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Tom Stone

Tom Stone

Tom Stone is an expert in the application of biophysics and changing patterns of energy in the human body. He has studied applied biophysics extensively in Europe with leading experts in the field. Tom has integrated bio-energetic testing, wave interference, and sophisticated electronic technology to be able to pinpoint and resolve the "bugs" in our inner human software. These Human Software Engineering™ techniques can be used to debug and upgrade any aspect of human life.

Tom Stone
Great Life Technologies
2445 Fifth Ave. Suite 332
San Diego, CA 92101

Plenary #374):  Exploring the Connection Between TB Miasms and ADD 

Recent research in Africa confirms a connection between tuberculosis and ADD/ADHD. If someone in your ancestry had TB it can cause a tendency for ADD in you. Due to huge TB epidemics over the centuries, about 60% of the population has this tendency. A simple 1 minute test can determine if you have it. During the conference we will be experimenting to see if there are differences in brain waves from “debugging” volunteer’s for TB miasms with a new non-invasive technique. The background and technique for testing and “debugging” for this tendency will be explained and demonstrated.




Plenary #374):  Exploring the Connection Between TB Miasms and ADD


Contact Info:

Tom Stone
2445 Fifth Ave. Suite 332
San Diego, California  92101

phone: 619-557-2700
cell: 619-318-4238

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