Ron Minson
Ron B. Minson, M.D. received his medical degree from UCLA School of Medicine and is board-certified in Psychiatry and Neurology. His general medical background includes serving as a Peace Corps physician, family physician and Medical Director of fifty physicians at a metropolitan neighborhood health center. After completing his psychiatric residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, he established a private practice. He served as Chief of Psychiatry for Presbyterian Medical Center and Director of Behavioral Sciences at Mercy Hospital in Denver. |
Plenary #292): Effects of Auditory Stimulation on Brain Function
Using clinical presentations and case studies the effects of The Dynamic Listening Therapy, based on the work of Dr Tomatis, will be presented. Cases include Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and emotional states, most notably depression. You will learn how to integrate this therapy into a successful neuro-therapy practice.
Workshop #371): Listening Therapy - Hands On Workshop
Dr. Minson will review the components of a listening protocol, explaining the physiological basis for filtration, gating, and bone conduction. Participants will then be experience listening to various types of altered music through the custom-fitted bone conduction headsets.
Plenary #292): Effects of Auditory Stimulation on Brain Function
Workshop #371): Listening Therapy - Hands On Workshop
Contact Info:
Ron Minson M.D.
5655 So. Yosemite St. #303
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
phone: 303-320-5502
cell: 303-807-5019
fax: 303-322-5550