (including skills) that will allow 'Discerning the Real' (direct
    apprehension of what is, just as it is);
    -The Path of Seeing which unfolds as the student has freed her capacity for remaining (in a beginning
    way) in an alert,open state beyond thought;
    -The Path of Meditation on which the student engages the real directly;
    -And, The Path of No-Meditation where the student has stabilized and integrated the Path of Meditation.
Both the plenary presentation and the workshop will introduce these stages as outlined by Longchenpa in the three volume text Kindly Bent to Ease Us and then present the presenters' experience with the particularly stubborn difficulties western students often have as they begin to move along these paths.
Calming the mind includes many elements which are introduced and cultivated. The student learns to combine deep relaxation, alertness, and a stable, aligned, balanced and relaxed posture. This can be quite difficult for those of us who have associated relaxation with drowsiness and mild trance, and who have associated alertness and/or an erect posture with effort and tension. The use of both peripheral (GSR/EMG/HEART) and neurofeedback to support students in developing this capacity will be illustrated and discussed.
At more advanced stages of practice a student may find herself in a loop in which progress is blocked and motivation and interest wane; illusions may develop about what is happening and where one is in her practice. Examples will be given illustrating the use of neurofeedback to resolve or ease these blockages. Participants in the workshop can expect to get an overview of one system of meditation and how biofeedback may be used as an aid to trditional techniques and practices; experiential excercises will be include to help make some of the points presented.
Brief Bio---Richard W. Glade L.C.S.W.
Rich Glade was introduced to meditation by a family friend during high school and has been a student in several traditions; in 1979 he began formal study of buddhist meditation and was particularly drawn to the Tibetan practice of Lojong (Mind Training). In 1992 Rich was asked to teach a classic traditional text and method:'The Seven Points of Training the Mind' and has continued to teach this method and material as the resident teacher of TsaTso Choling (Salt Lake Dharma Society) in Salt Lake City.
From 1971 to 1978 Rich was an associate professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. He has a private psychotherapy practice in Salt Lake City.
EEG Changes and Conscious States Associated with Energy Healing
Frank Gordon Tom Collura
We report on EEG changes observed in an energy healer, who
was monitored for 40 minutes during a healing session.    This
healer holds a Doctor or Medical QiGong  degree and uses QiGong for healing. His EEG was measured using a Lexicor 24 with linked ears reference in an eyes open baseline, eyesclosed orking and eyes open working conditions. These working conditions involved self
healing/qi manipulation without a subject. This was followed up by using a Brainmaster with 2.0 software to monitor the temporal lobes during healing with subject.
Several significant EEG changes were seen. During the without subject conditions large amounts of slow wave activity were noted in large areas compared to the baseline. During the with subject condition  periods of
extremely high and coherent theta (4-7) waves, alternating with
periods of high beta (20-30 Hz) waves were observed.  The EEG changes were
associated with the alternating conscious state of the healer,
who alternated between an inward-directed and an outward-directed
state.  These observations are consistent with the idea that the
EEG changes accurately reflect the conscious transitions,
and depth of consciousness, associated with this healing method.

An Invitation for Evidenced Based Neurofeedback Research

 Kamran Fallahpour, PhD

Dr. Fallahpour, will be discussing the Brain Resource Company's first Standardized International Database on human Brain and implications for Neurofeedback.

 The Brain Resource Company has set up the first standardized International Database on the human brain.   Through the use of our international brain database, we are able to make integrated assessments of brain structure and brain function, using our new ways to analyse the brain. A consortium of the world’s leading scientists has brought together complementary elements about the brain that are usually assessed in isolation.  These elements were selected to reflect a profile of information about individual differences, overall brain function, brain structure, genetics and performance. Standardized psychophysiological and psycchometric profiling will be a powerful asset in evidenced based neurofeedback research and clinical work.


 Kamran Fallahpour, PhD
The Brain Resource Company , New York
The Institute of Neuropsychology and Cogntive Performance
263 Westend Ave #1D
New York, NY 10023
212. 877.2130

Email: kf@brainresource.com or kfneurocog@aol.com


Biofeedback in a Wireless Blackhawk-Down-Type Combat Virtual Reality Environment

Kyle Gabler, David Jimison, Allison Styer


As part of DARPA’s program to Improve Warfighter Information Intake under Stress with Augmented Cognition, Carnegie Mellon University is building a virtual reality battlefield simulation.  The simulation will occur in a Vicon motion capture lab, and include EKG, GSR and 128 channel EEG.  The goals are to:


·        Determine which modalities can be measured accurately on a moving subject

·        Create a challenging virtual environment which can apply and measure cognitive stressors to the subject including spatial, visual, and auditory functioning

·        Create a messaging system which delivers pertinent information in a format appropriate to the subjects current stress level and areas of engagement


The actual simulation takes place during a Blackhawk Down scenario, in which a soldier on a rooftop is involved in an intense urban conflict.  During the simulation, the soldier will need to observe suspicious activity, relay information to their superiors, and fire back at enemies. 

David Jimison

Graduate Student

Entertainment Technology Center

Carnegie Mellon University

office: (412) 268-9792

cell: (412) 478-4435



Plenary What is Behavioral Optometry and How Can it Help You Or Your Clients?
Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D.
336 Berkeley Street
Rochester, NY 14607
(585) 461-3716 Fax: 271-6924
      In addition to ocular conditions such as near and farsightedness, presbyopia, eye fatigue, and eye turns, behavioral optometrists work with attention disorders, reading/learning disabilities, brain trauma rehabilitation, autism, and sports and performance enhancement. Vision is central to everything we do. Even listening relates to vision. Vision therapy uses the eyes to directly train the brain. Eye aiming, eye-hand coordination, peripheral vision enhancement, eye movement speed, stamina and accuracy, gross movement/balance/timing/integration, multi-tasking, ocular-motor planning, visual thinking, stress-point learning, and syntonic color therapy are just some of the avenues that are used. This presentation will give an overview of the field and how this important and often overlooked specialty is a key ingredient in the developmental, rehabilitation and performance enhancement fields. Material and demonstration of how to administer and interpret Five Tests of Vision Function related to learning and performance.

Two hour workshop:
Tension, Attention and Intention - Stress-Point Attention and Memory Training
Presented by Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D.
336 Berkeley Street
Rochester, NY 14607
585) 461-3716
Tension, Attention and Intention - Stress-Point Attention and Memory Training
Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D.
Focus: Stress-point learning problems occur when a leaning challenge exceeds the learner’s ability. Some people shrink from stress-point learning and thus limit their achievement potential. Others self-actualize by embracing appropriate stress-point challenges. Effective learners can increase their mental attention to successfully master tasks that cause initial failure. They don’t get frustrated but actually enjoy the tension of the challenge. Ineffective learners tighten-up and lose control in these stress situations. They can’t muster the mental effort and are easily defeated by anxiety and emotional tension. Their coordination, timing, attention and self-direction fall apart. Most educators and therapists ignore or don’t know what to do about this important aspect of learning. Most learners are not conscious of their negative stress-point habits and aren’t aware that this important learning skill can be trained directly.
This innovative approach includes bouncing on a small trampoline while reading letters, numbers, or sentences to improve visual perception and information processing. The trampoline is a timing device. So is the brain. Attention, information processing and performance are degraded unless timing is present, precise and predictable. In addition, the trampoline improves balance and coordination. The therapy/training is individualized for each person. Tasks are made as easy as necessary to insure initial success and motivation and then made more complex to increase mental focus and flow. Anxiety, frustration, impulsiveness, attention deficit and other learning blocks evaporate in the process. The speaker will demonstrate how to train attention and memory skill development at the stress-point.
Longer description
Tension, Attention and Intention - Stress-Point Attention and Memory Training
Improve your and your children/students /clients learning and performance under stress conditions.
            This technique uses stress-point tasks such as reading letter, number, or word sequences in rhythm while bouncing on a trampoline. Trampoline bouncing is an aerobic exercise, increases blood flow in the body and brain, and also improves balance, timing, and gross coordination. Stress-Point Learning is expressive and active. It requires doing the right thing at the right time. Hidden learning and perception blocks are exposed at the stress-point. Attention deficits go away as one learns to recover their attention so quickly, completely and automatically that attention springs back even before it leaves (precovery). In this highly creative consciousness, time proceeds in slow motion and instinct guides performance so that mind absorbs more and can recall, process and act with ease at unusually rapid rates. People at every age and level of education can benefit. This includes average achievers, high performing students, athletes, actors, musicians, as well as individuals with developmental lags, learning and reading disabilities, emotional problems and brain trauma. Lasting changes in the chemistry and physiology of attention take place deep in the brain. The result is increased ability to handle life’s learning challenges with greater mental focus, clarity and ease.
Here’s how it works. At first, the exercises are simple and the client is coached to master them at very high levels of competence. Then the tasks are made more and more complex. Finding the right degree of challenge is the key to successful training. Task difficulty must match attention and performance skills. Tasks that are too easy are boring and lead to decreased alertness, sluggish thinking, and short attention span. Overly difficult tasks overwhelm the student and result in loss of control, loss of meaning, and anxiety, anger, frustration, and impulsiveness. Appropriate tasks, in which the task seems doable but first attempts bring failure and then success after several tries. The effort to succeed motivates stronger attention and results in pleasure of learning and a desire for more. This we call stress-point learning. The result: great increases in self-confidence, information processing, and decision-making, as well as the ability bring one’s self to states of effortless and flowing learning.
The following task demonstrates the essence of this approach. Try it. Clap your hands in a steady tempo, at about one or two claps per second. Can you keep the beat? If not, use a metronome or a helper to clap with you. If you bounce on a trampoline for this exercise, clap at the bottom of each bounce. When you can sustain a steady clap rhythm, read these numbers out loud in time with your claps.
                          7 4 3 9 5 6 2 9 4 7 2 3 8 6 1 4
Find the optimal exercise by starting easy and adding complexity until you reach your stress-point. If you don't achieve sustained improvement after a few attempts, try using less numbers or slowing the pace by putting an extra clap between numbers. There are many ways to increase the demand for greater attention: faster tempo; read in reverse order; increase task length by going forwards and backwards three times in a row without stopping; say only the even but not the odd numbers (clap but keep silent on the odd numbers); add or subtract one (or two or three) to/from every number or just to even numbers; sum the numbers as you go; or alternate saying the number on every other beat and the letters of the alphabet in between. As attention skills are honed, learning blocks (stress-point patterns) become obvious. Repeated patterns of omissions, reversals, wrong numbers, distracting thoughts such as "This is too easy" or "I can’t do it, post-failure failure (making a mistake causes subsequent failure), poor attention recovery (can’t save yourself in action), false starts or mistakes just at the end are examples. A major goal is to learn how to recover (regain attention quickly) to avert mistakes. When your mind wonders, can you recover your attention and keep going or do you fall apart? Can you catch your errors or must someone tell you?  As you discover your stress point behaviors you will learn to self-direct more effective powers of learning and attention.
Course Description
1. What will the presenter cover?
The workshop will show how to recognize learning blocks and train mental attention during stress-point learning.
2. What is the goal?
To provide a solid, practical understanding of the principles, techniques and strategies for creating positive stress-point learning behaviors that increase attention and memory abilities for all tasks.
3. How will this be accomplished?
Students will observe and participate in in-depth demonstrations of the approach.
4. Is there written material to reinforce the workshop?
The presenter has written a book, Attention and Memory Training for Children. This book explains the approach in detail and includes step-by-step procedures and charts.
Statement of Objectives
1. How to create learning tasks that reveal stress-point learning blocks.
2. How to train attention and memory skills by developing positive stress-point behaviors.
2. How to apply the approach to specific learning/attention problems.
4. How to observe and measure progress.
Attendee description
Anyone interested in attaining or teaching high optimal learning states of consciousness.
Claim of the course
1. Learning skills of people at every age, developmental level and physical condition can improve their learning using this approach.
2. Emotional, cognitive, perceptual and physical learning abilities improve.
3. The learning approach makes intuitive sense and is fun.
Course outline
1. Find the stress-point:
Start with easy tasks and add complexity until learning falters and mistakes are made.
2. Observe learning blocks.
Learn how to look for positive and negative changes in attention, coordination and emotions, caused by initial failure.
3. Use learning strengths to eliminate learning weaknesses.
Learn step-by-step techniques and the art of coaching the student to achieve highly effective learning states.
4. Look for mastery at each stage of learning
Five questions: Can I do it; can I do it well, can I do it well for a long time, every time; can I accept change (apply it in new situations); can I be creative in the process?
5. Practical applications
How to use the technique for learning and memorizing specific information.
            Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D., has been training children and adults to improve their vision and attention and memory abilities since 1973. A certified behavioral optometrist, he has a private optometric vision therapy practice in Rochester, NY. In addition, he is the Dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry (since 1979), is on the faculty of the University of Rochester School of Medicine, is resident optometrist at the Rochester Psychiatric Center, is a consultant for the Rochester City School District and the Rochester Rehabilitation Center and is on the faculty at the Chautauqua Institution Summer Music School where he trains attention skills of advanced piano students. He was the research editor of the Brain/Mind Bulletin (1982-91), on the faculty of the University of California Berkeley School of Optometry, University of Houston College of Optometry, Sonoma State Mental Hospital, Santa Rosa Community College and was the creator and director of the Eye Gym in Santa Monica, CA. He wrote Attention and Memory Training for Children and Fundamentals of Flow in Learning Music (with Rebecca Penneys) and writes articles and presents workshops and lectures. A video of his technique for reversing presbyopia, The Read Without Glasses Method, has just been released.
Dean, College of Syntonic Optometry
336 Berkeley Street, Rochester, NY 14607, Ph:1-585-461-3716, raygottlieb@frontiernet.net
LICENSE: New York Lic: T U V 005385, Phase One Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents 2002,
Phase Two Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents (Glaucoma) 2003
California LIc: 4714
Certified in Behavioral Optometry by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development
DOB   June 22, 1940
Optometry Degree from the University of California, Berkeley (1964). (Highest Honors)
Masters of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley (1964)
Ph.D. Degree in Humanistic Psychology from Saybrook Graduate School and Research
Center San Francisco (1978)
            University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry (1964-65)
            University of Houston, College of Optometry (1965-68)
            Free University of Berkeley, Berkeley CA (1970-1972)
            California State University, Sonoma, Humanistic Masters Program (1974-78)
            California State Mental Hospital at Sonoma, California — trained hospital staff to                                         improve learning and attention in retarded patients (1975-77)
            Dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry (1979-present)
            Eastman School of Music — course for music students to improve attention, memory,
learning and visual/motor skills and to reduce performance anxiety (1994-1998)
            Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY; Music Department Faculty and Chautauqua
Childrens’ School (1993-present)
Lectures at optometry, education, medical and psychology conferences
Rochester City School System, In Service Training for Occupational Therapists (2003)
Rochester Rehabilitation Center, consultant (2003)
Private Optometry Vision Training Practice in Santa Rosa, CA —  (1972-80)
Founder and Director of the Eye Gym in Los Angeles, CA — large scale visual fitness
club for training strabismus, amblyopia, visual/motor and visual/perceptual
improvement, myopia control and visual stress reduction (1980-83)
Private Practice in Rochester, NY — specializing in behavioral vision training for      strabismus, amblyopia, visual/motor and visual/perceptual improvement, myopia
control, and visual stress reduction (1993-present)
Optometrist Employed at Cohen's Fashion Optical, Rochester, NY (1998-2002)
Optometrist Employed Genesee Valley Eye Institute, Rochester, NY (2002-2003)
Univ. Rochester Sch. of Med, Department of Ophthalmology, Senior  Clinical
Associate (2003-present )
Rochester Psychiatric Center, Resident optometrist (2003-present)
            Extensive travel and study in Europe 1968-1970)
            Invention and design of AutoRefractor – Berkeley Bioengineering 1970-1972)
Research editor for Brain/Mind Bulletin reviewing and writing articles about brain research, education, creativity, health, psychotherapy and neuroscience (1983-91)
DeMille Center for Psychotherapy, NYC, NY – Applied Vision Therapy
Approach with Psychotherapy Patients (1991-1993)
YMCA, Madison, NJ: Coached girls gymnastic team using vision training techniques.
            The Neuropsychology of Nearsightedness, Ph.D. dissertation, 1977 (Saybrook)     
"The Neuropsychology of Myopia," J. Optometric Vision Development, 1982
            "Teaching for Mastery; Education for Mystery," Assoc. Humanistic Psychology
Newsletter, 1977           
            Attention and Memory Training for Children  (self-published manual), 1993
            The Fundamentals of Flow in Learning Music with R. Penneys (self-published)1994
"Vergence Training in Real Space," in Vision Therapy: Nonstrabismic Vergence Probs,
“Relieving Stress in Myopia,” in Vision Therapy: Myopia Control, OEP, 1998
"Syntonic Phototherapy" (with Larry Wallace, OD) J Behavioral Optometry 2001
"Introduction to Syntonics as Energy Medicince," J Optometric Phototherapy 2002
“Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Visual Fields And Light Therapy, ”
Submitted to Chicago Medicine.

Workshop:         "QEEG Patterns of Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing and Dyslexia and Treatment Interventions."

Robert Gurnee, MSW, DCSW                        The multiple subtypes of each of the four above disorders will be presented and relevant EEG Neurofeedback interventions.  Research from SPECT, PET and FMRI will also be utilized.



Lecture:             "Subtypes of Alcoholism and CNS Depressant Abuse"

Robert Gurnee, MSW, DCSW

          Although approximately 90% of alcoholics have excessively elevated                  Beta and or a high mean frequency of Beta, other subtypes exist.                      The other subtypes are the same that occur with Generalized                              Anxiety Disorder:  the six subtypes of GAD include elevated Beta,                 elevated Beta Mean frequency, Alpha deficiency, excess diffuse                            Alpha elevated Alpha mean frequency, and Cingulate dysfunction.                        Treatment interventions will be discussed for each subtype.  Alpha-                   Theta training may make the diffuse Alpha subtype worse.  It is                 important to note that these subtypes often coexist in any                                  combination and in a high percentage of cases the alcoholism                            subtypes present are combined with other coexisting disorders.

1 hour talk: The Edison Gene
Thom Hartmann

In this talk, Thom Hartmann, provides new genetic evidence that children and adults with ADHD have gifts, not liabilities. He argues that the brains of these children and adults who possess the Edison Gene are wired to give them brilliant success as innovators, inventors, explorers, and entrepreneurs, but that those same qualities often cause them problems in the context of our public schools. Thom offers concrete strategies for helping Edison gene children and adults to reach their full potential and shows that rather than being “problems,” they are an important and vital gift to our society and world.

1 hour talk: A Return to Democracy: Reviving Jefferson’s Dream
Thom Hartmann

Democracy is at risk. In this talk Thom not only presents the historical and biological roots of democracy but also how far adrift we have become from Jefferson’s dream of a world which we have fought and died in wars from 1776 to the 20th century to preserve. Thom is calling for nothing less than a restoration of democracy, of government of, by, and for the people, in a culture that works for all.


1 hour talk: How Stories, Legends and Myths have Caused Global Problems
Thom Hartmann

Culture is the set of invisible stories that we all agree are true. Thom will touch on how "civilized" thinking, legends, and myths have caused global problems, and what we can do about it. Individual actions and changes in our cultural stories -- lessons we can learn from ancient cultures -- can save the world from impending ecological and cultural crises. What are these stories and what are the new stories and myths that can replace them for a better world and future?

Workshop: 2 hour ADHD: 2 Hours to Transformation

Thom Hartmann presents concrete NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and methods that can readily be picked up by adults and /or taught to children and adults in both clinical settings and everyday life and relationships. Learn to see your life and the world around you differently. Thom will guide you through transformational exercises to enable you to see, hear and feel your own past behavior in a new and empowering way. This workshop offers help at home, at school, and at work.

Workshop: NLP writing Tools for Success

Thom Hartmann offers concrete NLP tools and techniques to improve your writing and story-telling. Thom will be your guide as you explore transformational exercises to draw your reader into the worlds and character's lives that you construct . Thom will also explore techniques to avoid procrastination, and other obstacles to finding success as a writer. This workshop will help you understand, visualize and get a solid handle on your writing craft and content.

Bio:Thom Hartmann is the award-winning, bestselling author of over a dozen books, and the host of a daily radio show. He is a former psychotherapist and one of the founders of the Hunter School, a residential and day school for children with ADHD , and an NLP Practitioner and Trainer. (One of his NLP mentors, Richard Bandler, wrote the foreword to one of Thom's books.) He lives in central Vermont. Thom’s newest books are The Edison Gene and Unequal Protection. www.thomhartmann.com


Full qEEG Recordings During Neurofeedback
William J. Hudspeth, Ph.D.
Neuropsychometric Lab
Los Osos, CA
Victoria I. Ibric, M.D.
Therapy and Prevention Center
Pasadena, CA
This study shows how full qEEG recordings change over the course of a neurofeedback session (i.e., before, during & after). to provide clear information about what happens to brain connectivity during NF training. This case is based on an extensive and stable series of 7 EEG recordings obtained over a 2 year period.  Inter-laboratory reliabilities were very high, ranging between 77% to 95%. 
Real-time EEG recordings were obtained before, during and after neurofeedback training.  A newly developed high-resolution connectivity panel was used to characterize and compare all of the available qEEG datasets. EEGs obtained during neurofeedback had the fewest significant coherence deviations. There was a post-training rebound in which the coherence deviations returned to baseline levels and topographic distributions.
These findings show that dynamic changes in the qEEG provide an excellent description for EEG brain states during neurofeedback. The tools allow the clinician to determine whether a neurofeedback session did or did not improve brain function, according to normative standards.  In addition, post-training qEEG findings provide critical answers about the persistence and permanence of entrained brain states.  This approach can provide requisite data needed to normalize qEEG profiles by means of operant conditioning.
William J. Hudspeth, Ph.D.
He earned a doctorate in physiological psychology from Claremont Graduate School and he obtained further postdoctoral work in neurophysiology and neuroanatomy at the Brain Research Institute (UCLA).  He was most strongly influenced by training in Dr. Roy John’s laboratory at New York Medical College and, not surprisingly,  these ideas still permeate Dr. Hudspeth’s work today.
Dr. Hudspeth has developed unique qEEG methods that allow clinicians to use an idiographic approach to completely describe the uniqueness of a client’s qEEG profile and, at the same time, subject the same data to nomothetc analysis based on the largest known connectivity database, the newly revised Adult Database II.
During the last year, he and Dr. Victoria Ibric have developed the first known real-time qEEG assessment for the entire neurofeedback process.  Dr. Hudspeth says that, “the results are like taking a drive across town with a sighted driver”.



Neurofeedback training in chronic pain syndromes

Victoria L. Ibric1, M.D., Ph.D., and Liviu G. Dragomirescu2, Ph.D.

Therapy and Prevention Center, Pasadena, CA1, and Bucharest University, Faculty of Biology, Bucharest, RO2


®This is an attempt to analyze the efficacy of the Neurofeedback (NF) training in chronic pain syndromes. From our total of 147 patients, referred to us for biofeedback since 1996, only 74 completed 20 or more NF sessions. Out of 74, 68 cases (92%) reported a significant reduction in their pain perception. Overlapping diagnoses made the classification difficult. Based on the main pain diagnosis we arbitrarily classified the pain syndrome in four groups: headaches only, headaches plus other symptoms, chronic back and abdominal pain, and complex pain syndromes. We found that there were no significant differences in between these category groups regarding the efficacy of NF. There were no significant differences between the number of NF sessions and the age of the patient population analyzed in this study. There were no significant differences between male and female responses to NF training regarding the change in pain perception. However, the number of NF sessions influenced the outcome. Based on the Kruskal-Wallis One Way Analysis of Variance, a significant correlation  (p value of 0.0000001) between the numbers of sessions and cured patients vs. ameliorated vs. without any effects was found. Therefore, 20 sessions were necessary and almost sufficient to produce a positive effect over the pain perception. Some patients interviewed yearly reported sustained benefits for more than 5 years. We previously reported this carry-on effect in other longitudinal studies (Ibric, Kaur, 1999 and Ibric 2001). Many of the individuals studied also reported a reduction or complete elimination of their pain medications. This is the most desirable outcome for many chronic pain syndromes. We hypothesize that the neuromodulation obtained through NF, and in particular NF enhanced by light or electromagnetic closed-loop EEG may produce neurophysiological regulations with longer lasting effects than EMG-biofeedback training alone. Further investigations and an increase in the sample size are warranted.

Keywords: Chronic Pain, Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback, corticalization of

pain, neuromodulation of pain


Victoria L. Ibric, M.D., Ph.D.

Therapy and Prevention Center, Pasadena, CA

 The scope of this workshop is to analyze the results obtained using neurofeedback training on chronic pain syndromes. We will present the use of biofeedback in a historical perspective. We will compare the use of peripheral, EMG biofeedback (EMG-BF) versus central biofeedback, neurofeedback in various chronic pain syndromes. EMG-BF, for more than 40 years, was used in the treatment of various pain conditions. Neurofeedback (NF) has proven beneficial in Epilepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder), and in other disorders. In the last decade, NF has shown more beneficial than EMG-BF in reducing chronic pain by producing longer lasting effects. Since 1996 we evaluated and treated 147 patients, who were referred to us for biofeedback training, for different chronic pain syndromes, such as: headaches, back pain, fibromyalgia, and complex regional Pain Syndromes. Prior to BF patients were treated with other modalities without complete resolution of pain. To monitor their progress periodically stress tests, depression/anxiety scales were taken. Electrodes were set in varied positions according to the 10/20 system, and based on the location of pain, and/or emotional component, for each individual case. Sessions were 45 minutes long, and the VAS pain scale was used pre/ post training. The NF was done as “simple NF” (audio-visual NF), and/or as NF enhanced by light or electromagnetic closed loop EEG (CL-EEG) NF. Patients with different pain syndromes required different number of NF sessions. We discuss the Statistical data of the results obtained. In short, from 147 patients, only 74 completed 20 or more NF sessions. Out of 74, 68 cases (92%) reported reduction in their pain perception that was sustained for more than 5 years. Previously we reported other longitudinal studies. NF training can permanently modify pain perception and pain affect. The effects obtained through NF training are based on operant conditioning. Birbaumer, and Rainville have shown that pain has cortical and sub-cortical representation. NF training addresses directly areas corresponding to pain perception, memory, and affect. NF training is enhanced by light or electromagnetic stimulation CL-EEG and the effects obtained were faster, greater and longer lasting than those obtained through “simple NF”. We presently hypothesize that the Neuromodulation obtained through NF enhanced may produce deeper neurophysiological regulations. To confirm this, further investigations are warranted.

Keywords: Chronic Pain, Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback, Corticalization of Pain, Neuromodulation of pain


WS   What the brain does during neurofeedback

Victoria L. Ibric, MD, PhD,1and William  Hudspeth, PhD2

Therapy and Prevention Center, Pasadena1 and Neuropsychometric Labs, Los Osos2, CA


 Scope: The workshop will demonstrate how brain electrical activity is organized during neurofeedback training.  The description is based on an extensive qEEG battery of measurements before, during and after neurofeedback sessions. As well, the course will present some comparative findings using various training devices, e.g., BioComp, HEG, Lexicor, Neurocybernetics and Roshi.


The course will demonstrate how EEG operant conditioning can be used to identify and localize brain dysfunctions, using individual case studies.  Findings will also be related to client states by means of stress, depression and anxiety tests and, as well, the IVA.  The practicum will include experience with the ROSHI and ROSHI-personal trainer.


Keywords: Neurofeedback enhanced diagnosis, cerebral activity measurements, EEG excitability and connectivity, regional blood perfusion, HEG.


  Mythic aspects of healing and growth processes.

Rob Kall 

Joseph Campbell’s archetypal characterization of the Hero’s Journey and Mircea Eliade’s descriptions of myths of origin  apply beautifully to the process of discovering the intention, desire or need to begin the healing process, deciding begin, going through through a healing “process “and returning to the old life with a new “elixir.” New models of story structure also apply nicely to reframing the process and concept of healing. These will be presented as ideas that practitioners can use to help clients better understand, relate to and embrace the healing journey.


-Intro to mythology

-Intro to origin myths

-Introduce hero’s journey

-Discuss application to healing and growth

plenary The Politicoeconomics of Mind Body Health, Drugs, Education and Consciousness

Rob Kall

Understanding the Psychosocial, cognitive factors that produce the political position, perspective and attitude of an individual can be useful in understanding not only the person’s political leanings, but also attitudes and ways of viewing morals, family, health, education, responsibility… and much more. This presentation will discuss several models that help to understand these issues and how they can actually apply to bio/neurofeedback, client motivation and retention, focusing on the cognitive science framing moral model of George Lakoff.


-         orientation to cognitive science framing model of George Lakoff

-         -discussion of relevant moral perspectives of the nurturing parent vs. strict father.

-         Discussion of relationship between political filtering and attitude towards health care, reward, punishment, health, illness, etc.


-         Understand the cognitive science framing model of George Lakoff

-         Be able to explain basic aspects of the nurturing parent and strict father moral models.

Understand the connection between political leaning, the psychological underpinnings and attitude towards health behavior
workshop Tools for happiness and Positive Experience
Rob Kall
This workshop offers a model based on the idea that Positive experiences and the associated good feelings are the basic building blocks of inner strength and resources. You will learn the anatomy of positive experience and specific interventions you can use on yourself and with clients to optimize positive experience and good feeling skills.
Course Objectives
Attendees will learn 1)a positive experience and good feelings based model of mental health 2)the anatomy of Positive Experience 3) smile anatomy, zygomaticus (smile muscle) EMG biofeedback training and related home exercises  4) Positive experience memory recall guided relaxation exercise, daily diary keeping and exploration 5) using story structure and therory to take charge of your life story.

Can Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Get it Together as a Profession And as a Field? followed by panel discussion of the same topic.

Joe Kamiya

There are now two main professional groups for neurofeedback practitioners and researchers. One group is a part of the AAPB and is called the Neurofeedback Division. The other group is the ISNR. A substantial proportion of members of each group belongs to both organizations. What ought to be the current and future relationship of the two groups will be discussed. The issues include the costs to members of belonging to two organizations and attending their annual meetings, duplication of functions, interfacing with the public, governmental agencies and 3rd party payers. The merits of cooperation, competition, federation, merging, etc., will be reviewed for the good of the field as a whole.


Interweaving neurotechnologies  with  psychotherapy –
 a saluto-genetic adaptive model for the treatment of psychotrauma”
 Dörte Klein
A heuristic adaptive model for the interweaving of neurotechnologies with psychotherapy  will be presented. Underlying concepts will be discussed based on  psychotraumatological frames like resource-orientation and salutogenesis, differential stress-patterns, cognitive-behavioral methods of intervention.
Two cases of pre- and post-natal  traumatisation are presented.  Two boys  with panic (16 years old) and adhd and tic-disorder (13 years old) were treated with a combination of neuro-techniques and cognitive-behavioral methods. Results are discussed in terms of the combined procedure of neuro-techniques and cognitive-behavioral methods and the analysis of early stress-patterns. Essential stages in the proceeding of the two cases will be demonstrated.
The results lead  to the conclusions, that
1. stress-patterns from different developmental stages are stored in differential cognitive and  neuronal modalities,
2. the focus on stress-genesis with its different modalities of storing and  focussing on individual resources are means a) to understand the cognitive and the EEG-pattern and b) to supply guidelines for changing the patterns by cognitive-behavioral strategies and by neurofeedback.
Both, neurotechnologies and cognitive-behavioral strategies are to be seen in adaptive reflexive loops.
Keywords: cognitive-behavioral methods, neurotechnologies, neurofeedback,  stress-patterns
gez. Dörte Klein
Diplom-Psychologin/ approb. Psychotherapeutin
*(Approb.-Beh.: Land Nieders. - Landesprüfungsamt f. Heilberufe)

EEG Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
Martha S. Lappin, PhD
Alternative Health Care Research, Inc.
10841 Split Oak Lane
Burke, VA 22015

This study used a single subject research design to assess the combined effects of neurofeedback and pulsed electromagnetic fields on brain wave activity.  The mean amplitude of EEG activity in the theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands was used as the dependent variable. 

Evidence that very weak electromagnetic fields can increase or decrease levels of arousal in specific areas of the brain may lead to the development of methods for facilitating or augmenting neurofeedback in the treatment of a variety of neurologically based disorders.


Over 40 neurofeedback trials were conducted using Neurocybernetic equipment.  The active electrode was placed at F3 and 15-18Hz activity was rewarded, and 8-12 and 22-30 Hz activity was inhibited. The author served as the sole research subject. 

Each session began with five 3-minute periods of neurofeedback to establish baseline amplitudes for each frequency band. Then feedback was paused and a small electromagnetic field generator (the Enermed device) was applied to the scalp or forehead in the vicinity of F3.

The device was worn for eight additional game periods and then was either removed or replaced with a different frequency device for a final four game periods. Each session lasted almost one hour, and consisted of 17 3-minute game periods.

The analyses focus on a comparison of baseline EEG amplitudes to amplitudes obtained while wearing an Enermed programmed to pulse continuously at four beta frequencies (15, 16, 17, and 18 Hz).  The effects of listening to a book on tape during training and varying the location of the device are also reported. 


Results are presented in a series of graphs that display average amplitudes in each frequency band across the baseline period, the first four Enermed periods, the second four Enermed periods, and the final four periods in each session (some with and some without an Enermed). Statistical (repeated measures analysis of variance) and visual analyses revealed three clear trends:

1) the 15-18 Hz Enermed produced an increase in the average amplitude of the 15-18 and 22-30 Hz bands in the EEG;

2) the effects of the 15-18 Hz Enermed were delayed; the increase did not appear until periods 10-13, approximately 10 to 12 minutes after the device was applied;

3) a 4-7 Hz Enermed suppressed mid and high frequency activity;

4) the effects of the 4-7 Hz Enermed appeared and disappeared much more quickly than the effects of the 15-18 Hz Enermed; suppressive effects were apparent with 1-2 minutes, however, amplitudes rebounded to baseline levels within 4 to 6 minutes, even with the device still attached;

5) Consistent effects were only observed when the device was placed toward the forehead just in front of F3, not when it was placed further away from the electrode or toward C3.   


The limited data available thus far suggest two very intriguing possibilities:

a) that very weak electromagnetic fields can affect brain wave activity during neurofeedback training,

b) that effects of high and low frequency stimulation follow a different time course and possibly operate through different mechanisms.

Additional research may point to ways we can capitalize on these effects to facilitate neurofeedback and/or enhance clinical effects.  For example, in this study, the brain appeared to resist being drawn into slow, externally imposed idling states. Challenging the brain to resist the pull of a 4-7 Hz stimulus may prove to be an effective way to strengthen self-regulatory mechanisms.

On the other hand, we may learn that neurofeedback training proceeds more quickly for some individuals if we use 15-18Hz stimulation to "boost" them into a higher state of arousal. The purpose of presenting these preliminary analyses is to stimulate discussion and interest in this kind of research and to illustrate single subject design and analysis strategies.


Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of

Attention Deficit Disorder & Autistic Spectrum Disorder

 Michael K. Linden, Ph.D. - Director ADD Treatment Centers

This Intermediate course will focus on the advances in the psychological assessment and treatment of ADD and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in children, adolescents and adults.  The use of brain imaging techniques (SPECT, QEEG) and computerized CPT tests will be explained.  Neurofeedback candidate selection, protocol development, and treatment decisions will be presented.
            History & Background
                                    -Diagnosis, Signs, Symptoms, Prevalence
                                    -Co-Morbidity, Course & Prognosis
                                    -Epidemiology, Etiology, Subtypes
                                    -Diagnostic Interview, Behavior Rating Scales
                                    -Continuous Performance Tests (CPT)
                                    -Brain Imagining: Q-EEG Scan QEEG Map, SPECT Scan
            Psychopharmacological Management
                                    -Stimulant & Anti-Depressant Medications
                                    -Titrated Medication Regimes
                                    -New Medications (Strattera)
                                    Psychological Interventions
                                    -Neurofeedback Therapy
                                    -Social Skills Groups
1. Review the etiology and symptoms of ADD & ASD in children, adolescents and adults
2. Gain a working knowledge of QEEG & computerized assessment methods available to accurately diagnosis ADD and identify ASD patterns
3. Implement a variety of psychological interventions to treat children, adolescents and adults with ADD & ASD
4. Apply Neurofeedback techniques for ADD & ASD


Breathing Chemistry and Neurofeedback

Peter M. Litchfield, Ph.D.

Lecture Presentation: Winter Brain 2004


The chemistry of breathing is a fundamental and system-wide physiological context that sets the stage for neurobehavioral competence, or its compromise.  Deregulated breathing chemistry brought about by overbreathing, i.e., hypocapnia (carbon dioxide deficit), may result in a debilitating combination of alkalosis in extracellular fluids (e.g., blood and cerebrospinal fluid), cerebral hypoxia, cerebral hypoglycemia, short term effects of sodium migration on neuronal excitability, long term effects of neuronal metabolic shifts, and increased cerebral vascular resistance.  The consequences may include serious deficits in ability to attend, focus, imagine, rehearse, engage in complex tasks, sleep (apnea), make decisions, perform perceptual motor-skills, parallel-process information, access relevant memory, think, and communicate effectively.  Overbreathing can result in loss of emotional control, intensification of emotional states, and exacerbation of debilitating stressful states of consciousness, e.g., apprehension, anxiety, anger, frustration, fear, panic, vulnerability, and feelings of low self-esteem.  And significantly, poor chemistry may result in "state" changes, i.e., dissociative shifts in consciousness, which mediate access to different dimensions of personality, i.e., different sets of behavioral repertories, involving "defensiveness" or "embracement" modes of psychophysiologic function.  The importance of monitoring, evaluating, and self-regulating breathing chemistry in the practice neurofeedback is profound.


Workshop: THE BRAIN-BREATH CONNECTION: Breathing chemistry and its effects on neurophysiology, emotion, cognition, personality, performance and health

Peter Litchfield

2.  WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION:  A paragraph or two describing the session and what you will cover.

Poor breathing chemistry, brought about by improper ventilation of carbon dioxide (CO2), is undoubtedly one of the most insidious and dangerous physiological responses to stress, emotional distress, difficult and/or complex tasks, and relationship challenges.  "Overbreathing" means bringing about CO2 deficit in the blood, and other extracellular fluids, through excessive ventilation (increased "minute volume"), a condition that may result in debilitating short-term and long-term complaints and symptoms.  Overbreathing is a dangerous behavior immediately triggering or exacerbating a wide variety of serious emotional, perceptual, cognitive, attention, behavioral, and physical deficits in human performance and health.  The slight shifts in CO2 chemistry associated with overbreathing may cause physiological changes such as hypoxia (oxygen deficit), cerebral vasoconstriction (brain), coronary constriction (heart), blood and extracellular alkalosis (increased pH), cerebral glucose deficit, ischemia (localized anemia), buffer depletion (bicarbonates and phosphates), bronchial constriction, gut constriction, calcium imbalance, magnesium deficiency, and muscle fatigue, spasm (tetany), and pain. 

Good breathing chemistry establishes a system-wide context conducive to optimizing health and maximizing performance.  Basic principles, concepts, and applications of monitoring and evaluating the chemistry and mechanics of breathing will be presented in the context of live demonstrations of the effects of deregulated chemistry (i.e., overbreathing) on health and performance.  Profile assessments and techniques for restoring adaptive breathing based on breathing chemistry will be demonstrated, and resulting data interpreted and discussed with the audience.  Evaluating, establishing, maintaining, and promoting good respiratory chemistry are fundamental to virtually any professional practice involving biofeedback, neurofeedback, or self-regulation training. 


3. AGENDA:  (sequence of topics)

RESPIRATION: chemistry and mechanics
CHEMISTRY: the role of carbon dioxide in acid-base physiology
DEREGULATION: effects of hypocapnia (carbon dioxide deficit)
COMPENSATION: long term effects of overbreathing and their price
OVERBREATHING: effects on health, cognition, emotion, and performance
CONSCIOUSNESS: personality, dissociative states, embracement vs. defensiveness
ASSESSMENT: instrumentation, measurement, checklists, interviewing
DEMONSTRATIONS: evaluating breathing mechanics and chemistry
EDUCATION: crisis interventions, mechanics, and misconceptions
TRAINING: somatic, visceral, and state awareness learning
APPLICATIONS: chemistry (CO2) biofeedback in neurofeedback practice


Workshop participants will be able to:
 *describe and explain basic principles and concepts of breathing chemistry
*discuss and summarize the consequences of deregulated breathing chemistry
*identify and apply simple breathing chemistry assessment and training techniques
*plan and prepare for implementation of CO2 biofeedback in neurofeedback practice

2 hr workshop: Combining Neurofeedback with Meditation, Energy Medicine, and Hypnotherapy Techniques

Judith Lubar 

In this workshop I will demonstrate techniques from meditation, energy healing, and Ericksonian hypnosis.  Practiced by practitioners, they allow one to be less stressed and more present for the process of helping their patients get better.  Taught to the patients they become an extension of the therapy into the patient=s everyday life and allow them to increase their overall well being and greatly enhance the possibility of successful treatment.  Each technique will be demonstrated in the workshop.  The participants will experience the effects of each technique and learn how to apply it for personal and clinical use.  These techniques can be applied for optimal functioning or specific problems that the patient is experiencing including physical or emotional pain


The Therapeutic Power of Smiling

Wendy Maltz [30 minute talk]

Desmond Morris describes smiling as, "without a doubt, the most important social bonding signal in the human gestural repertoire." It also bears the distinctions of being the most researched facial expression and the primary way we express positive emotion. Yet, perhaps because it is silent, pervasive, and woven into our daily interactions, many people continue to view smiling as innocuous and insignificant. In this presentation, smile expert Wendy Maltz gives a brief overview of the special physiological and social characteristics of smiling. She also presents a selection of the latest scientific findings on smiling, including studies that show how smiling can improve appearance, reduce stress, increase job success, establish intimate and social relationships, counteract depression, and increase our overall sense of well-being.


Smile Exercises for Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Wendy Maltz

[2 hour workshop]

Come prepared to smile!!! In this dynamic, upbeat workshop, certified laughter leader and smile expert Wendy Maltz will lead participants through a wide variety of therapeutic smile exercises.

Following a brief discussion of smile musculature, types, and the benefits of smiling, we will practice Rob Kall¹s pumping smile iron and biofeedback exercises, cosmetic dentistry smile exercises, the kundalini yogic smile, Thich Naht Hanh¹s Buddhist smile practice, Mantak Chia¹s Taoist inner smile meditation (following a video), smile exercises for borderline personality patients, and more. Learn techniques that you can integrate in personal, research, and therapeutic settings. Discover the power of your own smile and the uplifting contagiousness of smiling with others.


workshop: Awakening the Inner Revolution through the synergy of multimodal feedback.

Liana Mattulich

Very recent research in physics details a scaling law for all organized matter *(developed from observational data and theoretical analysis), which describes phenomena ranging from cosmological data to sub-atomic structures. Conversations with the researchers/authors in Hawaii in November 2003 revealed pronounced and electrifying parallels and mathematical correlations with states of optimal brain functioning observed by us over the last decade. Data, protocols, somatic exercises, and practical "mind-body-energy" tools will be explored to support this correlation and to facilitate applications in the lives and professional practices of participants.

*Published in "A Scaling Law For Organized Matter In The Universe & A New View Of Unification" by Nassim Haramein, Princeton University, and Elizabeth Rauscher, Tecnic Research Laboratory, AZ (February 2003)

Rosemary MacGregor, RN, MS
In 1989 and 1990 I undertook a study to evaluate the benefits at high altitude of proper breathing training to improve the overall response to altitude using an oximeter and capnograph as biofeedback measuring tools.
The Sherpas of Nepal and Tibet tend to have an altered breathing response to low oxygen and make it to altitude with little difficulty in comparison to trekkers.  I hypothesized that this might be a function of their breathing pattern and in reviewing the literature on mountain climbing noted that this had not been investigated in terms of breathing behavior.  I looked at their bent-over posturing, their pursed-lip whistle breathing, their elongated exhalations, their ability to sing and talk while carrying heavy loads and climbing, and their diaphragmatic movement as opposed to chest expansion as significant to their ability to adjust to high altitudes.
Two research trips over two years were conducted with 21 trekkers who were trained for a three month period of time to practice breathing diaphragmatically and exhale slowly while at rest and slower than normal while exercising.  Except for one, the trekkers were untrained as mountain climbers.  Both an oximeter and capnograph were used as biofeedback measuring devices at sea level and altitude.  Fat analysis and psychological profiling were also performed.  Ages ranged from 19 to 51.
The three untrained breathers and youngest dropped out of the study at 11, 200 feet.  At 14,000 another dropped out because of weakness from the Katmandu flu and subsequent cerebral edema, and three others because of sinus, respiratory coughing, and less than optimal conditioning and weight bearing.  The one marathoner was the first to get sick.  Fourteen others made it to between 18,000 and 20,000 feet and maintained 02 levels in the 90% range, were able to breathe the very common night-time headaches away in a few minutes, exhibited no cheynes-stoke breathing, had no injuries and no muscle complaints.
The over results were very significant and positive for those unable to take high altitude medications such as Diamox, but more so to explain how possibly man can survive at altitude with proper breathing.



 Rosemary P. MacGregor 

Like peak performance, optimal brainwave EEG training is dependent upon a maximal supply of oxygen and glucose.  Delivery or perfusion is dependant upon blood supply. Blood supply is a function of optimal breathing. A good foundation in breathing (and not just deep abdominal breathing) is requisite to the undertaking of Neurofeedback.  This workshop will educate the practitioner in the finer aspects of teaching good breathing and breathing effects on the brain.  Requisite variety or flexibility in breathing while maintaining appropriate CO2 levels is just as significant as the flexibility we strive for in brain training.  On-going breathing is one of the finest tuned state shifters in our body/brain. The connection between proper breathing while doing Neurofeedback training will be discussed. You will understand: how CO2 levels can cut off brain perfusion and especially those that interfere with “frontal thinking” (non-HEG thinking), right/left brain dominance, be able to observe brain regulation according to metabolic need, better understand the dynamics of CO2, and ultimately the connection to peak performance. 

Stretch receptors in the diaphragm and chest wall mediate the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.  Carbon dioxide is one of the most important factors governing nervous system activity.  Changes in CO2 govern immediate changes in nerve cells.  Motor and sensory hyper-irritability are related directly to CO2 alkalinity.  However, without the use of a capnograph (The Better Breathing and Heart Wave Trainer), the practitioner and client will only be guessing at CO2 levels.  The Autistic/Asperger, anxiety, cardiac and many others will be missed.


Plenary:  The brain as mediator between spirit and matter.

Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.

Through quantitative EEG studies of the effects of different types of ceremonial prayer upon the recipient, we have become aware that the brain does respond differently to actual prayer compared to situations in which the person thinks he or she is receiving prayer, and isn't. PET scan data also exists from which to confirm brain activity during states of prayer and meditation. Beginning
with this data, we move on to wonder how spirit interacts with matter. How are quantum concepts of holism, non-locality, and non-separability involved in this story? How does prayer work? We propose the brain as a mediating organ, functioning like an antennae to spiritual energies and then as a transducer that translates these energies into biological signals. In the other direction, we propose that the brain creates thought that is simultaneously chemical, magnetic, electrical, and transduces into the spiritual plane.
We will review what level of data exists to support these positions and will discuss the special cases of mediums, shamans, and schizophrenics, leading us to theories of many worlds and quantum superposition and decoherence, the language that physics holds for consciousness studies.
Workshop description:
States of brain-mind; states of healing: speaking the language of shamans.

Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D.


When health and disease is conceptualized from complex systems concepts, we arrive a topography of hills and valleys, where some valleys represent states of illness and other valleys represent states of health. Consciousness is one descriptor of these states. Brain activity is another. Prigogine's theory of far from equilibrium systems teaches us that systems may have to move far from their current state to achieve sufficient energy to fall into a new attractor basin, transforming from health to disease or disease to health. Healing may require great expenditures or outputs of energy to move the organism into a new area of this topological space, and sometimes in unexpected directions. Homeopathy, for example, is one system of healing that may work by "greasing the skids" between attractor basins and by increasing the natural oscillations that sometimes lead to spontaneous shifts of state. In this workshop,
following some discussion of theory we will contemplate the practical aspects of these concepts -- how do we help people find state changing places?
Shamanism provides another excellent example of how energies can be moved, while the stories shamans tell provide narratives of whole system behavior. From this perspective we can interrelate such seeming disparate activities as shamanic ritual, neurofeedback, and cranial work, for all move the organism away from its prior state and toward a new potential outcome.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD
Coordinator, Integrative Psychiatry and Systems Medicine
Program in Integrative Medicine
University of Arizona
P.O. Box 245153
Tucson, AZ 85724-5153
Fax: 520-626-6484
Phone: 520-304-6898
Messages: 520-626-3512
Clinical Office:
1990 N. Kolb Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85715


EEG-Driven Music Composition for Neurotherapy

Michael O'Bannon

For centuries music has been regarded as a powerful tool for altering consciousness and promoting states of healing. Traditionally, when music is used for therapeutic applications, a therapist selects material from existing pieces produced by composers and performers. The current project presents a radical alternative to this approach.

A machine learning algorithm from the domain of artificial intelligence was implemented to compose and perform brief musical passages. In its basic configuration, the program generates compositions then improves them based on evaluative feedback from a human listener. The listener serves as a "tutor" for the program by judging the quality of each composition. For purposes of this study, the program was given the capability of monitoring the listener's EEG responses to each musical passage. Over a series of interactions between listener and program, the algorithm acquired the capability for writing musical motifs that facilitate target EEG patterns with known therapeutic effects.

An initial series of experiments will be described and samples of the resulting musical output presented. The methodology is shown to generate original compositions with specific effects on individual human cortical activity. A variety of applications can be envisioned using these compositions as primary or adjunctive methods of shaping EEG responses for therapeutic goals or performance enhancement.

Plenary: Seeking a unitary perspective on biofeedback and neurofeedback.
Sig Othmer
Biofeedback has been called the core discipline in mind/body medicine, yet it is a field driven by differentiating rather than unifying perspectives. Can we discern and then build upon the commonalities in order to present a more coherent, more integrated model of biofeedback to the allied health professions and to the public at large?


The Emergent EEG.

Len Ochs

 EEG measurements do not reflect static

states. The EEG at any site may rise or fall when receiving feedback

stimulation. While high amplitudes of EEG are often thought of as

pathological, high amplitude EEG that is released from suppression often

accompanies increase in level of functioning. How does suppression

occur? What does it look like? What are some of the behavioral

consequences of it's release? What is the behavioral course once

released? What happens to the EEG post suppression?


EEG Training for the Back Half of Your Head
Susan F. Othmer
EEG Institute
22020 Clarendon Street
Suite 305
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Fax: 818-373-1331
Recent work with parietal lobe EEG training is yielding exciting clinical results. By exercising brain circuits mapping internal and external space, we see improvements in body awareness and social-emotional awareness. This is proving to be an important tool in training people with ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder or the autism spectrum. It is also helpful for body relaxation and awareness with eating disorders and pain syndromes. Occipital lobe training is starting to show results with visual deficits and is also strongly calming and soothing for people with a trauma history.
A surprise has been with the reward frequencies required when training parietal and occipital sites. General rules are emerging for the relationship of reward frequencies frontally, centrally and posteriorly. The choice of inhibit bands is also important in maximizing the calming effects. Our current rationale for parietal and occipital lobe training will be discussed along with details of training protocol and effects.
Two-hour Workshop:
EEG Training for Pain Syndromes: Theory and Practice
Susan F. Othmer
EEG Institute
22020 Clarendon Street
Suite 305
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Fax: 818-373-1331
Pain is always an emergency that commands our immediate attention. This is adaptive until the pain becomes chronic. Then the vicious cycle begins of narrow focus and reactivity to pain. Biofeedback modalities have been employed for many years to help calm the nervous system or distract it from the chronic pain. With EEG biofeedback we can now, with some pain syndromes, expect to reduce or eliminate the pain.
This workshop will focus on our current understanding of a variety of pain syndromes and our best clinical results with EEG training. Arousal and pain threshold will be discussed in the context of pain and depression. Hyperexcitability will be discussed as a model for migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia.  The role of genetics and trauma will be considered in predisposing to pain and triggering pain episodes. Beta/SMR and Alpha/Theta protocols will be described with expected clinical effects for a wide variety of pain syndromes.
Susan Othmer is Clinical Director of the EEG Institute, which is the clinical arm of The Brian Othmer Foundation. She has been involved in clinical research and the development of EEG biofeedback protocols since 1988. She teaches professional training courses in EEG biofeedback, and presents clinical research findings in professional forums.


workshop "Brain and Mathematics" which takes David Bohm's ideas on the quantum potential and active information a step forward.

Karl Pribram

The approach taken is that we begin all inquiry with our personal experience. Over the centuries that experience has led us to distinguish the experiencer from what is being experienced. For the most part, the "what is being experienced" has been classified as "matter". With the advent of thermodynamics in the 19th Century and with communication theory in the 20th, a more sophisticated division -- and relationship -- can be discerned. Brain science contributes in essential ways to this sophistication which, in many respects, fills in the mind/matter gap. Discussion will be welcomed.


The  Biofield Model of Life and Healing


{Proposed Talk for Winter Brain Conference, 2004, Palm Springs}


Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.

Institute for Frontier Science

Oakland, CA




Core Professor, Graduate College

Union Institute & University
Cincinnati, OH  
A field model of life based on biophysics that is complementary to the dominant view of life based on chemistry, will be developed.  At the holistic level, living systems are complex, nonlinear, dynamical, self-organizing systems of intelligent energy.  They constantly exchange energy-with-information at multiple levels of organization to maintain themselves.  They also possess higher-order features of context, meaning, and realms of mind that have profound effects on health, disease, and healing processes.  When perturbed by stress or disease, living systems do not return to their original state, but attain a new dynamical state that integrates the new information.  This process is called homeodynamics.  Homeodynamics replaces the older term, “homeostasis”. 
We propose that regulation of homeodynamics is achieved by the biofield of the organism.  The biofield is proposed as the complex organizing field of the organism that is comprised of well-known energy fields (electromagnetic and acoustical) and more subtle fields of information involving nonlocal mind or universal consciousness not yet elaborated by conventional science. The electromagnetic component of the biofield is hypothesized to be a complex dynamic standing wave produced by the superposition of all component waves of the electrically-charged oscillators of the organism, ranging from the atomic, molecular and cellular levels to that of whole organs and organ systems including the heart and the brain.  The biofield regulates homeodynamics of the organism via bio-information contained in the field.  This goes beyond the usual molecular concepts of bio-information, to include electromagnetic and acoustical bio-information as well as information conveyed by more subtle fields, including universal or transpersonal consciousness.  
The biofield as proposed here is consistent with bioelectromagnetics and the physics of nonlinear, dynamical, open systems, but it goes beyond conventional science in offering a holistic model of mind-body-spirit. Consider that the heart is the most powerful oscillator in the human body whose pulse is felt in every cell both acoustically and electromagnetically.  According to Chinese medical theory, the heart is also the seat of the shen (soul), the universal consciousness.  These two forces---physical and ultraphysical, or ego self and the higher self—also represent the most powerful forces in the life of a human being.       
The biofield also offers a unifying hypothesis to explain many phenomena that presently challenge the dominant biomedical view of life based on molecular reductionism.  For example, it provides the rudiments of a scientific foundation for certain types of complementary and alternative medical interventions that involve the transfer of bio-information carried by extremely small energy signals, such as acupuncture, biofield therapies, bioelectromagnetic therapies, and homeopathy.  It is hypothesized that these interventions may work by interacting directly with the biofield and thus impacting directly the global regulatory processes of life, rather than impacting particular physical including molecular structures of the body.  Moreover, the rapid signal propagation of electromagnetic and other fields comprising the biofield as well as its holistic properties may account for the rapid, holistic effects of certain alternative and complementary medical interventions.
Supported in part by NIH Grant P20 AT00774-01.
Changes in Heart Rate Variability Following Inner Yoga, color therapy, acupuncture, qigong, and massage.
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Institute for Frontier Science
Oakland, California
Core Professor, Graduate College
Union Institute and University
Cincinnati, Ohio
2nd Proposed Talk for Winter Brain Conference, 2004, Palm Springs

Beverly Rubik

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a relatively new clinical test that provides information on heart function, overall health, and the degree of balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).  HRV testing may also reveal the degree of distress in response to stressors as well as the general status and prognosis of certain chronic disease states. 
Measurements of HRV were made on human volunteers using infrared pulse plethysmography on the fingertip or earlobe before and after complementary interventions including color therapy, acupuncture, qigong, and massage. A variety of changes in HRV parameters were observed following the complementary interventions, depending upon whether they were sedating or tonifying. 
A pilot field experiment on inner yoga was then performed on 12 yoga teachers in a yoga class setting.  HRV was measured for each subject before and after a 1-hour yoga class.  A gentle form of hatha yoga that emphasized inner peace, harmony, and the breath, was performed.  Heart rate, SDNN (standard deviation of the R-R interval in the electrocardiogram), and heart frequency domain measures of HRV were calculated from the heart tachogram data for each subject pre- and post-yoga.  For 11 of 12 subjects, heart rate decreased and SDNN increased immediately following yoga.  In general both heart function and ANS balance improve after yoga, indicating greater capacity to cope with stress.  The observed changes in parameters were largest for yoga beginners.  This may be because advanced yogis were observed to have better overall HRV parameters at baseline.  
These studies indicate that HRV testing may be useful in assessing physiological response to health care interventions, and may be especially important for complementary and alternative medical practices. 
Keynote Address: "Attachment, the right brain, and the origin of self-regulation"
Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California at Los Angeles
David Geffen School of Medicine
Drawing upon his new book Affect Regulation and the Repair of the Self (W.W. Norton), the lecture will offer current fMRI studies on infant brain development and basic research in developmental affective neuroscience in order to model how early attachment experiences of interactive regulation indelibly influence the development of corticolimbic regulatory circuits in the infant right brain. Studies will be described which show that for the rest of the life span the right hemisphere is centrally involved in appraising trust, fear, aggression, and the sense of the physiological condition of the body, and for the processing of social-emotional information and affect regulation. This rapidly expanding body of research suggests that the nonverbal right hemisphere is dominant for the emotional and corporeal self. Dr. Schore will also discuss how very recent psychoneurobiological conceptions of attachment are now being incorporated into clinical treatment models that impact right brain functions.

Workshop: "The enduring impact of attachment trauma on the developing right brain: Disorders of self-regulation."
Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California at Los Angeles
David Geffen School of Medicine
In this workshop Dr. Schore will present clinical applications of regulation theory derived from his other new volume, Affect Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self (W.W. Norton). He will discuss the negative impact of traumatic attachments on brain development, the neurobiology of infant trauma, the neuropsychology of a disorganized / disoriented attachment pattern associated with abuse and neglect, and the links between trauma-induced enduring impairments of right brain functions. fMRI and PET studies of right brain disturbances in various self-regulation pathologies, attachment dysfunctions, and psychiatric disorders (PTSD, borderline and antisocial personality disorders, addictions etc.), as well as of metabolic changes in right brain function as a result of psychotherapy will also be presented.

ws  Integrating Energy Therapies,EMDR and Neurofeedback in the treatment of closed head injuries with PTSD

 Carol Schneider

     Symptoms of post concussive syndrome and PTSD often overlap and may cause the therapist to miss the diagnosis of one or the other syndrome.  Methods for diagnosing both from QEEG and questionnaire data will be described.  Treatments involving the use of  EFT  and EMDR will be described with case examples.  In certain cases neurofeedback and EMDR can be done in the crossover state to effect resolution of persisting traumatic images. An energy therapy involving stimulation of acupressure points can sometimes normalize the QEEG with attendant changes in visual and cognitive problems, including reading and memory dysfunction. Case material and EEG data will be presented.


 Plenary session presentation

      Spiritual experiences of a paranormal sort in mystics ,saints and traumatic brain injury. Do these experiences involve an amygdala-hippocampus-temporal lobe connection?

  Carol Schneider

     The work of Nicholson on self induced hippocampal seizures during meditation, as well as DeLuca’s work with meditating monks will be compared with pre- post head injury data to draw connections between limbic seizures triggering into the temporal lobe and mystical paranormal experiences. The ways in which the ear muff effect involving gamma frequencies in the QEEG described by Ed Wilson are related to this phenomena will be explored.  Handouts will include a recently discovered unpublished paper by Wilson .

Plenary Talk: Recent Advances in Biofield Science and Energy Medicine

Gary Schwartz

Description:   Advances in biofield science and energy medicine are presented, including new research on energy detection plus biophoton imaging of plants influenced by energy healing.  The A.R.C. – S.E.A. (Averaged Repetitive Cycle – Synchronized Event Averaging) wave synchronization analysis system (Schwartz et al, 2003), implemented on Thought Technology’s Infiniti System, illustrates a new method for quantifying intra-personal and inter-personal physiological-biophysical interactions.  Applications to health psychology and medicine are considered.


A.     What is energy?  What is information?  What is a system?  What is a biofield?

B.     How is energy detection measured?

C.     Biophoton recordings from living systems.

D.     A.R.C.-S.E.A. analyses

Implications for psychology and medicine

Plenary Talk: Science of story:  Eight Realities: Expanding the Stories We Conceive The World With
Gary Schwartz
  Science can be understood as a narrative – a particular story adopted by individuals who label themselves as scientists. The story of science is changing in light of new findings from physics and systems science.  Contemporary science is revealing eight different realities: (1) normal senses (2) micro reality, (3) macro reality, (4) invisible processes, (5) meta processes, (6) consciousness and mind, (7) wholistic / absolute reality, and (8) implicate / potential realities.  Virtually all ancient and contemporary views of science and reality fall within these eight categories of reality.  Eight Reality Theory facilitates the integration of science and spirituality.
  1. Science as story. 
  2. The reductionistic story versus the systems story.
  3. Eight realities and their evolution over history
  4. Implications of eight reality theory for the integration of science and spirituality.
  1. Review the idea of science as story.
  2. Compare the reductionistic story with the systems story.
  3. Analyze eight different realities recognized by science, broadly defined.
  4. Demonstrate how science and spirituality are integrated via eight reality theory.


Workshop: The Afterlife Connection; from Theory to Technology
 Gary Schwartz
This workshop reviews contemporary theory, research, and applications of afterlife science.  New research from the Human Energy Systems Laboratory explores (1) the reality of afterlife phenomena, (2) mechanisms of mediumship, (3) the scoring of mediumship data, and (4) changes in grief patterns following afterlife experiences.   Participants will be invited to share their afterlife experiences (e.g. after death communications and signs), their beliefs about the afterlife, and the implications of afterlife science for psychology, medicine, and society.
A.      Introduction to afterlife science
B.       Sharing of after death communications and signs
C.       Alternative explanations of afterlife experience, from imagination to spirit communication.
D.      Contemporary methods in investigating afterlife phenomena.
E.       Single-blind versus double-blind research
F.       Double-deceased paradigm
G.      “Drop ins”
H.      Psychological and neurological mechanisms
I.       Applications to the grieving process
J.      New biophoton and related technologies for developing electronic spirit communication devices
A.      Define afterlife science, after death communications and signs
B.       Analyze evidence consistent with the survival of consciousness hypothesis
C.       Compare single-blind and double-blind methodologies
D.      Explain evidence obtained from mediumship studies
E.       Apply mediumship to grief counseling

Biofeedback Treatment of Vascular Disorders; Raynauds, Hypertension and Migraine Headaches.

Keith Sedlacek

The workshop will focus on relevant clinical cases and research with practical clinical tips for treatment of these disorders. Biofeedback assisted relaxation and specific treatment protocols will be described and reviewed.


The Physiology of Audio-visual Entrainment (Workshop 1)

- by Dave Siever  C.E.T.

Since the discovery of photic driving by Adrian and Matthews in 1934, much has been discovered about the benefits of brainwave entrainment (BWE) or audio-visual entrainment (AVE) as it is commonly known today. AVE affects cerebral blood flow, neurotransmitters, dissociative states and brainwave activity. Research on the effectiveness of AVE in promoting relaxation, cognition and hypnotic induction, treating ADD, PMS, SAD, PTSD, migraine headache, chronic pain, anxiety, depression and hypertension is now available. This research will be reviewed in detail, including the most recent studies. The physiological and/or psychological aspects of the treatment will be explained.                                                               Time: 4 hours.

Treatment Protocols and Operation of the DAVID

Audio-Visual Entrainment Systems. (Workshop 2)

- by Dave Siever C.E.T.

To date, thousands of clinicians use the DAVID Paradise AVE system. This workshop covers technical operation of the DAVID systems and considerations of using AVE with clients. This course covers specific treatment protocols (with the DAVID Paradise XL) for insomnia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, trauma, anxiety, depression, seasonal affective disorder, ADD, ADHD and cognitive disorders. We will also learn to program on the XL Editor so that clinicians may learn how to design sessions for their clients. Our most recent software upgrades and the latest protocols will be given to those with older ParadiseXL, XL+ and TC systems. The “Protocol Guide” will be available free of charge. Bring your DAVID Paradise and your laptop and experience this one-of-a-kind, hallmark workshop!                                                            Time: 3 Hours  


Helping the Heart With Audio-Visual Entrainment

- by Dave Siever, C.E.T.

Irregularities in heart rhythm are synonymous with generalized anxiety. When someone with generalized anxiety, is paced as recommended with heart-rate variability (HRV) therapy, there is sure to be an abreaction at roughly three minutes into the exercise. However, if that same person is undergoing simultaneous audio-visual entrainment (AVE) using white-light in the alpha range, the HRV typically becomes “smooth and cyclic” with great reductions in autonomic activation. The theory of HRV and case results of several anxious people, pre-post treatment with alpha, white-light AVE will be shown.

White light, sub-delta AVE has also been shown to reduce the systolic by 20 points and the diastolic by 15 points. In non-anxious, non-depressed persons, it is possible that sub-delta, white-light AVE directly impacts physiological functions (via the hypothalamus) rather than psychological ones.  

Plenary: 30 minutes

Biographical Sketch of Dave Siever

Dave graduated in 1978 as an engineering technologist. He later worked in the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Alberta designing TMJ Dysfunction related diagnostic equipment and research facilities. He organized research projects, taught basic physiology and a TMJ diagnostics course. Dave had noted anxiety issues in many patients suffering with TMJ dysfunction, prompting him to study biofeedback through the Ed. Psych. dept. There he learned and practiced biofeedback and designed biofeedback devices. In 1984, Dave designed his first digital audio-visual entrainment (AVE) device- the DAVID1. He has been researching and refining AVE, crania-electro stimulation (CES) and biofeedback technology ever since, specifically for use in treating anxiety, depression, PMS, ADD, FMS, SAD, cognition and insomnia. Dave has written a book about AVE, and is an established presenter at the Assn. for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, the Society for Neuronal Regulation and the Futurehealth Winter Brain conferences. Dave and Michael Joyce’s study on treating ADHD with AVE has just been published in the December issue of the Journal of Neurotherapy.

Workshop (tuesday)

Building the Bridge for Emotional Intelligence in the Young Child’s Life           

 Z'eva Singer

Children are often overwhelmed by life circumstances that do not match their previous experiences.  These circumstances are inevitable and include losses big and small.  There is relief when someone can acknowledge a child, at the level of his/her neurological development and understanding.  This requires “bridge building” and results in an advancement of “Intra-Personal” intelligence.  This workshop will provide a glimpse of the young child’s world and specific methods of responding to the very young, even pre-verbal child.   Some of these methods will come from the work of pioneers and their work with “Brain Gym” ©.




David Sonnenschein

How do we perceive the world and how are we affected by sound in our environment? Filmmaker, musician, sound designer and neurobiologist David Sonnenschein explores the arena of psychoacoustics with experiential demonstrations.



David Sonnenschein 

Through film clips, sound recordings and sound "sculpting", David Sonnenschein presents theory and application of the perception of sound in various areas of human experience.

Author of best-selling film book "Sound Design", he will invite the audience to participate in sound awareness experiments.


Taxonomic, Intuitive, Clinically Driven NFB

Richard Soutar, Ph.D.

Initially most NFB be was done without recourse to qEEG.  A variety of standard protocols were applied to a variety of disorders utilizing decision trees of various levels of sophistication. Some of these protocols were based on research experiments and some were based on extensive clinical experience.  There is presently still considerable controversy regarding whether NFB should be done in this manner without recourse to a brainmap.  Recently the Othmers have developed a new set of robust protocols that have taken the symptomologically driven decision tree approach to a new level of sophistication.  Utilizing qEEG analysis, this approach will be evaluated by comparing changes in clients first treated with standard neurometrically driven protocols and then treated with the Othmer protocols. 


WS   Is the Gabor Function What Ava Did Well?

The Application of Non-linear Dynamics to Enhance Protocol Design

Valdeen Brown, Ph.D. & Richard Soutar, Ph.D.

For many NFB therapists Non-linear dynamics is an esoteric topic that seems to have little relevance when it comes to clinical applications, yet many authorities in the field indicate that it is likely the most effective model for analysis of EEG activity in the brain.  This workshop is designed (for clinicians) to explain in non-technical terms the basics of this theoretical approach and show how it can be harnessed to better understand the dynamics of NFB training and improve interventions.


A qEEG Analysis of Single Channel Bipolar Montage Temporal Lobe Training For Cortical Instabilities

Richard Soutar 

An innovative form of training has recently emerged in NFB and is being used by many key therapists and instructors.  This protocol appears to be especially useful with cortical instabilities.  Sue & Sigfried Othmer have proposed that cortical instability be considered another primary category of EEG disorder in contrast to hyperarousal and hypoarousal.  Many clinicians have found this category of phenomena difficult to treat, but are finding considerable success with this new approach.  This presentation will briefly review several case studies of pre and post treatment with this protocol and compare it to more conventional qEEG approaches utilizing qEEG and LORETA analysis.
Cycles, Spirals, and Resonances:
The Reflection of Human Behavior in Neocortical Dynamics.  Workshop
By Richard Soutar, Ph.D.
A picture is emerging from the research of Richard Davidson, Paul Ekman, Daniel Goleman,  Joseph Le Doux, and Jeffrey Schwartz which mirrors and supports the work of ancient navigators of consciousness.  As a modern culture we are beginning to develop a scientific language that explains the experiences and teaching of these traditional modes of human transformation and transcendence.  Some of the new research suggests new ways of understanding and framing human suffering and how to deal with it utilizing modern scientific technological tools, especially when it is integrated with Beck’s cognitive theories, Berger and Luckman’s “social construction of reality” theories, and Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis.   Neurofeedback provides a precision instrument for operationalizing, measuring and deploying this new understanding when used in conjunction with an experiential insight of the ancient principles.  The implication of application of this approach for clinical purposes is profound and already being documented in research centers such as UCLA as well as in private clinics around the country.  Reviewing recent research in neuropsychology, psychology, and sociology as well as ancient sources such as Patanjali, Plotinus, and the Dhammapada these principles will be elucidated and integrated with neurofeedback technology and then explicated through case studies. 
1. Chaos, Periodicity, and Geometric Solutions
2. Consciousness engages the brain and mind emerges.
3.  The Spiral Pattern of Engagement
4.  The Periodicity of Engagement
5.  Energizing the Cycles with Consciousness Through Attentional Networks
6.  Attachment, Cycle Intensity, and Bondage/Suffering- Karma
7.  Conditioning and Extinction in the Amygdala and Associated Neural Networks
8.  Latency Periods and Shifting to Alter Periods (attractor states)
A Colourful Look at the Brain
Beverly Steffert
For many years since Helen Irlen in California discovered that tinted overlays seemed to stabilise print for visual Dyslexics there have been argujments over subjectivity of the assessment prescribing the colour of the overlays or lenses as well as the efficacy of them. So we  did a Q on 40 children who had been diagnosed by an opthamlologist as visual Dyslexics,  which revealed an alpha peak attenuation when wearing the coloured lenses across occiptal-temporal-parietal areas. In other words without the lenses their brains were in "idle mode", hardly conducive for reading  - which is why they couldn't!
The next question then became why, what does colour do to the brain. I will attempt to answer this in terms of the colour areas of the brain and also contrast the problems of visual Dyslexics with those of phonological Dyslexics. Although quite different sensory modes,  they both contribute to reading and may have similar underlying causative factors.
Title: Effect of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback on Batting Performance in Baseball
Benjamin W. Strack, Ph.D.
Professional Affiliation: California School of Professional Psychology - San Diego
Home Address: 305 Monte Vista Ave.
    Costa Mesa, CA. 92627
 abstract: The anxiety/arousal-performance relationship is one of the most widely researched areas in sport psychology. Although great strides have been made in the past few decades, the models that attempt to predict and explain the relationship and the interventions that have been developed and used in an attempt to regulate anxiety and arousal for performance enhancement need further validation. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the effects of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback on batting performance in baseball. Forty-three varsity level high school baseball players participated in the study. Participants engaged in a competitive batting contest and a six-week biofeedback training protocol. Physiological stress profiles were conducted and participants were measured on batting performance scores and self-reports of state anxiety (CSAI-2), flow (FSS-2) and a visual analog scale (VAS) of how well the baseball was tracked visually.

Results showed that participants who received training in HRV biofeedback improved significantly more in batting performance than control participants. In addition, batting performance percent improvement by group was calculated with the HRV biofeedback group showing a 60% improvement compared to a 21% improvement for the control group. Training participants also significantly increased the percent of total low frequency (LF) power in the heart rate spectrum. Predictions made for the VAS and subscales on the CSAI-2 were not confirmed. Partial support was found for the occurrence of the subjective state of flow. Results highlight the potential benefits of HRV biofeedback for performance enhancement with athletes. Implications for expanding current theory on the arousal/anxiety-performance relationship are discussed.Key words: Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback, Baseball, Flow, Performance Enhancement, anxiety/arousal and competitive sport


 WS Performance Enhancement for Athletes
Ben Strack, Ph.D. & Michael Linden, Ph.D.
Mission Psychological Consultants
Biofeedback and EEG Neurofeedback have been used to enhance performance in sports for the past decade.  This workshop will present Biofeedback and Neurofeedback strategies and protocols to enhance sports performance.
Participants will learn how to integrate Heart Rate Variability (HRV), GSR and EMG  biofeedback training with sports consultations with athletes. Specific strategies on teaching athletes to increase Low Frequency activity in the HR spectrum while using paced breathing and RSA training will be presented.  We will explain how cognitive restructuring is used to eliminate “stinkin thinking” and enhance the “quiet mind”.  Pitfalls and barriers to successful use of HRV training (by catering to individual needs of each athlete) will be reviewed. 
This workshop will also discuss the use of EEG Neurofeedback for peak performance with athletes.  The use of QEEGs to guide Neurofeedback will be presented.  Protocol selection and performance monitoring will be reviewed.
Paul Swingle
Patient records will be scrutinized to provide step-by-step procedures for the neurotherapeutic treatment of a wide variety of disorders.  The problems of artifacts that compromise treatment will be examined.  Complementary treatments that potentiate neurotherapy will be discussed in detail so that participants can incorporate these procedures in their practices.
Paul Swingle
When clients present for treatment, the major focus of diagnostic procedures is not to validate the complaint nor to offer diagnostic labels.  Rather the purpose is to isolate the neurological specificity of the complaint.  In the case of ADD, for example, questionnaires, continuous performance tests, rating scales and the like are largely irrelevant because data from these sources offer little information that influence therapeutic decisions.  Further, long intakes imply long treatment so only therapeutically relevant data should be obtained.  The QUICKQ is a very rapid 5 site protocol that provides remarkably accurate assessment of problems for which the client seeks treatment. 
The efficiency of the QUICKQ permits treatment to commence often in the first visit but more importantly the client leaves the assessment session with the conviction that the neurotherapist has a genuine and unique understanding of their psychophysiological state.
In addition to reviewing the QUICKQ, efficient treatment strategies based on the assessment are presented.  These protocols will include many effective treatments that are complimentary to neurotherapy.
Paul Swingle
Clients presenting with sequella of traumatic stress often benefit from emotional release techniques in conjunction with Alpha/Theta training.  Cases involving emotional release techniques including somatoemotional release, OEI, EMDR, and hypnosis will be reviewed showing the synergy with neurotherapy.
The additional workshop information is as follows:
    -First 80 minutes:  The QuickQ procedure
    -Break 15 minutes
    -Second 80 minutes:  Cases showing diagnostic             probes indicated by the QuickQ statistics.
Learning Objectives
        1.  Identify brain signatures for trauma.
        2.  Discriminate multiple varieties of attention                 problems.
        3.  Learn treatment protocols indicated by the                 QuickQ.
        4.  Learn when to proceed to full QEEG.



Workshop: Adding Peak Performance Techniques to your practice!
Introducing An Integrated Program to Enhance Performance in the Workplace, Academics, Sports and the Performing Arts.
Instructor:  Rae Tattenbaum, MSW, BCIA Certified in Neurofeedback
Course Content.  Whether their area of excellence is business, sports or the performing arts, peak performers share an important characteristic.  They are able to enter a state where they are totally focused on what they do.  They have learned to bring themselves to a place that combines mental clarity and sustained energy with a sense of inner calm and active engagement.  Virtually everyone experiences these “moments of flow” at some point in their lives.  Peak performers learn how to access them when they need to, whether they are performing before a live audience, closing an important deal, helping a troubled patient or merely playing a game of golf with a friend.
Participants in this two-day workshop will learn the techniques necessary for achieving optimum personal performance, both for themselves and for those they counsel or coach.  Among the topics to be covered are: the characteristics of flow and the performance state; personal impediments to performance; the clinical role versus the coaching role; achieving physiological balance through relaxation techniques, biofeedback, meditation and open focus; the use of neurofeedback; cognitive approaches; the “inner journey”; mental imagery and the role of the coach.
This workshop is of particular value to coaches and personal trainers, as well as to neurofeedback practitioners and therapists who wish to see their clients move to the “next level” of functioning.
Instructor.  Rae Tattenbaum is a licensed social worker.  Along with an MSW from the Columbia School of Social Work, she has an undergraduate degree in theater arts and extensive experience in both the theater and business worlds.  Ms. Tattenbaum’s experience in senior executive positions with companies such as Northern Telecom and Nortel enables her to understand the need for business executives to learn how to best manage their energy and resources.  More recently, she has become well known, both as a personal coach for artists and athletes and as one of the leading instructors in peak performance techniques.

 Plenary: "Send In The Clowns"

Rae Tattenbaum
Performers continued struggled to stay at their best. Rae Tattenbaum drawing upon her seven years of experience with performers will present the obstacles that continue to face the peak performer ranging from facing an economic downturn or personal problems. How do we continue to provide support and help the client thru what becomes a crisis of their spirit?

“Just behind Your Eyes” 
Creating Mental Imagery and Rehearsal (Two Hours)
Rae Tattenbaum
Overview of Mental Imagery
Dialogue With the Client
            How and When Used
            Are the Images Moving?
            Holding on to the Image!
Getting Started
            Relaxation Procedures
            Safe Place
Confidence Exercise
Imaging the Event
Event Rituals




 Robert Thatcher 

  How to Automatically Eliminate artifact and how to measure the test re-test Reliability and the Quality of EEG recordings. How to re-montage to average reference and current source density and linked ears and bipolar montages by mouse clicks, how to identify medication effects and to eliminate the influence of medications and how to detect focal deviations from normal. How to use dynamic normative database comparisons to linked ears, average reference, current source density in the eyes open and closed conditions. How to export to LORETA and to produce 3-dimensional source localization images. How to interpret EEG coherence and EEG phase and other network dynamics of the brain. How to statistically compare pre-treatment EEG to post-treatment EEG and to produce color topographic maps of t-test results. How to evaluate the variance of the EEG in the time domain and in the frequency domain to determine deviations from normal with respect to the variability of the EEG.  


Asperger’s & ADD; Differences and Similarities- Preliminary Observations

Lynda Thompson & Michael Thompson


Asperger’s Syndrome lies along the autistic spectrum but does not have the language delays that are characteristic of autism (pervasive developmental disorder, PDD). Core symptoms are “characterized by the triad of impairments of social interaction, communication, and imagination associated with a narrow range of repetitive activities.” (Wing, 2001). Delayed language is characteristic of the autistic child (pervasive developmental disorder, PDD) but is  not characteristic of AS. They want to have social interactions but lack the social graces to do it appropriately. The Asperger’s child will often present like a little professor with extensive knowledge in their area of interest. These children also often exhibit all the classic symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder including inattention and distractibility when asked to do tasks that they find boring or irrelevant.

 Preliminary observations concerning the EEG in Asperger’s appears to be showing slowing (theta and alpha) in the right parietal and temporal areas (P4, T6) and, at times, frontally at F3 and F4. There are also findings of comodulation (spectral correlation) differences including hyper-comodulation between P4, C4 and F4  and a comodulation ‘disconnect’ between the right cerebral hemisphere sites and the left frontal area.  However, these children also show the characteristic patterns seen in ADD with slowing at C3, Cz and C4, and/or at F3 and Fz with a ‘dip’ in 13-15 Hz (SMR)  across the central region (C3, Cz and C4).

 Clinically the children with ADD appear to have somewhat different patterns on intellectual and academic testing. While the Asperger’s group often show excellent verbal and reading capacities (left hemisphere strengths), they tend to have symptoms of non-verbal learning disabilities (right hemisphere problems). The ADD children, on the other hand, may perform well on non-verbal performance tasks but demonstrate increased incidence of preschool speech disorders (Love & Thompson) and reading difficulties in the early school years.

 The amygdala, orbital and medial prefrontal cortex, medial and temporal areas and the thalamus are all involved in the process of attaching emotional significance to stimuli and are most likely of central importance in understanding the autistic spectrum disorders (Schulz, 2000). Temporal lobe dysfunction has been found (Boddaert, 2002). Neurophysiologically the medial and basal zones of the cerebral hemispheres are critical in the emotional aspects of social interactions; the ventromedial prefrontal region is important in learning concerning social interactions and the lateral nucleus of the amygdala is critical in assigning emotional valance to events. The central nuclei of the amygdala are more involved in emotional expressions including flight or fight responses. Dysfunction in the interconnections between the orbital and medial wall of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, and/or dysfunction in the lateral and central nuclei of the amygdala, may therefore lie at the root of some of the difficulties encountered in the autistic spectrum disorders.  Of importance to NFB practitioners, however, are the aprosodia symptoms and their correspondence to EEG patterns seen on assessment. High right frontal slow wave activity is consistent with flat, monotone speech and inappropriate intonation (motor aprosodia – note correspondence to Broca’s aphasia with damage to this area in the left hemisphere.)

High slow wave activity in right parietal-temporal area is consistent with inability to interpret social cues, inuendo and emotions (sensory aprosodia – note correspondence to Wernicke’s aphasia with damage to this area in the left hemisphere).

 It is postulated that in ADD there is reduced dopamine in the fronto-mesolimbic system in the left hemisphere. The type of cognitive processing which is affected and deficient is that which requires slow, serial effort. In the right hemisphere differences from normal may relate to excessive locus coeruleus norepinephrine production and thus excess noradrenergic stimulation to the right cerebral hemisphere. This may in part account for people with ADD seeming to have automatic processing which is fast and simultaneous.  This style of attention is biased towards novelty and change. (Note that persons with AS, in contrast to AD, dislike novelty and change.) Overactivation of the noradrenergic system in the right hemisphere is also associcated with extroversion and impulsivity (Tucker, 1984).

 Both Asperger’s and ADD may be associated with anxiety. In Asperger’s, however, anxiety in social situations where they are unsure of how to behave appears to be at the core of their difficulties. In ADD, on the other hand, mild to moderate anxiety may be a protective factor that can result in the child doing well academically and not acting out in an oppositional and defiant manner.


Chart reviews on more than 100 clients with ADD have been reported by the authors previously (Thompson, 1998)  The charts for more than 50 clients with AS, age five to fifty-one, are being reviewed to check EEG patterns and to determine if these clients have benefited from neurofeedback training to the same extent as ADD clients did. Information on all clients includes EEG assessments, medication status, parent questionnaires, clinical observations, IQ testing, continuous performance tests and academic measures. Training parameters were based on client’s symptom picture, EEG pattern, and knowledge of cortical functions. The most frequent intervention for both groups of clients was to decrease the client’s dominant slow wave frequencies while enhancing 12-15 Hz or 13-15 Hz activity with placement at Cz or C4 referenced to the right or the left ear respectively. With the Asperger’s group, when full cap assessments showed excessive slow wave activity at other locations (P4, T6, FZ, F3, Fp1) these sites were also used. Coaching in metacognitive strategies was done as appropriate for academic levels.



EEG patterns of the Asperger’s group resembled ADD patterns in the central areas but amplitudes tended to be more extreme. Excess slow wave activity in either the delta through theta range or excess alpha activity were found in both groups. In the Asperger’s group the peaks at 7 Hz had the morphology of paediatric alpha. Full cap assessments showed slowing (excessive low alpha, 8 to 10 Hz.) in the right parietal region (P4) and some slowing at T6.  There was high amplitude theta at FP1, F3, Fz and Cz.   There were also differences in coherence and comodulation.


ADD training usually took between 40 and 60 sessions. In the Asperger’s group, sometimes more than 100 sessions was necessary. In both groups NFB training consistently produced a decrease in theta/beta ratio with the clearest change being an increase in SMR.   IQ increases of about 10 points were found. TOVA data were inconsistent with the Asperger’s children. This may be due to their anxiety and willingness to follow instructions precisely resulting in them often scoring well even prior to training. In both groups social interactions improved. In the Asperger’s group the children went from having no friends to initiating and maintaining some peer friendships. The largest improvements were in those who received > 80 sessions.



There is overlap in symptoms and overlap in EEG differences observed in clients with ADD and AS. These findings provide a rationale for using neurofeedback. In both groups excess slow wave activity corresponds to being more in their own world;  low SMR  is consistent with fidgety and impulsive behaviour and also with the tactile sensitivity exhibited by many; high left prefrontal and frontal slow wave activity is consistent with lack of appropriate inhibition. In AS high slow wave activity in right parietal-temporal area is consistent with inability to interpret social cues and emotions. Improved social interaction found in conjunction with EEG shifts makes sense: more activation means more alert to the outside world and thus better able to benefit from socialization efforts. The positive results support neurofeedback as an intervention in Asperger’s syndrome. In future we may find ways to make the training in AS more efficient perhaps through the application of comodulation training.



Attwood, Tony ( 1997) Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications.

Boddaert, N., Chabane, N., (2002) Temporal Lobe dysfunction in childhood autism: J. Radiol Dec. 83 1829-33

Love, A.J.; Thompson, M.G.G.; Language Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorders in a Child Psychiatric Outpatient Population, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58(1), January 1988.

Malone, M.A., Kershner, J.R., Swanson J.M. (1994). Hemispheric Processing and Methylphenidate Effects in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Child Neurology,  9( 2), 181-189.

Pavlakis, Frank Y. (2001) Brain imaging in neurobehavioral disorders. Review, Paediatric Neurology. 25(4): 278-287, Oct.

Schultz, Robert T., Romanski, Lizabeth M., Tsatsanis, Katherine D. (2000) Neurofunctional Models of Autistic Disorder and Asperger Syndrome, Clues from Neuroimaging. In Asperger Syndrome edited by Ami Klin, Fred R. Volkmar, Sara S. Sparrow. New York: Guilford Press.

Thompson L., Thompson M., (1998), Neurofeedback Combined with Training in Metacognitive Strategies: Effectiveness in Students with ADD. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback,  23, ( 4), 243-263.

Sincerely yours, 

Lynda Thompson, Ph.D.,  C.Psych.

Executive Director

Anxiety and HEG
Hershel Toomim & Robert Joneson
Abstract 1:
Seven resolved Anxiety Case Reports with before and after QEEG and Loreta studies will be presented by Robert Jonelson .
Training with HEG was given at Fp1, Fp2, and Fpz for 10 minutes at each of 30 sessions.
 After 30 sessions all cases were in complete recession
This is the first report where HEG affects a mental state usually relegated to EEG or  psychotherapy.  This clear experience with a system having a demonstrated physiological basis led to the possibility that there was an underlying genetic or acquired physiological complex making one prone to these devastating experiences.
Abstract 2:
Successful training of Anxiety with HEG led to the following reasoning:
Anxiety, resulting from amygdala activation, has evolutionary advantages in rapidly preparing the individual for flight or fight in threatening situations. A brain excitatory exceptionally fast pathway has been found from the striatum that reaches the amygdala via the special branch of Broca.  Another inhibitory pathway traverses the cortex before reaching the amygdala and is slower. This second pathway is inhibitory

The normal expectation is thought (cortical activity) can subdue the anxiety response if the pathway for negation to the amygdala is fast and strong enough to limit the nor epinephrine release that activates the uncontrolled response.
The timing and strength of left prefrontal response to a sudden stimulus relative to the response of the right prefrontal cortical response will be greater and more rapid for anxiety free individuals than for the victims of anxiety attacks
Measuring the strength and timing of the left prefrontal response relative to the right prefrontal emotional response can test this.  Computer graphics show a typical case for a high anxiety client as contrasted to a more normal response.
Measurement with a dual HEG headband makes rapid simultaneous recording of these responses convenient..   The response to a sudden unexpected impact is clearly shown by the ratio of these two responses. The magnitude and timing of all three responses can be examined pixel by pixel of the saved recording
This is a preliminary presentation opening a possible pathway for analysis and training anxiety prone individuals toward more controlled responses.  


Workshop Title:

Clinical Cerebral Blood Flow Neurofeedback Workshop
Hershel Toomim
The workshop develops ability to use Hemoencephalography (HEG) as a treatment for brain dysfunctions characterized by insufficient brain blood flow.
Course Description
The workshop teaches use of  EEG, SPECT, TOVA, MicroCog, and a Questionnaire to select relevant brain areas for training.
Attendees will learn:
            Relationship between EEG and HEG
            Objective tests of progress and their interpretation
            Use of objective and behavioral measures of blood flow to determine training       positions
Attendees will experience HEG treatment (hands on)
Who Should Take This Course
The Blood Flow Workshop is designed for practitioners of the Neurofeedback art
Course Objectives
The workshop will present the history of HEG with identification of major contributors. Attendees will learn:
(1)   The simplicity and advantages of HEG neurofeedback
(2)   To use HEG equipment
(3)   To use cerebral studies for locating treatment sites
(4)   To evaluate limitations on HEG placement 
(5)   Use of objective tests assessment of client progress.
Brief biographical sketch for each presenter
Hershel Toomim Sc.D.
6542 Hayes Drive
Los Angeles 90048 CA.
Affilliation :     Biocomp Research Institute – President 1969 to present
Education: B.S.E.E. University of Illinois 1945; Sc.D. Union University 1977
            Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary Society, University of Illinois 1937
            Sigma Xi Honorary Research Society, University of Illinois 1939
            Sc.D. Honorary advanced degree, Union University 1977
      Director Biofeedback Society of California 1974

Choose the answer that most thoroughly covers the subject.
1.         What tests would you use to determine if your client is ADD ?
A.        T.O.V.A.
B.        Blood Flow Graph
C.        MicroCog Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
                        D         Patient  History
                        E.         All of the above
            Answer E
2.         How would you evaluate progress in Cerebral Oxygenation Blood Flow Therapy ?
A.        Maintain a session by session graph of incoming blood flow                     
B.        Evaluate Brain Map each 10 sessions
C.        Assess Cognitive functioning after each 10 sessions
D.        Assess T.O.V.A. after each 10 sessions
E.         A and B
F.         C and D
            Answer F
3          What artifacts limit EEG therapy which are no longer present in Cerebral Oxygenation Blood Flow Therapy?
A..       Eye movement artifact in EEG prefrontal cortex training
B.        Electrode to skin impedance makes EEG susceptible to movement artifact
C.        Electrode to skin impedance makes EEG susceptible to 60 Hz interference
D.        Muscle contraction artifact must be guarded against in EEG therapy
E.            All of the above
            Answer E
4.         What is the best correlation between EEG Therapy and Cerebral Oxygenation Blood Flow Therapy?
A.        The Beta to Theta ratio varies with cerebral blood flow.
B.        Excessive Theta levels correlate with low blood perfusion
C.        Excessive Theta levels correlate with high blood flow
D.        Excessive Beta levels correlate with high blood flow
Answer A
5.         What instrument is used in Oxygenation Blood Flow Therapy?
A.        The near infrared spectrophotometer
B.                 Far infrared Spectrophotometer
C.                 Far Infrared thermometer
D.                Audio Visual Flashing light instrument
E.                 A., B., or C.
F.                  All of the above
G.                Nono of the above
H.                C. and D.
Answer            E.
6.         Ambient interior light artifact should be avoided because it…      
                        A.          Makes readings unstable
                        B.          Causes increased blood flow readings
C.                    Causes undulating blood flow readings
D.                    All of the above if poor skin contact  through hair exists.
E.                     A., B., C., and D. if light leaks into the headband skin surface
                                F.               Has no effect on the HEG signal
 Answer E.
7.           The internal cover on the headband is designed to
                        A.        Strengthen the headband
                        B.        Block ambient light
                        C.        Block extracerebral light crosstalk
                        D.        None of the above
E.                 Make a convenient mount for the optodes
Answer C.
8. The most significant signs of patient fatigue are:
                        A.        Drop in HEG signal lasting for more than 2 minutes.         
                        B.        Drop in indicated HEG signal
                        C.        Patient complaint
D.                Any of the above.
E.                 A. or C. above
Answer E.
9.           What do repeating undulating readings signify?
                        A.        Eye blink artifact
                        B.        Excess theta
                        C.        Heart beats
                        D.        A or B
F.                  Poor ground skin contact and weak signal.
G.                Ambient artificial light leakage
H.                E. or F.
Answer G. 
10.                 HEG treatment is aided by…
A.                 Thinking pleasant thoughts
B.                  Relaxing
C.                 Internalizing the feedback sound
D.                Keeping the feedback objective
Answer C.

Exbamination Key.
1. E.                             6. E.
2. F.                             7. C.
3. E                              8. E.
4. A.                            9. G.
5. E.    

Plenary Title:You can be an Author.

Presenter: David L. Trudeau, MD


Introduction: Busy practitioners have a wealth of clinical data collected in their practices. Although case reports and case series from such practices are often reported at meetings such as this, many are not reported and few make it into print.

Method: Examples will be given where inexperienced clinician authors have successfully published in peer reviewed journals. Specific pointers on authoring case series, case studies, data review for observational studies and participating in larger randomized controlled studies will be discussed.  Resources for mentoring and collaboration by published authors will be presented.

Findings: Clinicians can be successful authors.

Discussion: The authored peer reviewed contributions from clinicians can be an important contribution to the literature on the clinical science of neurotherapy


Foundations of Neurofeedback: 8 Functions of the Brain Trainer

Peter Van Deusen

A practical overview of the jobs a successful trainer must perform to achieve consistent success; these range from technical skills to management of the training process.


Talk: Brain-Based Training Plan without QEEG

Peter Van Deusen

Using simple, readily available 2-channel hardware and software, trainers can perform a broad assessment of brain function and activation patterns in less than an hour. Using free forms that work in Microsoft Excel, the assessment provides multiple views of the brain and guidance in answering the two key questions of training: where do I put the leads and what do I train up or down? The talk will show samples of the assessment and discuss the concept of training planning.


Beyond Amplitude Training: A practical guide to new options

New software packages have brought training options into the reach of all trainers which allow expansion of the more traditional amplitude-based training options (e.g. theta down, beta up). It is not necessary to understand chaos theory or advanced math to be able to implement these options in a general neurofeedback practice. This talk will present the potential benefits of these alternatives, limitations of pure amplitude-based approaches and some of the contra-indications to such approaches as coherence, phase, ratio/percent, peak frequency, sum-channel and variance training.

4 hr workshop: Getting the Most from BioExplorer
Peter Van Deusen
This workshop will orient participants to using BioExplorer software to perform assessments and training sessions, record and review training sessions and change training parameters during the session, including thresholds and feedback.  It will demonstrate a variety of training capabilities, including binaural beats, ratio or percent training, peak frequency, coherence, phase, symmetry and squash protocols as well as the standard amplitude-based protocols.
Those with laptops are welcome to bring them and practice along with the trainer.  Information on protocol packages and video files will also be provided.
3.  AGENDA:  Attach a detailed description of what you will do during the time allotted.  Please indicate time for all segments, including breaks and meals.
Hour 1:  File structure and screen elements in BioExplorer; installation and the dongle, demonstration of an assessment done on BioExplorer.
Hour 2:  Running a session (using playback and record functions) to demonstrate changing thresholds, sound and video feedback, power spectrum and waveform displays.  Also covers use of dual monitors.
Hour 3: Reviewing session results, including use of BioReview, in graph and table format; changing the resolution of the graph, adding and deleting signals and frequencies and setting up new reports.
Hour 4:  Setting up designs and/or revising templates, including an overview of the flow-charting system, the Signal Diagram and the various objects and their connections.
4.  LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  List 3-5 learning objectives.  Format as what participants will be able to DO after the session, not what the presenter intends to COVER during the session.  Begin each objective with a verb from the attached list of behavioral verbs.
1.        Perform and record a training session in BioExplorer software;
2.       Revise training parameters and feedback options including thresholds;
3.       Produce graphical summaries of training sessions and output tabular data;
4.       Create a BioExplorer Design to use in training sessions;
5.       Upload and place design, media and report files;




Phillip Warren

Engaging the body's energy system accesses some of the most efficient adjunctive therapeutic modalities available since the energetic approaches both resolve psychoenergetic imbalances on their own and also they serve as powerful catalists for other interventions. The REB protocol is one of the simplist, most flexible and efficient approachs to tapping into body's energy system. It can easily be incorporated into many more traditional approaches, especially cognitive/imagery methods.

The Radiant Energies Balance (REB) protocol provides a bridge between everyday life and the higher (more spiritual) levels of existence. It provides an "elegant" solution for a wide variety of psychoenergetic problems on the physiological, psychological, and spiritual levels. The REB posture balances the Autonomic Nervous System by balancing the Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians and thus provides dramatic and rapid relief from "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Providing release from the past opens the potential for the individual to start on a more spiritual life path, facilitating movement to a "witness" and "mindfulness" orientation to life. The protocol builds on leading edge approaches from trauma/PTSD therapy and psychophysiology while incorporating approaches from several Energy/Information Psychology systems: Eden's Energy Medicine, HeartMath, EMDR, Brain Gym, Integrative States Therapy, Rapid Eye Technology, NLP, One Brain, Focusing, and Reiki.

The REB posture engages the powerful "Radiant Circuit" system which serves as a "hyper link" to all of the body's energy system. With intention, the "Radiant Circuit" system automatically corrects and balances where ever needed. The basic REB posture uses Eden's triple warmer/spleen "hug" and connects the central and governing meridians. These four meridians all have dual functions of regular meridians as well as being Radiant Circuits (curious or extra-ordinary meridians or strange flows). The protocol balances the autonomic nervous system and, from a spiritual development perspective, engages the Radiant Circuits which are the principal channels for "Yuan chi" energy which, in the Chinese model, represents ancestral energy or the energy of the soul.

I (PWW) presented the first version of this Radiant Energies Balance (REB) at the CALSCA (Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations) 2001 September conference. Subsequently I presented more recent versions at the 2002 ISSSEEM (International Society for the Study of Subtle Eneregies and Energy Medicine) June conference in Boulder CO: http://www.issseem.org/ and at the 2002 Energy Psychology convention in Toronto in November: http://www.meridianpsych.com/ I presented it at the North American (Canada and USA) convention of specialized kinesiologies in 2003 April with introductory REB training on April 9. Janet Nestor and I are scheduled to present and train at the 2004 April convention of Energy Kinesiology Organization. http://www.energyk.org

Part One: Research/Theory Background (~200 pp.)
Bibliography, references and resources (~42 pp.)
Part Two: The Balance Procedure (13 pp.)
Part Three: Additional Approaches, Other Practitioners' uses of the REB
protocol, and Resources for "The Art of Delivery" (~165 pp.)
*A Descriptive Summary of the Radiant Energies Balance (REB) (~19pp)
Eden and Feinstein "Wired for Joy" (11 pp.)
Eden and Feinstein "Triple Warmer: It's Hotter Than You Think" (4 pp.)
Feinstein and Eden "The Meridians and the Emotions: Why Energy Psychology
Can Go Where Joseph Wolpe Never Dreamed" (10 pp.)
Andrade and Feinstein "Energy psychology: theory, indications, evidence" (15 pp.)


Plenary talk: “How Old is Too Old forNeurofeedback?

Nancy E. White, Ph.D. – Bio

Dr. Nancy White, a licensed psychologist, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Sex Therapist, stands as one of the original clinical practitioners of Neurotherapy.  She is founder and Clinical Director of The Enhancement Institute in Houston, Texas. Dr. White is a Diplomate in Neurotherapy, a Quantitative EEG Diplomate, a Fellow of the International Society for Neuronal Regulation and a consulting editor for the Journal of Neurotherapy. She is author of a number of groundbreaking articles in the field, has contributed chapters to college level texts on Neurotherapy and has presented at conferences and symposia internationally. Dr. White is listed in Who’s Who In Medicine and Health Healthcare and in Who’s Who In America.


Neurofeedback and Spiritual Crisis
2-Hour workshop By
Anna Wise
Workshop Description and 2-Hour Agenda
As the economic and political difficulties of the 21st century become more and more entrenched, people are looking increasingly for an experience of the ineffable.  Spiritual crises are escalating in frequency and stem from an expanding variety of causes.  The disparity between society’s expectation and one’s inner experience is enough in itself to cause a spiritual emergency.  Unfortunately, the prevailing social paradigm generally excludes the spirit and the soul, as well as all forms of psychic experience.
Often people undergoing an awakening will have a spiritual crisis accompanying their newfound sense of expanded awareness and god-consciousness.  The awakening of kundalini, which is becoming more and more prevalent, is often preceded or accompanied by a variety of symptoms - from seeing visions and hearing unusual sounds to feeling tingling, itching, crawling sensations, and undergoing spontaneous yoga positions.   Many of these symptoms can result in a spiritual crisis unless the individual is able to obtain appropriate and knowledgeable guidance.
Neurofeedback is not only likely to attract people in spiritual crisis, it might also uncover spiritual crisis that has not yet been identified or even stimulate it by activating certain lower frequency brainwaves.  One way to assist the client undergoing this experience is to teach conscious awakening.  This workshop will give the practitioner a framework of approach to spiritual crisis – both for short term remediation and long term training.
Proper understanding, support, and validation along with awakened mind training, neuromonitoring, energy balancing and the use of specific meditations depending on the signature brainwave pattern of the individual will be discussed.  Experiential work will include a meditation on The Expansion and Contraction of Consciousness.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
  1. Define spiritual crisis.
  1. Propose a treatment or training plan to help an individual undergoing spiritual crisis.
  1. Practice a meditation designed to help alleviate spiritual crisis.
Mind-Body Edutainment
Vietta ‘Sue’ Wilson    York University   Toronto
This session will present techniques and tools that are used in the classroom, corporations and with individuals to demonstrate, illustrate, and help the individual make a connection between the mind and body.  This is important not only for group presentation but for individuals who need awareness  in biofeedback or neuorfeedback programmes.
‘Edu’ refers to the relevance of the material to the topic being presented or discussed. ‘Tainment’ refers to the delivery in a manner that involves the participants either physically or mentally in an entertaining way.  People generally feel better and remember longer if they enjoy or become involved in the learning process. Selling ones skills is easier if past clients have learned or changed in a significant manner and have enjoyed the process.
Through the delivery of the edutainment tools and techniques seminar participants will be able to see principles of  good learning progressions, modeling,  basic motivational techniques and research information utilized in a more effective manner.
Edutainment for breathing, muscle control, mind-body affects, temperature control, perceptual interference, priming and other relevant psychophysiological principles will be presented that facilitate an ‘aha’ or awareness of mind-body interaction.
A C-D with the visual displays and a review of the edutainment exercises will be available.
Nothing Succeeds Like Success
How to Use Psychological Skill Training with Neurofeedback
Vietta E. ‘Sue’ Wilson, Ph.D.
York University
From the performance literature, nothing motivates and enhances learning faster or longer than being successful. The premise of this seminar is that when individuals engage in training in neurofeedback or biofeedback it takes a significant amount of time before the changes can be noted in their target performance or their daily lives. This seminar will focus on how clinicians can use an optimum performance model to identify areas where the client can obtain success while waiting for the effects of the biofeedback and neurofeedback training to become permanent.  Psychological knowledge and skills that can be practiced daily to enhance confidence and foster success behaviours will be presented.
Motivational interviewing
Goal Charting
            Successful self-regulation skills: energizing, relaxing, regeneration, breathing
            Successful brain regulation skills: imagery, focusing, re-focusing, re-framing
Deliberate Practice for target behaviour
Neurofeedback protocol for performance enhancement: with or without QEEG
Coordinated Coaching
Actual case histories as well as group research will be used to illustrate why specific tools or techniques were used and the strengths and weaknesses of these decisions. In particular, what and how to look for opportunities to create success or re-frame for success will be discussed.

Pain and Bleeding control by a Yogic Master While Piercing:

Psychophysiological Correlates


Erik Peper

SanFrancisco State University

Vietta E. Wilson

York University, Toronto, Canada

Mitsumasa Kawakami and Misa Sata

Institute for Research of Subconscious Psychology, Tokyo, Japan



A Yogi master was psychophysiologically monitored while he pierced his neck and tongue with skewers to demonstrate control of pain and bleeding (see Figure 1).  Measurements included respiration rate (RR), heart rate (HR), diaphragmatic and thoracic breathing, electrodermal activity (EDA) and electroencepholography (EEG) from Cz and Fz.  The Yogi reported no pain during piercing and no bleeding was observed. In general he had elevated HR and low unresponsive EDA throughout the session. His respiration rate averaged 7 bpm during the slow breathing meditation prior to and following the piercing but elevated to approximately 25 breaths per minute during piercing.  His EEG showed predominate alpha of 10 Hz during meditation. Alpha, SMR, and beta EEG elevated at Cz during piercing with no change in delta or theta. Beta EEG elevated at Fz during piercing with no changes in SMR, delta or theta EEG (see Figures 2, 3 & 4). He reported piercing and pushing the skewer through his tissue during the exhalation phase of respiration, while totally relaxing his tongue.  This demonstration and the EEG data suggest that conscious self-regulation through narrowing of attention, as opposed to disassociation, is modulated through controlling attention and inhibiting autonomic responses to painful stimuli.














Figure 1.  Demonstration of the neck and tongue piercing by the yogi, Mr. Kawakami

Figure 2.  Average EEG amplitude as recorded from Cz to linked ears as recorded during the different conditions.


Figure 3.  Average EEG amplitude as recorded from Fz to linked ears as recorded during the different conditions.


Figure 4. Power spectra of Cz and Fz with reference to linked ears during eyes closed baseline and neck piercing.


The Field of Awakened Mind Training – Defining an Emergent Specialty:

Anna Wise

Using Dynamic EEG, Meditation, and the Interrelationship of the State and the Content of Consciousness to Train Personal Mastery.


 7-hour Workshop   February 10, 2004
QEEG Hands-On        
This workshop focuses on practical skills training, especially (Part I)  for practitioners just beginning to or planning to conduct quantitative EEG independently and/or  (Part II) for those who would like first-hand experience using a database, from setting up the hardware, running the software, hooking up electrodes, collecting data, to making sense of the data with or without a reference/normative database.
Part I
1.       Electrodes placement with and without cap
2.       Placement/monitoring of artifact electrodes and artifact channels
3.       QEEG instrumentation
4.       QEEG data collection
Part II
5.       QEEG data editing practice and issues
6.       Mapping without reference database
7.       Choosing a normative database
8.       Database interpretation
9.       Multiple databases: Issues and implications
10.    Case interpretation and protocol design
Two –Hour Workshop     
Tools, Gears, and Paraphernalia in QEEG
This Workshop focuses primarily on QEEG hardware. Beginning with the historic, heavy-duty hospital grade and pioneering brain electrical activity mapping equipment, to the latest 128 channels powerhouse, to some desktop A/C versions that range from 19 to 32 channels, followed by the more recent battery operated, truly portable laptop based, almost wearable versions. Will also review the necessary accessories such as caps, electrodes, headbox, etc. that are necessary  data collection.
Topic for “Foundations of QEEG”
The Role of QEEG in Neurofeedback
Among others, quantitative EEG, with or without topographic brain mapping, ascertains the brain status prior to training, facilitates training/treatment protocol design and pre-post treatment comparisons. However, there are issues from hardware, software to different processing approaches that could change the dynamics or interpretation of the QEEG, especially with regard to reference or normative databases. Furthermore,  what do you train when the QEEG is “within normal limits” ?  Is deviancy less than 2 standard deviation normal ? These and related issues will be addressed.
Plenary Topic
Treatment without Stigma: Does your hand have equal length fingers ?
       K. H. Wong, PhD, BCIAC, BCIA-EEG, ECNS-QEEG
 For a client who is seeking peak performance training, how would each of the following practitioners’ approach be different ?
    A solo practitioner who works primarily in the area of peripheral 
    One who specializes only in neurofeedback;
    A psychologist or mental health practitioner who has a broad scope of or eclectic practice in a multidisciplinary setting; or
    A medical professional such as a neurologist or neuopsychiatrist who is also competent in QEEG and neurofeedback.
      What are the implications ?
Director, QEEG and Neurotherapy Institute        www.neurotherapy.org
For over 20 years, Dr. Wong has focused his research and clinical interests on neurorehabilitation, behavioral medicine, peripheral and EEG biofeedback, working with TBI, CVA, ADHD/ LD/DD, stress, chronic pain, addictions, seizure clients,  including teaching at university/colleges, and presenting at conferences. He is a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania, a BCIA Fellow/Associate Fellow and a Diplomate in EEG biofeedback. He is board-certified by the EEG & Clinical Neuroscience Society in EEG, Quantitative EEG and Neurophysiology.

Between 1994-96 he completed fellowship in QEEG/ EEG/ Neurophysiology at Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, under the supervision of Drs. Frank Duffy and Gloria McAnulty, with clinical training in behavioral medicine from Dr. Herbert Benson’s team at the Mind-Body Medical Institute  in  cardiac wellness/ rehabilitation, chronic pain management, insomnia, and medical symptom reduction.

 Besides a visiting fellowship in fMRI and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, he was also trained in electrode placement in a hospital setting by a team of registered EEG and experienced QEEG technologists.   Since 1995 he has been monitoring the development of QEEG as legal evidence in the courtroom. As a BCIA approved supervisor, Dr. Wong provides training, supervision/ consultation to neurotherapy practitioners on neurotherapy/QEEG and is preparing a manuscript on this subject. He is the author of an upcoming book Quantitative EEG Atlas.


Coaching Clients to Gain Confidence and Live Confidently in an Intimidating Unfriendly World

Nathaniel Zinsser PhD  Director, Performance Enhancement Program, United States Military Academy

This session will cover a curriculum for understanding the concept of functional confidence, building functional confidence through conscious thinking habits, and protecting this confidence from attack. Participants will explore definitions and misconceptions of confidence, and will learn specific thinking skills that maximize functional confidence regardless of external circumstances.



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